For anyone who says "There are no Neo-Nazis in Ukraine", watch this!

Pure bullshit. Around 13% of Kiev's population are ethnic Russians, thats 340,000 people. Where are the murders?

Here is what ethnic Russians living in Kiev have to say about your insane Putin drivel:

Utkin says he speaks Russian "out of principle, because I love it very much".
But this has not held him back from serving as an adviser for the Ukrainian government or appearing on political talk shows.
"I have never -- not once -- had a single incident related to me speaking Russian," Utkin said.

Whoever is paying to post this propaganda should get their money back, no one here is buying it.

That is like saying that Blacks are 13% of the population of the US, so then were are all the Blacks murdered by the KKK?

And you pick a spokesperson who is specifically paid by the Ukraine government, as your supposed "proof"?

Do you deny the Crimea and Donetsk used to be part of Russia until 1955?
Do you deny that 93% of the population of the Crimea, Donetsk, etc. voted or were polled as wanting to be independent?
Do you deny Kyiv has funded, armed, and trained, illegal racist fanatics to murder ethnic Russians in all regions?
We have Neo-nazis and skinheads of our own in the US. Are they your excuse for killing Ukrainians?

The neo-nazis and skinheads in the US are not being funded, trained, and armed by the Ukrainian government, to murder ethnic Russians, like they are in the Ukraine.
Again, the Ukrainians are about the single most bigoted and racist in the world, or else they would not have manned Hitler's death camps, like Demjanjuk at Sobibor.
It's not news. Russia funded Yanukovych, and I don't have much doubt that neocons funded euromaiden that led to his ouster.

In March of 2012, the elected Ukrainian govt signed an agreement to join the EU, and the EU later said thaf for the EU to ratify the agreement Ukraine has to meet some obligations as to transparency (non fixed/bribed markets). It's curious, imo, that Ukraine signed the agreement while Yanukovych was president. (2010-14)

In 2013, Russia stopped trade with Ukraine and Yanukovych sought to disavow the agreement. And he imprisoned his predecessor Tymoshenko in what was poorly (soviet style) show trail. She got out of prison when he fled to Russia.

Perhaps interestingly, Paul Manafort and Tony Podesta helped lead Russia's charge that Tymoshenko was a "nazi."

In short, what you have are ultra nationalists among both the russian backed separatists and those ultra nationalists who hate russians with their dna. And Ukraine is probably not such a great place for non-whites. LOL If you're "for russia" the other guys are nazis. If you're for ukraine being tied to the EU, the other side are "russians."

I think we can safely assume one thing, though. The vast maj of Ukrainians really don't want to be part of Russia, and most Russians think Ukraine is part of Russia.
The neo-nazis and skinheads in the US are not being funded, trained, and armed by the Ukrainian government, to murder ethnic Russians, like they are in the Ukraine.
Again, the Ukrainians are about the single most bigoted and racist in the world, or else they would not have manned Hitler's death camps, like Demjanjuk at Sobibor.
. So Russia should leave Ukraine alone. There's 40,000 Ukrainian Jews.
Hey fuck face, my father's side of the family (all jewish) is from Ukraine, my grandfather and granduncle both fought Nazis in WWII alongside Russians, just like Ukrainian president Zelensky's jewish grandparents.

I was born and lived in Russia while spending my summers in Ukraine, before immigrating to the US.

I, for one, figured out a long time ago that usmessageboard is populated by far more foreign agents, propagandists and influencers than actual Americans.

Thanks for the confirmation, though.
View attachment 628576
For all these people here who claim Russia is invading Ukraine for no reason.
Russians did not sacrifice their lives to defeat the Nazis, only to have a neighbor state host these people, least of all a fellow Slavic nation being used as a puppet by the US.

These idiots are currently getting thought a lesson, many of them won't live to learn from their mistakes though.
There are racist fucktards in EVERY NATION ya fucking loon. That is NOT an excuse to invade another nation
Georgians, Ukranians and anyone else sane is laughing at your insane stupidity.

1. There were zero honest elections in Crimea to see which country they preferred to be part of:

2. My credible links prove what the facts are and disprove your lies:

3. OK, my point being that a few small nuclear devices meant to knock down a few incoming ICBMs from the ME are not a threat to Russia and their 10,000 nuclear warheads. Hypersonic missiles can now be plane launched, so who needs silo based missiles?

1. False. Besides several elections, there also were dozens of polls. All showed that the provinces that used to be part of Russia, did not want to be part of the Ukraine any more, were being abused by the Ukraine, and it was by over 90% that they wanted to be independent instead.
The claim Russia was faking the data is ridiculous because Russia has no reason to care. There is nothing in the Donetsk that Russia could possibly care at all about.

2. Anyone claiming that the Ukraine had control over the old Soviet nukes stationed in the Ukraine, is lying.
The Soviet Union had an even more centralized control than the US even, and there is no way the Ukraine could have have reprogrammed those missiles or launched them even. So the Ukraine gave up nothing. And the fact Zelensky is constantly requesting NATO nukes is incontrovertible. He asks for NATO nuke at least once a week.

3. Obviously the nuclear ABMs NATO put in Poland were NOT to knock down Iranian missile attacks.
So their only possible purpose had to be to conduct a successful first strike that could prevent a Russian retaliation.
They were close enough to command centers and missile facilities so that Russia's retaliatory ability would have been destroyed before Russia could have retaliated. Whether or not plane launched hypersonic missiles have since made these nukes on the Russian border obsolete or not, is irrelevant. Clearly no country can allow enemy nukes on their borders. And when we did put these nukes in Poland was before hypersonics were yet practical. Clearly it is the US that has constantly been trying to create a first strike potential.
Georgians, Ukranians and anyone else sane is laughing at your insane stupidity.

A colony is like how the US controls Mexico, picking the candidates, arming and training their police and military, skimming off the majority of their production and resources, etc.
Russia does that to NO ONE, and instead, countries like Cuba, China, Egypt, Syria, etc., cost Russia far more than they ever got back.
Just what we need, another Russian propagandist. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh, so you think the US actually cares about Ukrainians and would be trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border for the good of the Ukrainians?
A colony is like how the US controls Mexico, picking the candidates, arming and training their police and military, skimming off the majority of their production and resources, etc.
Russia does that to NO ONE, and instead, countries like Cuba, China, Egypt, Syria, etc., cost Russia far more than they ever got back.
You really admire Russia, don't you?
There are racist fucktards in EVERY NATION ya fucking loon. That is NOT an excuse to invade another nation

When the government of a country pays, trains, and arms the racists in order to get them to murder an ethnic minority, then that is a totally valid excuse to invade.
Clearly the Donetsk, Crimea, etc. used to be part of Russia until 1955, had been for over 1000 years, and is almost completely populated by ethnic Russians who want out of the Ukraine.
Only a corrupt dictatorship would prevent local autonomy like the Ukraine is doing.
You really admire Russia, don't you?

Actually, Russia is refreshingly honest.
They are not lying, bribing, rigging news, etc.
The people are poor, that is largely due to the climate and the west.
Not the fault of the government, which actually seems to try to do the best they can.
Compare that to the US, where we do not even have public health care, college tuition is up to about $100k, and the media is nothing but lies.
The US has a constitution that says there are to be no federal laws on firearms, health care, drugs, etc., and yet we have the BATF, FDA, CDC, DEA, etc.
The US is about the single most corrupt country in the world.
It is wealthy, so I can do well, but it is also incredibly evil.
1. False. Besides several elections, there also were dozens of polls. All showed that the provinces that used to be part of Russia, did not want to be part of the Ukraine any more, were being abused by the Ukraine, and it was by over 90% that they wanted to be independent instead.
The claim Russia was faking the data is ridiculous because Russia has no reason to care. There is nothing in the Donetsk that Russia could possibly care at all about.

2. Anyone claiming that the Ukraine had control over the old Soviet nukes stationed in the Ukraine, is lying.
The Soviet Union had an even more centralized control than the US even, and there is no way the Ukraine could have have reprogrammed those missiles or launched them even. So the Ukraine gave up nothing. And the fact Zelensky is constantly requesting NATO nukes is incontrovertible. He asks for NATO nuke at least once a week.

3. Obviously the nuclear ABMs NATO put in Poland were NOT to knock down Iranian missile attacks.
So their only possible purpose had to be to conduct a successful first strike that could prevent a Russian retaliation.
They were close enough to command centers and missile facilities so that Russia's retaliatory ability would have been destroyed before Russia could have retaliated. Whether or not plane launched hypersonic missiles have since made these nukes on the Russian border obsolete or not, is irrelevant. Clearly no country can allow enemy nukes on their borders. And when we did put these nukes in Poland was before hypersonics were yet practical. Clearly it is the US that has constantly been trying to create a first strike potential.
Popular opinion in Poland was AGAINST the missile shield until Russia invaded Georgia and threatened placing short ranged nuclear missiles on Poland's border, Opinion then changed.

The US put the plan on hold under Obama, and Merkle cheered.

We now have Patriot missiles in Poland and are activating an Aegis system too.
It's not news. Russia funded Yanukovych, and I don't have much doubt that neocons funded euromaiden that led to his ouster.

In March of 2012, the elected Ukrainian govt signed an agreement to join the EU, and the EU later said thaf for the EU to ratify the agreement Ukraine has to meet some obligations as to transparency (non fixed/bribed markets). It's curious, imo, that Ukraine signed the agreement while Yanukovych was president. (2010-14)

In 2013, Russia stopped trade with Ukraine and Yanukovych sought to disavow the agreement. And he imprisoned his predecessor Tymoshenko in what was poorly (soviet style) show trail. She got out of prison when he fled to Russia.

Perhaps interestingly, Paul Manafort and Tony Podesta helped lead Russia's charge that Tymoshenko was a "nazi."

In short, what you have are ultra nationalists among both the russian backed separatists and those ultra nationalists who hate russians with their dna. And Ukraine is probably not such a great place for non-whites. LOL If you're "for russia" the other guys are nazis. If you're for ukraine being tied to the EU, the other side are "russians."

I think we can safely assume one thing, though. The vast maj of Ukrainians really don't want to be part of Russia, and most Russians think Ukraine is part of Russia.

No argument with any of that.
Ukrainians and Russians never get along.
Personally I am prejudiced against Ukrainians, for the "Tara Bulba" era arrogant, massacres, brutality, etc.
And lets not forget that Holocaust survivors testify that about 80% of death camp guards were Ukrainians, like Demjanjuk at Sobibor.

If Chrushchev has not actually been a Ukrainian in secret, then the Ukraine would never have been given the Ukraine, Donetsk, etc., in 1955. And that mistake should still be corrected.
Popular opinion in Poland was AGAINST the missile shield until Russia invaded Georgia and threatened placing short ranged nuclear missiles on Poland's border, Opinion then changed.

The US put the plan on hold under Obama, and Merkle cheered.

We now have Patriot missiles in Poland and are activating an Aegis system too.

Except that anyone claiming Russia invaded Georgia is lying.
The South Ossetians wanted out of Georgia so they could unite with Northern Ossetia, and Georgia invaded, not Russia.
Russia just stopped the Georgian invasion.

Unlike the original ABMs we put in Poland, Patriot missiles are not nuclear and are fairly useless.
They actually are only good for hitting aircraft.
1. False. Besides several elections, there also were dozens of polls. All showed that the provinces that used to be part of Russia, did not want to be part of the Ukraine any more, were being abused by the Ukraine, and it was by over 90% that they wanted to be independent instead.
The claim Russia was faking the data is ridiculous because Russia has no reason to care. There is nothing in the Donetsk that Russia could possibly care at all about.

2. Anyone claiming that the Ukraine had control over the old Soviet nukes stationed in the Ukraine, is lying.
The Soviet Union had an even more centralized control than the US even, and there is no way the Ukraine could have have reprogrammed those missiles or launched them even. So the Ukraine gave up nothing. And the fact Zelensky is constantly requesting NATO nukes is incontrovertible. He asks for NATO nuke at least once a week.

3. Obviously the nuclear ABMs NATO put in Poland were NOT to knock down Iranian missile attacks.
So their only possible purpose had to be to conduct a successful first strike that could prevent a Russian retaliation.
They were close enough to command centers and missile facilities so that Russia's retaliatory ability would have been destroyed before Russia could have retaliated. Whether or not plane launched hypersonic missiles have since made these nukes on the Russian border obsolete or not, is irrelevant. Clearly no country can allow enemy nukes on their borders. And when we did put these nukes in Poland was before hypersonics were yet practical. Clearly it is the US that has constantly been trying to create a first strike potential.
1. False. Besides several elections, there also were dozens of polls. All showed that the provinces that used to be part of Russia, did not want to be part of the Ukraine any more, were being abused by the Ukraine, and it was by over 90% that they wanted to be independent instead.
The claim Russia was faking the data is ridiculous because Russia has no reason to care. There is nothing in the Donetsk that Russia could possibly care at all about.

THAT is NOT true. Facts can be argued to show that a majs in either province in donbas supported either being part of Russia or Ukraine. But Russia is not seeking any civil rights for Russian speakers, or even a partition of Russian speaking majorities. But instead Russia wants the entirity of both AS WELL AS Kherson and Zaporishshia. And they wanted Kiev, but lost that battle.
Except that anyone claiming Russia invaded Georgia is lying.
The South Ossetians wanted out of Georgia so they could unite with Northern Ossetia, and Georgia invaded, not Russia.
Russia just stopped the Georgian invasion.

Unlike the original ABMs we put in Poland, Patriot missiles are not nuclear and are fairly useless.
They actually are only good for hitting aircraft.
Russian troops went into Georgia. Don't try to waffle out on that.
That is like saying that Blacks are 13% of the population of the US, so then were are all the Blacks murdered by the KKK?

There are no widespread KKK problems in United States and anyone trying to pretext their invasion of the United States on the fact that there are still some KKK members in US would be just as full of shit as Kremlin's propaganda is on invading Ukraine.
1. False. Besides several elections, there also were dozens of polls. All showed that the provinces that used to be part of Russia, did not want to be part of the Ukraine any more, were being abused by the Ukraine, and it was by over 90% that they wanted to be independent instead.
The claim Russia was faking the data is ridiculous because Russia has no reason to care. There is nothing in the Donetsk that Russia could possibly care at all about.

THAT is NOT true. Facts can be argued to show that a majs in either province in donbas supported either being part of Russia or Ukraine. But Russia is not seeking any civil rights for Russian speakers, or even a partition of Russian speaking majorities. But instead Russia wants the entirity of both AS WELL AS Kherson and Zaporishshia. And they wanted Kiev, but lost that battle.

That is ridiculous.
The one thing Russia has and does not need any more of is land.
And no one would want to try to control the evil, bigoted, and violent Ukrainians, who are about the most fascist culture in the world.

Russia did not want Kyiv and only wanted to stop the murders of ethnic Russians, and switch government so that the treaty violations, oil thefts, etc. would stop.
But by the US supplying all these javelin and stinger missiles, now Russia is going to be forced to take Kyiv, and they will succeed, no matter how long it takes.

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