For All You Bean Counting RW'ers; $6+ Trillion Cost of Wars Since 2001


Old Navy Vet
Jun 25, 2012
With $4.3 Trillion in direct costs for all the wars and several trillion more in veteran benefits which increase even further each year, after the vets come home in disability benefits, et al, the debt of the US doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of going down with all of this war spending added to all the annual defense spending in the recent past and which the Orange One desires to increase at an even higher rate to "build readiness". Adding the annually recurring Defense Dept. costs over that period and that total jumps to ~ $9.88 Trillion (*). Add those two together and subtract it from the current debt level and the resulting debt might well be below $4 trillion instead of $20 trillion.

"“Every war costs money before, during and after it occurs — as governments prepare for, wage, and recover from armed conflict by replacing equipment, caring for the wounded and repairing infrastructure destroyed in the fighting,”"
~~ Report: Full cost of U.S. wars overseas approaching $6 trillion ~~

What the Hell is being done by the current administration to keep us out of further conflicts and reducing defense spending rather than unleashing the dogs of war again to simply APPEAR strong?

* ~~ U.S. military spending 2000-2016 | Statistic ~~
I never saw Obama do anything about the war, save few more costly drone strikes.

May be you should have addressed your complaints to him?
These have been wars of choice, not necessity.

Thousands of American lives lost, thousands of American limbs lost, thousands of American minds lost, thousands of American families destroyed.

And, oh yeah, a few trillion dollars that we didn't have, pissed away, for our children to deal with later.
These have been wars of choice, not necessity.

Thousands of American lives lost, thousands of American limbs lost, thousands of American minds lost, thousands of American families destroyed.

And, oh yeah, a few trillion dollars that we didn't have, pissed away, for our children to deal with later.
How else do you expect a super power to waste it's longevity?
ThoughtCrimes - You are aware that the vast majority of the federal budget goes toward Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, right? Military spending is about 15% of the overall budget.

But if military spending is what you want to hang your hat on - let's look at one of your links. Hmmm - if we use the standard that the incumbent president is responsible for the spending on his watch - it doesn't look so good for Obama's 8 years.


The tragedy here is not in the number of dollars.
ThoughtCrimes - You are aware that the vast majority of the federal budget goes toward Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, right? Military spending is about 15% of the overall budget.

But if military spending is what you want to hang your hat on - let's look at one of your links. Hmmm - if we use the standard that the incumbent president is responsible for the spending on his watch - it doesn't look so good for Obama's 8 years.

The tragedy here is not in the number of dollars.

ThoughtCrimes - You are aware that the vast majority of the federal budget goes toward Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, right? Military spending is about 15% of the overall budget.
Does a bear shit in the woods, or does a hog have a rooter? Are you aware of what the bleeding topic of this post is? It sure as Hell isn't about Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security! You can start your own thread about them if you wish!

This thread is about about how defense and war spending have contributed to the US debt since 2001 with the advent of perpetual war whereas your off-topic subjects of expenditures for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security certainly may touch those pertinent and bounded subjects in the OP ONLY tangentially if at all. I can't begin to believe that went over your head!
But if military spending is what you want to hang your hat on - let's look at one of your links.
You couldn't deduce that from the OP? Really?
Hmmm - if we use the standard that the incumbent president is responsible for the spending on his watch - it doesn't look so good for Obama's 8 years.
Do you get ALL of your exercise jumping to conclusions without any analysis of data presented? Did that graph represent the term of a single president or the terms of two? Did that graph represent the period of a single Congress or the period of eight? Did that graph cover the period of a single ended conflict from start to finish with a single defense budget or did it cover multiple continuing conflicts over 17 years? You conclusion doesn't even come close to being relevant to the OP!
The tragedy here is not in the number of dollars.
To some minor degree you are correct. The tragedy is your misinterpretation of the OP!

The graph covers the terms of both Bush 43 and Obama. They both screwed the pouch with Bush setting the table for a head start to failure by the following administration, and both were culpable for their own rolls in their own errors, but THAT IS NOT THE POINT OF THIS THREAD EITHER!

This thread is focused at the COSTS in blood and treasure resulting from meandering perpetual wars that are in their 18th year. Can you see that now? If you can't stay on topic STFU and go elsewhere to post your bloody drivel!
I never saw Obama do anything about the war, save few more costly drone strikes.

May be you should have addressed your complaints to him?

Other than bring Iraq war to an end . And pulled us back more from Afghan .
How about a war tax? We can’t even pass a war tax to pay for all this?
Does a bear shit in the woods....

Not an expert on bear doodoo, but the aroma of male bovine excrement is unmistakable. :wink_2:

This thread is about about how defense and war spending have contributed to the US debt since 2001 with the advent of perpetual war...

I know precisely what this thread is about - your use of the phrase 'Orange One' along with the 'What the Hell is being done by the current administration...' rant comes through loud and clear. Is this a sudden concern on your part - or were you just as 'demanding' of the previous administration?

Do you get ALL of your exercise jumping to conclusions without any analysis of data presented? Did that graph represent the term of a single president or the terms of two? Did that graph represent the period of a single Congress or the period of eight? Did that graph cover the period of a single ended conflict from start to finish with a single defense budget or did it cover multiple continuing conflicts over 17 years? You conclusion doesn't even come close to being relevant to the OP!.

Responding to you doesn't burn enough calories to counter a wee taste of unsweetened chocolate. The graph came from your link - and covers the time period you chose.

This thread is focused at the COSTS in blood and treasure resulting from meandering perpetual wars that are in their 18th year. Can you see that now? If you can't stay on topic STFU and go elsewhere to post your bloody drivel!

With a thread title - For All You Bean Counting RW'ers; $6+ Trillion Cost of Wars Since 2001...reads like it's focused on money, don't you agree?. (no doubt RW'ers is a term of endearment?) Anywhoo, since dollars are the focus - let's focus on them.

Your math is wrong. As you can see, there is a baseline to defense spending - spending that would occur wars or not. It does cut off before Obama's last two his figures may change. The only way to make your math add up would be to eliminate defense spending entirely - an unrealistic goal.


Now that that's cleared up (you can thank me later) - let's talk about the cost in blood - on another thread. The sacrifices made by our men in uniform deserve a better thread than this one.
You can thank Obama for Un-Constitutionally, without Congressional approval, dragging the US into 2 wars in which we did / have aided terrorists.
Every war in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. The U.S. was practically bankrupt after WW2 and yet the FDR/Truman administration appropriated enough money, calling it the Marshall plan, to rebuild Europe at U.S. taxpayer expense. How did that work out?
Yes, many conservatives recognize that George W. Bush was the only president worse than Obama.

Yes, many conservatives, like myself, voted for Obama hoping that at the very least these foreign wars would be ended.

Yes, many conservatives, like myself, noticed that this hope was not only upheld but worsened under Obama.

Yes, many conservatives, like myself, notice that Bush endorsed and voted for Hillary.

Yes, Bush was a RHINO who expanded government domestically and foreign moreso than any liberal president before him, and Obama put it on steroids.

Yes, many conservatives would have preferred 24 years of Bill Clinton rather than 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama.
Does a bear shit in the woods....

Not an expert on bear doodoo, but the aroma of male bovine excrement is unmistakable. :wink_2:

This thread is about about how defense and war spending have contributed to the US debt since 2001 with the advent of perpetual war...

I know precisely what this thread is about - your use of the phrase 'Orange One' along with the 'What the Hell is being done by the current administration...' rant comes through loud and clear. Is this a sudden concern on your part - or were you just as 'demanding' of the previous administration?

Do you get ALL of your exercise jumping to conclusions without any analysis of data presented? Did that graph represent the term of a single president or the terms of two? Did that graph represent the period of a single Congress or the period of eight? Did that graph cover the period of a single ended conflict from start to finish with a single defense budget or did it cover multiple continuing conflicts over 17 years? You conclusion doesn't even come close to being relevant to the OP!.

Responding to you doesn't burn enough calories to counter a wee taste of unsweetened chocolate. The graph came from your link - and covers the time period you chose.

This thread is focused at the COSTS in blood and treasure resulting from meandering perpetual wars that are in their 18th year. Can you see that now? If you can't stay on topic STFU and go elsewhere to post your bloody drivel!

With a thread title - For All You Bean Counting RW'ers; $6+ Trillion Cost of Wars Since 2001...reads like it's focused on money, don't you agree?. (no doubt RW'ers is a term of endearment?) Anywhoo, since dollars are the focus - let's focus on them.

Your math is wrong. As you can see, there is a baseline to defense spending - spending that would occur wars or not. It does cut off before Obama's last two his figures may change. The only way to make your math add up would be to eliminate defense spending entirely - an unrealistic goal.


Now that that's cleared up (you can thank me later) - let's talk about the cost in blood - on another thread. The sacrifices made by our men in uniform deserve a better thread than this one.
More off-topic crap, but this time to avoid responding to my content responding to your first off-topic bullshit! I'll not respond to that pile of crap, but only the new pile you've placed on the carpet.
I know precisely what this thread is about - your use of the phrase 'Orange One' along with the 'What the Hell is being done by the current administration...' rant comes through loud and clear. Is this a sudden concern on your part - or were you just as 'demanding' of the previous administration?
You know precisely what that excerpt means WHEN CONSIDERED IN ITS FULL CONTEXT BELOW FROM THE OP;
With $4.3 Trillion in direct costs for all the wars and several trillion more in veteran benefits which increase even further each year, after the vets come home in disability benefits, et al, the debt of the US doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of going down with all of this war spending added to all the annual defense spending in the recent past and which the Orange One desires to increase at an even higher rate to "build readiness".
And in the closing line of the OP
What the Hell is being done by the current administration to keep us out of further conflicts and reducing defense spending rather than unleashing the dogs of war again to simply APPEAR strong?
Regarding your first misleading assertion that you know the intent of this thread my referral to the Narcissist-in-Chief concerned things like his public statements to 'totally update' the nuclear arsenal and to initiate the increase of the Navy fleet from the current level of ~310 ships to 355. The cost of that alone over the projected period of the program was tallied to be over $3 Trillion per the CBO which would amount to over 15% of the existing debt of ~$ 20 Trillion PLUS INTEREST on top of that! Again your conclusion is WRONG ~~ Testimony on the Costs of Building a 355-Ship Navy ~~

And the second partial and misleading quote of yours is simply a purposeful stab at not even acknowledging what was fully stated in proper context. You're a perfect FRAUD!

You attempt to substitute the actual purpose of the OP with your dishonest intent to change the narrative in that manner. That's so very transparent and you failed miserably to sell it. I'm capable of dissing the Plump Orange POTUS while making a point, fool. You're not very good at covering yourself with facts though!

Regarding the graph in the OP, I responded to you with;
Do you get ALL of your exercise jumping to conclusions without any analysis of data presented? Did that graph represent the term of a single president or the terms of two? Did that graph represent the period of a single Congress or the period of eight? Did that graph cover the period of a single ended conflict from start to finish with a single defense budget or did it cover multiple continuing conflicts over 17 years? You conclusion doesn't even come close to being relevant to the OP!.
To which you responded by posting a SUBSTITUTE graph with information of averages over time and over a much longer period which doesn't go anywhere close to my response to you directly above. What a bloody fraud you are with your dance, dodge and dissembling to avoid responding to the point. I believe you are abjectly unaware what a defense budget is in relation to war expenditures or how either of those are related to veteran benefit expenditures or how those are appropriated by Congress!
Your math is wrong. As you can see, there is a baseline to defense spending - spending that would occur wars or not. It does cut off before Obama's last two his figures may change. The only way to make your math add up would be to eliminate defense spending entirely - an unrealistic goal.
Prove my math is wrong! You've just proven you don't know jack about even the basics of budgeting process as it concerns the relationship between DOD, the VA, supplemental appropriations and Congress. I've posted sources with the figures for the culmination of that process without getting into the weeds. You've posted only the assertion but NEVER even attempted to show how or where that ~$6 Trillion figure is wrong.

You have re-posted an relevant graph I posted in the OP and interpreted it WRONG/improperly either out of ignorance or intentionally and posted an irrelevant graph without any supporting assertions or evidence OR bloody relevance. Damn, you're becoming laughable in your ignorance now!

Now run along little one, and if you try again, be prepared with relevance, because my gloves will come off next time if you post the same insipid nonsense!
Would have been a lot cheaper and more effective to use tactical nukes on the Afghan Mountains where they hid out and a big Nuke on Mecca. "Don't make me come back here again". I'm over Camel Jockies.
Now run along little one, and if you try again, be prepared with relevance, because my gloves will come off next time if you post the same insipid nonsense!

Oh my! - I'm shaking in my house slippers. :eek:

Your math is wrong. 20 Trillion - 6 Trillion ('asserted' full cost of US wars since 2001) ≠ 4 Trillion.

Gloves on or off matters little to me - I am calling you out for politically motivated situational outrage. Unless, of course, you are on the record directing this same outrage toward the previous CIC over the growing loss of blood and treasure for the past 5 years, not just the last 10 months.

Come to think of it, in your OP, the cost in lives lost didn't even rate honorable mention.
With $4.3 Trillion in direct costs for all the wars and several trillion more in veteran benefits which increase even further each year, after the vets come home in disability benefits, et al, the debt of the US doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of going down with all of this war spending added to all the annual defense spending in the recent past and which the Orange One desires to increase at an even higher rate to "build readiness". Adding the annually recurring Defense Dept. costs over that period and that total jumps to ~ $9.88 Trillion (*). Add those two together and subtract it from the current debt level and the resulting debt might well be below $4 trillion instead of $20 trillion.

"“Every war costs money before, during and after it occurs — as governments prepare for, wage, and recover from armed conflict by replacing equipment, caring for the wounded and repairing infrastructure destroyed in the fighting,”"
~~ Report: Full cost of U.S. wars overseas approaching $6 trillion ~~

What the Hell is being done by the current administration to keep us out of further conflicts and reducing defense spending rather than unleashing the dogs of war again to simply APPEAR strong?

* ~~ U.S. military spending 2000-2016 | Statistic ~~

O and W did this.
Now run along little one, and if you try again, be prepared with relevance, because my gloves will come off next time if you post the same insipid nonsense!
Your math is wrong. 20 Trillion - 6 Trillion ('asserted' full cost of US wars since 2001) ≠ 4 Trillion.

Gloves on or off matters little to me - I am calling you out for politically motivated situational outrage. Unless, of course, you are on the record directing this same outrage toward the previous CIC over the growing loss of blood and treasure for the past 5 years, not just the last 10 months.

Come to think of it, in your OP, the cost in lives lost didn't even rate honorable mention.
You have now confirmed you're an IDIOT! Your summation of figures is lacking an important component that you disregarded, imbecile! If you had read and understood what was written in the OP you wouldn't be looking the unwashed ass you are showing yourself to be, shit for brains! Now CLOSELY READ THE BLUE HIGHLIGHTED PORTIONS FROM THE OP PASSAGE BELOW WITH THE NUMBERS AND HAVE A THIRD GRADER DO THE ARITHMETIC FOR YOU;
With $4.3 Trillion in direct costs for all the wars and several trillion more in veteran benefits which increase even further each year, after the vets come home in disability benefits, et al, the debt of the US doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of going down with all of this war spending added to all the annual defense spending in the recent past and which the Orange One desires to increase at an even higher rate to "build readiness". Adding the annually recurring Defense Dept. costs over that period and that total jumps to ~ $9.88 Trillion (*). Add those two together and subtract it from the current debt level and the resulting debt might well be below $4 trillion instead of $20 trillion.
As any normal fool can see, the numbers add up this way;

$4.3 - Trillion in direct war costs over stated period (supplemental and omnibus OFF budget appropriations)
$1.86 - Trillion in Veteran Administration benefit costs over same period (separate non DOD budgeting)
$9.88 - Trillion in recurring DOD budgeting over same period

$20T - ($9.88T + $4.3T + 1.86T) = $3.96T You bloody fool.., you're off by ~$10 Trillion you shit for brains.
Come to think of it, in your OP, the cost in lives lost didn't even rate honorable mention.
I guess you're too thick between the ears to get it through to you that I don't follow off topic crumb trails because some asswipe wants to employ deflection as a ploy or to derail a thread. Gawd Damn you're fucking stupid!
$20T - ($9.88T + $4.3T + 1.86T) = $3.96T You bloody fool.., you're off by ~$10 Trillion you shit for brains.

I guess you're too thick between the ears to get it through to you that I don't follow off topic crumb trails because some asswipe wants to employ deflection as a ploy or to derail a thread. Gawd Damn you're fucking stupid!

Yes, you are off by $10 Trillion...because you've added in the entire defense budget for 16 years. Do you understand what 'recurring' means? Your figures add up only if you're claiming the budget for defense should be '0'. Which is nonsense.

Your OP clearly states that the total cost of overseas wars is approaching 6 Trillion (a questionable approximation, btw)...that figure includes appropriations, cost of care, etc. Do you understand what 'total cost' means?

You need to step away from the mirror - in this case it is not your friend.
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$20T - ($9.88T + $4.3T + 1.86T) = $3.96T You bloody fool.., you're off by ~$10 Trillion you shit for brains.

I guess you're too thick between the ears to get it through to you that I don't follow off topic crumb trails because some asswipe wants to employ deflection as a ploy or to derail a thread. Gawd Damn you're fucking stupid!

Yes, you are off by $10 Trillion...because you've added in the entire defense budget for 16 years. Do you understand what 'recurring' means? Your figures add up only if you're claiming the budget for defense should be '0'. Which is nonsense.

Your OP clearly states that the total cost of overseas wars is approaching 6 Trillion (a questionable approximation, btw)...that figure includes appropriations, cost of care, etc. Do you understand what 'total cost' means?
YOU BLOODY FOOL! The DOD had annual BUDGET appropriations of $9.88T over the noted period as sourced in the OP, you IDIOT. The DOD had to have a budget, shit for brains.The DOD received ADDITIONAL OFF-BUDGET appropriations of $4.3T over the noted period as sourced in the OP.

Are you too damn young to remember Bush, Cheney & Co raiding the SS trust fund, dropping their 1% notes in and taking out the cash to fund some of the OFF-BUDGET supplemental appropriations for just one way the wars were financed? The VA added another ~$1.86T over the noted period total from their appropriated budgets. You're stuck on stupid! Read the fucking OP you dipstick. Of course I added the DOD budgets over that period to get the bloody total over that period. It's all sourced in the OP, asshole.
Your OP clearly states that the total cost of overseas wars is approaching 6 Trillion (a questionable approximation, btw)...that figure includes appropriations, cost of care, etc. Do you understand what 'total cost' means?
You're too damn dumb to accept or understand the difference between on-budget and off-budget appropriations and how they are additive to find the total for the given period as noted in my post #18. I can't fix your stupid, asswipe! Do the world a favor and stop breathing! You're a waste of air anyway.

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