For anyone who says "There are no Neo-Nazis in Ukraine", watch this!

1. There were several votes and many polls.
Most said around 93% wanted to leave the Ukraine.
Who would not want to leave the Ukraine, an extremely violent and elitist culture?
This is common public knowledge; you should already know.
2. You linked and proved nothing.
3. The ONLY difference between these nuclear ABMs and "city killers" are size, and you totally have it wrong.
First strike weapons are NOT city killers. The point of first strike is to hit retaliatory weapons, which does NOT need city killers. City killers are the retaliatory weapons, holding population centers as hostage.
1. There were zero honest elections in Crimea to see which country they preferred to be part of:

2. My credible links prove what the facts are and disprove your lies:

3. OK, my point being that a few small nuclear devices meant to knock down a few incoming ICBMs from the ME are not a threat to Russia and their 10,000 nuclear warheads. Hypersonic missiles can now be plane launched, so who needs silo based missiles?
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View attachment 628576
For all these people here who claim Russia is invading Ukraine for no reason.
Russians did not sacrifice their lives to defeat the Nazis, only to have a neighbor state host these people, least of all a fellow Slavic nation being used as a puppet by the US.

These idiots are currently getting thought a lesson, many of them won't live to learn from their mistakes though.
So what?

russia still has no right in invade ukraine
Words have meaning. Your life doesn’t. And you are apparently unable to construct a simple, straightforward and honestly-based syllogism.
You're stupid.
"We (are [italics]) meaning." Jean-Luc Nancy, The Gravity of Thought.
The Desna River at Mezin, Ukraine itseklf forms a swastika. Ice Age man was curious about that and may have tried to draw a map. Try to keep up, nazi breath.
There are Neo-Nazi’s all over the World, and even in Roosia!

Jesus, are you that daft?

Pootin invaded the Ukraine not to save Roosians from Neo-Nazi’s seeing Pootin is one himself but he invaded the Ukraine for regime change and to remove the middleman when exporting energy!

Simple as that!
The guy is obviously a Russian shill.
3. Just plain ignorant. Ukrainians have ALWAYS been hateful, racist, elitest, violent, and evil.

Plain ignorant? Hey fuck face, my father's side of the family (all jewish) is from Ukraine, my grandfather and granduncle both fought Nazis in WWII alongside Russians, just like Ukrainian president Zelensky's jewish grandparents.

I was born and lived in Russia while spending my summers in Ukraine, before immigrating to the US.

Russians and Ukrainians had little animosity before Russia descided to invade in 2014, annex Crimea and back separatists in the east. That kind of shit really pisses people off and understandably ignites nationalism and resentment.

So take your hate filled xenophobic propaganda and shove up your idiot ass. Anyone that actually lived in Ukraine can smell your bullshit 10 miles away.
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This fucking guy.

Those are wars, not Russia invading to make colonies.
For example, it was Georgia who started the war in 2008 by attacking South Ossetians who wanted to be reunited with the rest of their country, in North Ossetia.
Russia just stopped Georgia from abusing Ossetians.
That post is foolish because it lists wars like Russia defeating Napoleon, and tries to make it seem as if Russia then occupied France.
That simply is not what happened.
There is no country that Russia colonized to suck dry like England, France, and the US did to hundreds of countries.
When Russia did help counties like Cuba, China, Vietnam, Korea, etc., it wanted and expected nothing back in return.
....Separatists declared independance from Ukraine's government. Thats the whole point of conflict. If this was simply about trying to kill ethnic Russians we would see attacks all over Ukraine, not just separatist areas.

Who do you think belives your stupid nonsense?

There were and are attacks all over the Ukraine, where ethnic Russians have been murdered.
The only reason separatist wanted independence from Ukraine's government is because the Ukraine's government in Kyiv was supporting, arming, and training the fascist gangs who were murdering ethnic Russians.
The Ukrainians used to rule over vast portions of Germany, Russia, and the Balkans, but were so ruthless and cruel that everyone finally ganged up on them and defeated them.
And the evil Ukrainians still remember their former glory and constantly want to return to power.
The Ukrainians are about the single most racist and bigoted culture on the whole planet.
They have always abused other cultures, all the time, every where.
Again, why else would 80% of the guards at death camps like Sobibor, have been Ukrainians?
You know nothing. They want two things. To reunite the motherland and regain the best land on earth. I've been there.

They are not currently stealing oil nor did they kill 14k Russians for no reason. They have a right to defend their democracy.

What a load of shit.

Why are you supporting the communists? I know you are a republican. That support is the opposite to what republicanism stands for. You are willing to allow the desecration and destruction of another democracy like usa because Trump praised him. If they attacked america you wouldn't be doing it.
Admit it. None of their internal problems arise with you until putin invaded. Coincidentally Trump calls him a genius and like fish jumping on to a hook, you all followed like the sheep you are.
Then you'll go back to defending freedom and democracy against the democrats in 2024.
Youre brain dead hypocrite.

The Ukrainians stole oil because they are greedy, corrupt, and without morals.
The ethnic Russians the Ukrainians massacred were mostly women and children.
Russia could easily have taken over the government of the Ukraine at any time, but never did.
Instead, Khrushchev gave the Ukraine the Crimea and Donetsk in 1955.
Russia has always been more than generous to the Ukraine.
But the Ukraine is the least democratic country in the world, where political opponents try to kill or poison each other.

And your political insight is that of an idiot.
Not only am I NOT a Republican, but far left of anyone on this whole board.
Nor is Russia remotely communist, and never was.
Stalin was an ultra capitalist, who murdered all the communists.
You have not gotten a single thing correct.

And the US is even less of a democracy than Russia.
Hillary and Trump being the 2016 candidates prove that.
It would be difficult to come up with 2 worse possible candidates, so clearly the US does NOT at all have a "democracy".

And only an idiot would try to blame Putin.
He clearly had no other choice left but to invade.
Not only was the Ukraine stealing oil constantly, but violating treaties, arming fascist gangs to murder ethnic Russians, trying to get NATO nukes, and deliberately cut off negotiations.
That was deliberately done to force a war, for the benefit of Zelensky's godfather, the US.
Hun, even if true-----If being a big If---still doesn't justify Russia invading and murdering them

Of course the Ukrainians being racist, corrupt, fascist, bigots has NOTHING at all to do with the invasion.
The invasion is because the Ukraine constantly was stealing oil, violating treaties, massacring ethnic Russians, trying to get NATO nukes in Russia's border, and cut off negotiations.
All those are acts of war that Russia was forced to respond to with an invasion.
That was no other choice at that point.
Obviously the US deliberately paid Zelensky to force this war, in order to harm Russia.
There were and are attacks all over the Ukraine, where ethnic Russians have been murdered.
Pure bullshit. Around 13% of Kiev's population are ethnic Russians, thats 340,000 people. Where are the murders?

Here is what ethnic Russians living in Kiev have to say about your insane Putin drivel:

Utkin says he speaks Russian "out of principle, because I love it very much".
But this has not held him back from serving as an adviser for the Ukrainian government or appearing on political talk shows.
"I have never -- not once -- had a single incident related to me speaking Russian," Utkin said.

Whoever is paying to post this propaganda should get their money back, no one here is buying it.
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There are Neo-Nazi’s all over the World, and even in Roosia!

Jesus, are you that daft?

Pootin invaded the Ukraine not to save Roosians from Neo-Nazi’s seeing Pootin is one himself but he invaded the Ukraine for regime change and to remove the middleman when exporting energy!

Simple as that!

The pipelines coming out of the Ukraine to provide oil and gas to Europe are NOT carrying Ukrainian gas and oil.
It is Russian gas and oil, that the Ukraine is illegally siphoning off and selling on the side.

You do not know what a neo-Nazi is.
The Ukrainians are about the most arrogant, isolated, and prejudiced group in the entire continent.
It is not logical, because it is racism over people of the same race.
But it is what Ukrainians are.
It is why 80% of the guards at Hitler's death camps were Ukrainians.
Ukrainians hate all other cultures.
1. A few Neo-nazi whack jobs don't mean anything, except that they are marginalized idiots to be ostracized.
2. What part of Britain are you from?
3. Putin invaded Ukraine because his moron generals told him that they could capture it in 3-days. Putin thought that capturing Ukraine would be as easy as taking Crimea.
4. Agreed, then Putin would have Ukraine's resources including grain, oil, and population.

Putin has his tit in the ringer now...the Ukes are kicking ass on the battlefield.

The neo-nazis in the Ukraine are NOT marginalized.
They are well funded by the government, with bribes and payments from the US.
They are in control of the government in Kyiv.

Putin invaded the Ukraine because they were massacring ethnic Russians, violating treaties, stealing oil and gas, trying to get NATO nukes on Russia's border, and deliberately cut off negotiations.
Clearly Putin then had no choice at all.
Those were all each acts of war.
So Putin will win because he has no choice.
This is NOT over grain, oil, or population, since the Ukraine ran out of oil over a decade ago, and is not producing any grain because all the people are leaving.
Russia does not want the Ukraine, and would prefer it just disappear.
And is what Russia will have to do to the Ukraine, if forced to.
I think we are all aware of the rise and revitalization of white nationalism in Europe and North America, particularly since 2016.

This isn't news.

But what is news is the US government secretly financing and arming these racist right-wing fascist groups.
View attachment 628576
For all these people here who claim Russia is invading Ukraine for no reason.
Russians did not sacrifice their lives to defeat the Nazis, only to have a neighbor state host these people, least of all a fellow Slavic nation being used as a puppet by the US.

These idiots are currently getting thought a lesson, many of them won't live to learn from their mistakes though.

Just what we need, another Russian propagandist. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Americans are effectively consenting to being lied to by their own government.

The humor in it, as pathetic as it is, is that, admittedly, they're purposefully lying to Americans in the name of ''getting ahead of Putin.''

Sadly, Americans eat it up like candy. Of course, those who participate in coercion historically understand very little of their role in it. And absolutely nothing of its consequence. These are the same morons/propagandists who helped usher in the Patriot Act and Iraq, among other power grabs in the same manner.

It's really bad on boards like this one, observably. I almost cringe when I read these threads anymore. It's really hard to imagine just how stupid people can be, but it never ceases to amaze.

Anyway....right from the horses mouth...

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1. Link proof that the UN verified Ukraine massacres of ethnic Russians. All I find are Russian massacres of Ukes.
2. OK, there was a dispute between Russia and Ukraine over gas pipelines, that's probably why Russia built the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
3. Yes Ukraine gave up its 5,000 nukes. It only cost the US $500,000,000.
4. NATO does not need to install nukes in Ukraine, that's a lie. A new treaty between Russia and NATO could solve that issue/pretext.
5. NATO never put nukes in Poland or any other country that borders Russia.
6. True, Zelensky said that if the Budapest Memorandum does NOT provide Ukraine with adequate security guarantees then they may be required to look at nuclear weapons. So an "off ramp" of this war might be something like NATO guarantees Ukraine's security and Ukraine agrees not to pursue nuclear weapons. Then Russia can get the fuck out of Ukraine.
7. Repeating Putin's bullshit about the Ukes killing ethnic Russians doesn't make it true. Putin kills ethnic Russians with missiles at a train station.

That is just totally crazy.
That train station was hit with a Trochka missile, which is a 1980 vintage missile, Russia has not had in over 20 years.
But the Ukraine does have Trochka missiles.

The US put nuclear ABMs in Poland under the claim that Poland needed a defense against Iranian missile attacks.
Obama finally pulled them out, but Bush put them in.

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