For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

Feed the poor
Care for the sick
Give to Ceaser what is Ceaser's

How's that for starters...
So the Right opposes those things?


You just want the government to take from people by force so you can redistribute (after taking your cut) to *help*.

As I posted earlier, studies show conservatives by far give much more time and money to help the needy than Leftists.
That is silly because the Bible is full of atrocities.
You have fathers sacrificing sons, slavery, polygamy, Joshua massacring Canaanite women and children at Jericho, etc.
The Bible basically is what NOT to do.
Do the opposite instead.
Godless governments of the past century have murdered over 262 million of their own citizens.
So you need to look at people and avoid the Bible.
Thanks for validating the OP.

Yes, I guess I am agreeing with the OP.
I am very left and very much against how the Bible has been interpreted and used through out history.
The so called "Christian" nations were not better, but worse.
Slavery, war, genocide, imperialism, colonialism, blatant racism and discrimination, etc.
Fair taxation. Hilarious.
Funny how you Leftists only equate helping the needy with taking money by force from others instead of you yourselves taking your time and money to do it.

The only way to actually help people in society is to build common infrastructure, like roads, schools, harbors, libraries, hospitals, etc., so you can NEVER do it yourself.
It ALWAYS has to be done communally, collectively, and cooperatively.
And the problem is always the few selfish and greedy who do not want to invest their fair share in what would greatly benefit them even.
You seem to be a good indicator what drugs do to people brains.

If anyone looks at the increase in murder after the start of the foolish Prohibition of alcohol, it is obvious the War on Drugs is responsible for the current increase in murders.

If anyone reads the Constitution or understands the basis for law in a democratic republic, then obviously the War on Drugs is totally illegal, because it is not based on the defense of the rights of others. Instead it is an arbitrary dictate.

If you look at what the US has done, like imprisoning half a million on the illegal War on Drugs, illegal mandatory sentences, illegal asset forfeiture, illegal war like the invasion of Iraq based on WMD lies, etc. , then clearly this country is evil and getting worse and more corrupt all the time.
Taking things out of context is what haters do best.

It is not out of context.
The Old Testament constantly condones or even mandates evil.
And modern Christian societies have done no better, starting evil wars of aggression, imperialism, colonialism, etc.
So even if the New Testament says better things, the result is still pure evil.
So the Right opposes those things?


You just want the government to take from people by force so you can redistribute (after taking your cut) to *help*.

As I posted earlier, studies show conservatives by far give much more time and money to help the needy than Leftists.

The right does oppose anything that would reduce their profits.
For example, Reagan closed the mental health facilities, causing all the school shootings, massacres, etc.
We can tell these were the acts of criminally insane who should have been institutionalized long ago, because they usually commit suicide.
Clearly they could have been helped earlier on if we had any available mental health facilities, (or any affordable health care).

The conservatives give NOTHING to help the needy.
They simply dictate and manipulate IRS regulations to their advantage.

For example, Bill Gates saves millions in taxes by claiming to donate tens of millions to charities in Africa, but the reality is he is uses Africans to test medical experiments that would be illegal in the US, and are intended to produce huge profits.
Godless governments of the past century have murdered over 262 million of their own citizens.

Both WWI, WWII, the Russian revolution, etc. were all caused by supposedly Christian nations.
Even the mass murder and starvation in China after WWII, was actually caused by the west preventing democracy in China.
We backed emperors, traitors, and murderers, against Mao, and caused the whole Cold War.
The right does oppose anything that would reduce their profits.
For example, Reagan closed the mental health facilities, causing all the school shootings, massacres, etc.
We can tell these were the acts of criminally insane who should have been institutionalized long ago, because they usually commit suicide.
Clearly they could have been helped earlier on if we had any available mental health facilities, (or any affordable health care).

The conservatives give NOTHING to help the needy.
They simply dictate and manipulate IRS regulations to their advantage.

For example, Bill Gates saves millions in taxes by claiming to donate tens of millions to charities in Africa, but the reality is he is uses Africans to test medical experiments that would be illegal in the US, and are intended to produce huge profits.
Call me when you build a hospital equivalent to something like St Jude’s.
This is entire thread has one standard response from your side - taxes.

It’s all about forcing others to give against their will and never about your own time or money.
Both WWI, WWII, the Russian revolution, etc. were all caused by supposedly Christian nations.
Even the mass murder and starvation in China after WWII, was actually caused by the west preventing democracy in China.
We backed emperors, traitors, and murderers, against Mao, and caused the whole Cold War.
You’re talking of war.
Im talking of the God hating governments of China, USSR, Cambodia, Germany, North Korea lining up its own citizens and executing them for no reason other than the love of evil.
The right does oppose anything that would reduce their profits.
For example, Reagan closed the mental health facilities, causing all the school shootings, massacres, etc.
We can tell these were the acts of criminally insane who should have been institutionalized long ago, because they usually commit suicide.
Clearly they could have been helped earlier on if we had any available mental health facilities, (or any affordable health care).

The conservatives give NOTHING to help the needy.
They simply dictate and manipulate IRS regulations to their advantage.

For example, Bill Gates saves millions in taxes by claiming to donate tens of millions to charities in Africa, but the reality is he is uses Africans to test medical experiments that would be illegal in the US, and are intended to produce huge profits.
And to use Bill Gates as an example of a leftist charity giver is good. Him giving $50M is like you or I putting $20 in the red kettle. It’s not going to impact our lives even remotely. And Gates gives very little if any to the needy. His donations are to mega wealthy universities and media outlets.
The bible never said it is the purview of gov't. It is the church it is individuals. NOT taxation. I don't think the romans ever gave food and healthcare to the needy in their day. You can quote me on that.
Yet you're ok with taxation for everything else? If it's Christian to tax for weapons of war it's even more Christian to tax to cloth the naked, feed the hungry, and teach the children.
Call me when you build a hospital equivalent to something like St Jude’s.
This is entire thread has one standard response from your side - taxes.

It’s all about forcing others to give against their will and never about your own time or money.

St. Judes is mostly a way to increase profits by reducing tax share.

Last year, St. Jude raised a record $2 billion. U.S. News & World Report ranked it the country's 10th-best children's cancer hospital, and St. Jude raised roughly as much as the nine hospitals ahead of it put together. It currently has $5.2 billion in reserves, a sum large enough to run the institution at current levels for the next four and a half years without a single additional donation.
Only about half of the $7.3 billion St. Jude has received in contributions in the past five fiscal years went to the hospital's research and caring for patients, according to its financial filings with the Internal Revenue Service. About 30% covered the cost of its fundraising operations, and the remaining 20%, or $1 of every $5 donated, increased its reserve fund.

Further, ProPublica found, a substantial portion of the cost for treatment is paid not by St. Jude but by families' private insurance or by Medicaid, the government insurance program for low-income families. About 90% of patients are insured, bringing in more than $100 million in reimbursements for treatment a year. If a family shows up at St. Jude without insurance, a company hired by the charity helps them find it. St. Jude does cover copays and deductibles, an unusual benefit.

I do not dislike St. Jude hospital, but it is not as benevolent as it pretends to be.
And the reason the left has not done better than St. Jude, is that republicans do not let them.
All hospitals should have always been free.
People are not going to deliberately break a leg in order to get free medical care.
You’re talking of war.
Im talking of the God hating governments of China, USSR, Cambodia, Germany, North Korea lining up its own citizens and executing them for no reason other than the love of evil.

All the countries where there was massive death, like China, USSR, Cambodia, Germany, and North Korea, were all the fault of the US first murdering large numbers of people, and requiring massive conflict to end the US or other capitalist, evil influence.
We attacked Mao after WWII ended, and nearly wiped out his forces.
The west sent Lenin into Russia to get them out of WWI, and we financed Stalin to murder the real communists.
The US was Pol Pot's ally, and we paid and armed him.
We tried to install Syngman Rhee in Korea, and he murdered hundreds of thousands.
The US or the west was responsible for all these deaths.
And to use Bill Gates as an example of a leftist charity giver is good. Him giving $50M is like you or I putting $20 in the red kettle. It’s not going to impact our lives even remotely. And Gates gives very little if any to the needy. His donations are to mega wealthy universities and media outlets.

Yes, we seem to agree that a lot of so called charity by the wealthy is for looks or tax dodges.
But Bill Gates is not at all a leftist.
He is a hard core, right wing, capitalist.
Yet you're ok with taxation for everything else? If it's Christian to tax for weapons of war it's even more Christian to tax to cloth the naked, feed the hungry, and teach the children.

except you never do. Why are all these people on the streets in blue cities blue states? How come there's so much waste in these programs and we see women with freshly done salon nails buying flat screen tvs with cash and paying for food with federally issued cards. Face it. the left doesn't give a damn about these people till election years.

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