For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

It's not in the Bible but taxation is legal and the Constitution backs it up.

Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.”
The bible never said it is the purview of gov't. It is the church it is individuals. NOT taxation. I don't think the romans ever gave food and healthcare to the needy in their day. You can quote me on that.
A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 22:5
God says Choose Life. He set up Rules. Deuteronomy 30:15
A good old Deuteronomy: God says Choose Life.
Always been a fav of mine.

Though, I suppose if one had a daughter, or several of 'em.....Deuteronomy may be a challenge for a loving father.

Meaning, over in 22:21, that 'life choosing' God noticed that your little Emily, apple of her Grammie's eye, fooled around a little too much with that cute Robbie, the neighbor boy. Accordingly, you gotta drag the little tramp to the threshhold:

  • Deuteronomy 22:21... "she shall be brought to the door of her father's house, and there the men of her city will stone her to death. For she has committed an outrage ...... by being promiscuous in her father's house. So you must purge the evil from among you."
So there is that.

Though, on the positive side good poster Calypso, you can take comfort that your God did choose life.

Not for Emily. (God rest her soul)

But for the neighbor's randy son, cute Robbie.
Robbie got a pass. Get out of jail free.
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You guys always do that don't you. Those particular laws were for keep her pure. What does God say in the NT?? You conveniently ignore that.
A good old Deuteronomy: God says Choose Life.
Always been a fav of mine.

Though, I suppose if one had a daughter, or several of 'em.....Deuteronomy may be a challenge for a loving father.

Meaning, over in 22:21, that 'life choosing' God noticed that your little Emily, apple of her Grammie's eye, fooled around a little too much with that cute Robbie, the neighbor boy. Accordingly, you gotta drag the little tramp to the threshhold:

  • Deuteronomy 22:21... "she shall be brought to the door of her father's house, and there the men of her city will stone her to death. For she has committed an outrage ...... by being promiscuous in her father's house. So you must purge the evil from among you."
So there is that.

Though, on the positive side good poster Calypso, you can take comfort that your God did choose life.

Not for Emily. (God rest her soul)

But for the neighbor's randy son, cute Robbie.
Robbie got a pass. Get out of jail free.
Few things more pathetic than a God hater using Scripture
All Leftist views were there’s disagreement are always anti-Biblical.
Change my mind.

That is silly because the Bible is full of atrocities.
You have fathers sacrificing sons, slavery, polygamy, Joshua massacring Canaanite women and children at Jericho, etc.
The Bible basically is what NOT to do.
Do the opposite instead.
The bible never said it is the purview of gov't. It is the church it is individuals. NOT taxation. I don't think the romans ever gave food and healthcare to the needy in their day. You can quote me on that.

Totally wrong.
The Romans have free food programs for the poor, although they valued Roman citizens much higher than anyone else.
You guys always do that don't you. Those particular laws were for keep her pure. What does God say in the NT?? You conveniently ignore that.

The Old Testament kept no purity at all, with Abraham having children with Haggar, enslaving, raping, etc.
Clearly stoning for adultery or any sexual activity is barbaric and evil.
Few things more pathetic than a God hater using Scripture

We do not have to use Scripture.
Just look at the Conquistadors, Inquisitions, the Crusaders massacring unarmed civilian Jews, Popes starting wars, burning women as witches, endorsing slavery, etc.
Totally wrong.
The Romans have free food programs for the poor, although they valued Roman citizens much higher than anyone else.

I think you'd better go read up on your roman history again. The poor were limited in the amount of land they could work, they were taxed heavily, sometimes they were allowed to join the army and that would have given them some money to perhaps take care of their families but if the volunteer died, his family was ruined. Any generosity by roman gov't was a pacifier used to keep the crowds occupied so the romans had no problem with rebellion. You've heard the term

'bread and circuses'? i assume?
I think you'd better go read up on your roman history again. The poor were limited in the amount of land they could work, they were taxed heavily, sometimes they were allowed to join the army and that would have given them some money to perhaps take care of their families but if the volunteer died, his family was ruined. Any generosity by roman gov't was a pacifier used to keep the crowds occupied so the romans had no problem with rebellion. You've heard the term

'bread and circuses'? i assume?

The POINT is "bread and circuses" totally contradicts your claim that ancient Rome did not have lots of free social programs.
Of course it was appeasement, but it was real, and all Roman citizens had free food available.
Nor were Romans limited in the amount of land they could work, they were limited in the amount of land they could afford.
But there were lots of other means of income.
And you are also wrong about Roman taxes, which were quite low for citizens.
The major tax throughout Roman history was the tributun, which was a tax on material wealth, including land, slaves, and goods. This tax depended on a person’s citizenship—or lack of it. In theory, Roman citizens did not have to pay tributum, although during financial crises the state often imposed taxes on citizens. Citizens also paid tributum on land they owned outside of Italy. All noncitizens living in Roman territory paid tributum on all of their property.
We do not have to use Scripture.
Just look at the Conquistadors, Inquisitions, the Crusaders massacring unarmed civilian Jews, Popes starting wars, burning women as witches, endorsing slavery, etc.
So you need to look at people and avoid the Bible.
Thanks for validating the OP.

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