For anyone who says "There are no Neo-Nazis in Ukraine", watch this!

After ethnic cleansing and secession, the russians went "home" I expect that's Putin's plan again.

Russia has invaded four former republics since 1991. Nato has invaded none.

If you need more than that, you're hopeless. Russia is not winning any hearts and minds here.

NATO took over Libya and murdered Qaddafi, ended the democracy in Egypt and installed General Sisi, etc.
In contrast, Russia never gains when it uses military force, so only does it defensively.
The US and other imperialists like NATO, do it to take over the resources and economy of colonial conquests.
That is what Manifest Destiny, the Monroe Doctrine, the Domino Theory, etc., were all about.
Global domination for maximum profits.
20% of internationally recognized Gerogia territory is under Russian occupation.

August 2018 marks the ten-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia. A decade on, one-fifth of Georgian territory remains under Russian occupation.

Again, who do you think buys your lunatic bullshit?
Who buys it? Putin. Not sure if Rigby gets paid by the word or by the post but it’s clearly wasted rubles
Ducking bullshit. Ukraine absolutely gave up the nukes that were LOCATED in Ukraine.

Had they not done so those nukes would NOW be in Ukraine


The Ukraine gave up those Soviet nukes because they were built and controlled by secure system under the supervision of Moscow, so were useless to Kyiv.
Kyiv might have been able to reverse engineer them eventually, or just use the raw materials, but took cash instead.
imo, the term Nazi is too misused and overused. The Ukrainian "nazis" are really anti-Russian. Ukrainians fought for the Nazis in WWII because they were enemies of their enemies. Stalin starved 3 million to death and deported a few more million.

Stalin did not deliberately starve anyone.
The Kulaks revolted and burned all the crops.
Everyone starved, including Moscow, not just the Ukrainians.
Although the idiotic mistakes by Lysenko did not help.
Stalin was not a communist? OK.

How is Putin's Russia not facist?

Putin's Russia is fascist in the fact it is controlled by a coalition of the wealthy elite and military.
But Russia is not ethnically bigoted.
And the Ukraine is rabidly bigoted and racist.
They are the more prejudiced and xenophobic culture on the planet.
NATO took over Libya and murdered Qaddafi, ended the democracy in Egypt and installed General Sisi, etc.
In contrast, Russia never gains when it uses military force, so only does it defensively.
The US and other imperialists like NATO, do it to take over the resources and economy of colonial conquests.
That is what Manifest Destiny, the Monroe Doctrine, the Domino Theory, etc., were all about.
Global domination for maximum profits.
I'm not redoing 19th century history with you. Although, Russia conquered Ukraine in the 19th century. LOL I'm certainly not redoing the "why fors" for W invading Iraq.

But Russia and the neocons have a long history of seeking advantage.

Strangely, both the US and Russia favored "sides" in Syria who were anti-ISIS.

I can sort of understand why you see the US as an imperial force with ill intentions. But I cannot see how you think Russia is somehow ... not a murderous one party state that exists to benefit literally a criminal orgainization.
Stalin did not deliberately starve anyone.
The Kulaks revolted and burned all the crops.
Everyone starved, including Moscow, not just the Ukrainians.
Although the idiotic mistakes by Lysenko did not help.
Oh jesus christ. Get the fuck out. I'm done with you. What the fuck is your problem. LOL
I'm not redoing 19th century history with you. Although, Russia conquered Ukraine in the 19th century. LOL I'm certainly not redoing the "why fors" for W invading Iraq.

But Russia and the neocons have a long history of seeking advantage.

Strangely, both the US and Russia favored "sides" in Syria who were anti-ISIS.

I can sort of understand why you see the US as an imperial force with ill intentions. But I cannot see how you think Russia is somehow ... not a murderous one party state that exists to benefit literally a criminal orgainization.

History does not always foretell what a country is like now, if the country is modern, changing, multi cultural, etc.
But the Ukraine is not modern, changing, multi cultural, etc.
You can tell exactly how the Ukraine is now, from the way it was back in the "Taras Bulba" era.

The only point of bringing up WMD and Iraq is to remind how corrupt western media is.

As far as Syria goes, I think the US totally and completely created ISIS.
ISIS were Sunni Iraqi released from US prisons in Iraq.
Not only is that suspicious, but someone loaded them up with expensive Toyotas and weapons, and told them to pretend to be Islamic fundamentalists, when in reality they know nothing about Islam.

With Syria, the US is clearly against democracy and Assad.
ISIS is just a fake factor that really is not significant.

The fact Russia is a single party is really no different than the US.
The 2016 election showed that no good candidate is ever going to be allowed in the US.
The main difference between Russia and the US is that Russia is incredibly honest and forthright, while everything the US says is always a lie.
No true democracy would spend half of its budget on arms and have armies all over the world like we do.
Oh jesus christ. Get the fuck out. I'm done with you. What the fuck is your problem. LOL

Ok, so the Ukrainian starvation was not the Kulak rebellion because it was 10 years later.
But I see no proof it was deliberate either.

The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р, romanized: Holodomor, IPA: [ɦolodoˈmɔr];[2] derived from морити голодом, moryty holodom, 'to kill by starvation'),[a][3][4][5] also known as the Terror-Famine[6][7][8] or the Great Famine,[9] was a famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. The term "Holodomor" emphasises the famine's man-made character and alleged intentional aspects such as rejection of outside aid, confiscation of all household foodstuffs and restriction of population movement. The Holodomor famine was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–1933 which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.[10]

Ukraine was one of the largest grain producing states in the USSR and as a result was hit particularly hard by the famine.[11] Millions of inhabitants of Ukraine, the majority of whom were ethnic Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in Ukrainian history.[12] Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine[13] alongside 15 other countries as a genocide against the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government.[14]

Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials vary greatly.[15] A joint statement to the United Nations signed by 25 countries in 2003 declared that 7–10 million died.[16][17] However, current scholarship range lower, with 3.5 to 5 million victims.[18][19][20][21][22]

Whether or not the Holodomor was genocide is still the subject of legal and academic debate. While historians universally agree that the cause of the famine was man-made, the intentionality of the deaths remains in question.[23][24][25] Some historians conclude that the famine was planned and exacerbated by Joseph Stalin to eliminate a Ukrainian independence movement.[12][26] Others suggest that the famine was a concomitant of rapid Soviet industrialisation and collectivization of agriculture.[27][28][29] Nevertheless, the famine's widespread impact on Ukraine persists to this day.[30]

What would be the point to gain for Stalin?
Isn't it more likely Stalin listened to bad agricultural advice from Lysenko?

Lysenkoism (Russian: Лысенковщина, romanized: Lysenkovshchina, IPA: [lɨˈsɛnkəfɕːʲɪnə]; Ukrainian: лисенківщина, romanized: lysenkivščyna, IPA: [lɪˈsɛnkiu̯ʃtʃɪnɐ]) was a political campaign led by Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko against genetics and science-based agriculture in the mid-20th century, rejecting natural selection in favour of a form of Lamarckism, as well as expanding upon the techniques of vernalization and grafting. In time, the term has come to be identified as any deliberate distortion of scientific facts or theories for purposes that are deemed politically, religiously or socially desirable.

More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were dismissed or imprisoned, and numerous scientists were executed in the Soviet campaign to suppress scientific opponents. The president of the Soviet Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, who had been Lysenko's mentor, but later denounced him, was sent to prison and died there, while Soviet genetics research was effectively destroyed. Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines were harmed or banned.

The government of the Soviet Union (USSR) supported the campaign, and Joseph Stalin personally edited a speech by Lysenko in a way that reflected his support for what would come to be known as Lysenkoism, despite his skepticism toward Lysenko's assertion that all science is class-oriented in nature.[1] Lysenko served as the director of the USSR's Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Other countries of the Eastern Bloc including the People's Republic of Poland, the Republic of Czechoslovakia, and the German Democratic Republic accepted Lysenkoism as the official "new biology", to varying degrees, as did the People's Republic of China for some years.
Oh, so you think the US actually cares about Ukrainians and would be trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border for the good of the Ukrainians?

You ever heard of an ICBM? No one needs to put nukes on Russia's borders. But hey, you make a great putin booster.

Are you trying to claim Jews can not be part of a racist movement funded by western imperialists, just like the west did in Palestine, to create the fake Israel out of thin air?
The massacres of civilians in eastern Ukraine by paramilitary fascist groups since 2014, are well documented.
No one could be that ignorant, so you have to be lying.
How do YOU account for the 14k dead ethnic Russians since 2014, that these fascist gangs like AZOV, take credit for?

Fighting A US-Backed Fascist Puppet Regime​

Russia is implementing international law throughout the course of its ongoing special operation in Ukraine that the UNSC was unable to earlier do instead due to the US’ resistance and literal complicity in those exact same war crimes that its fascist proxies have hitherto been committing with impunity for nearly a decade already. This humanitarian and law enforcement operation is strictly limited to fighting America’s fascist puppets in Ukraine in order to bring them to justice and subsequently liberate the Ukrainian people who they took hostage.
Words matter, so describing Russia’s special operation in Ukraine as a so-called “war” on that country in general isn’t accurate. Rather, the Eurasian Great Power is fighting a US-backed fascist puppet regime that collaborated with NATO to plot World War II-like a surprise attack against Russia in the coming future, one that would follow the planned neutralization of its nuclear second-strike capabilities. The author explained all of this in detail in his last two analyses, “I’m A Proud American-Pole With Ukrainian Ancestry: Here’s Why #IStandWithRussia” and “Debunking The Top Ten Infowar Narratives About Russia’s Special Operation In Ukraine”, which include plenty of hyperlinks to his prior work as well as to President Putin’s pertinent speeches.
It became obvious over the past two days that one of the most pernicious manipulations of the truth concerns the description of the ongoing conflict as a “Russian war on Ukraine”, which is totally false but is being propagated for two narrative reasons. These are to make it seem like Russia is attacking its fraternal neighbor whom President Putin described as historically united with his people, thus misportraying him as a hypocrite, and to galvanize the Ukrainian people in opposition to Russia in accordance with the US’ active attempts to indefinitely divide and rule their brotherly societies. These self-interested objectives aim to advance the US’ strategic goals in the region. Suffice to say, those weaponized information warfare narratives don’t reflect reality.
What’s actually happening is that Russia is fighting the fascist regime that America installed in Ukraine following the spree of urban terrorism popularly known in the West as “EuroMaidan”. Although that country’s incumbent leader is Jewish, he’s practically held hostage to these ultra-radical elements that glorify Hitler and their ancestors who collaborated with him to commit genocide against Jews, Poles, and Russians, among others. Volodymyr Zelensky simply cannot resist their pressure lest he himself be politically neutralized by them or even overthrown, however that would end up happening, whether through another Color Revolution, a military coup, or some other means. It was under this US-backed fascist regime that Ukraine was artificially transformed into an anti-Russian proxy state.
1. After WW2 there were millions of displaced Jews. Where better to put them than Israel? Yes I claim that Jews can't be Nazis, by definition, duh.

2. As I said, if there were massacres in Donbas there would have been photo documentation. There is none, so that is a lie. Russia instigated a separatist movement there and used that as a pretext to invade in 2014. Then Putin took Crimea. Now Putin wants all of Ukraine. The Russians are getting slaughtered. Putin is a military moron.

3. The US did not install a fascist regime. The Ukrainians revolted against Putin's puppet Yanukovych. Zelensky was elected with 75% of the vote. If what you say is true it would be the Ukrainian soldiers surrendering to Russian soldiers. That is NOT happening. What is happening is that Russian tanks and soldiers are surrendering to Ukrainians in droves, because they know the war is wrong.
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For all these people here who claim Russia is invading Ukraine for no reason.
Russians did not sacrifice their lives to defeat the Nazis, only to have a neighbor state host these people, least of all a fellow Slavic nation being used as a puppet by the US.

These idiots are currently getting thought a lesson, many of them won't live to learn from their mistakes though.
Save your propaganda for the Russian people. They’re the ones you need to keep in the dark so they don’t come for you. Besides, it’s not clever enough to fool the west.
The Ukrainians stole oil because they are greedy, corrupt, and without morals.
Yeah sure. They just happen to be a democratic free nation also who have the courage to fight putin, unlike America.
The ethnic Russians the Ukrainians massacred were mostly women and children.
Bullshit. Get the evidence liar.
Russia could easily have taken over the government of the Ukraine at any time, but never did.
I wonder why. We know now.
Instead, Khrushchev gave the Ukraine the Crimea and Donetsk in 1955.
Russia has always been more than generous to the Ukraine.
Of course they have. Their generosity knows no boundaries.
But the Ukraine is the least democratic country in the world, where political opponents try to kill or poison each other.
Even less democratic than North Korea????? Your ignorance is breathtaking
And your political insight is that of an idiot.
Thank you but coming from idiot I doubt is validity.
Not only am I NOT a Republican, but far left of anyone on this whole board.
They all say that.
Nor is Russia remotely communist, and never was.
Jesus Christ. How fucking dumb are you?
Stalin was an ultra capitalist, who murdered all the communists.
Not all of them. Neither did usa take him on as a partner in capitalism
You have not gotten a single thing correct.
In your opinion only. Not as a matter of fact though.
And the US is even less of a democracy than Russia.

I knew we would eventually come to this. Watch this everybody. Here's a classic nut case conspiracy theorists amongst us.
Hillary and Trump being the 2016 candidates prove that.
You must have forgotten. Trump was democratically elected and defeated. Hilary wasn't.
It would be difficult to come up with 2 worse possible candidates, so clearly the US does NOT at all have a "democracy".
You voted for Trump but now you are backing out if it. How weird are you.
And only an idiot would try to blame Putin.
Of course. Every modern western society are defi ately wrong in condemning him. Its only right that he should invade the neighbour at will in true capitalist style.
He clearly had no other choice left but to invade.
Here's a choice. Dont because he will eventually lose and be killed for it.
Not only was the Ukraine stealing oil constantly, but violating treaties, arming fascist gangs to murder ethnic Russians, trying to get NATO nukes, and deliberately cut off negotiations.
And why should they do anything different now. Its not as if their domestic issues were front and centre of political debate all over the world. It is now do who do you think is telling lies now dopey.
That was deliberately done to force a war, for the benefit of Zelensky's godfather, the US.

Strangely enough, your godfather hasn't fired a shot. There's something missing in your post.
Its call common sense and it appears not that common in your case.
In Russia, Nazis go to the penal colony and dont become politicians or serve the Army or in the case of Navalny, go into a mental hospital.
Such feeble nonsense.
Russia is outclassed by nearly every country on Earth. You all really need to reevaluate your expectations for the future if Putin remains in control.
Such feeble nonsense.
Russia is outclassed by nearly every country on Earth. You all really need to reevaluate your expectations for the future if Putin remains in control.
Says the American who lost to goat herders in Afghanistan and Vietnam.
Says the American who lost to goat herders in Afghanistan and Vietnam.
Yep, just more what-about-ism, it's all you have.

America is respected in the developed world.

Russia is an autocratic pariah Europe wants nothing to do with, I don't know why you would ever welcome that.

Is Putin's repressive, indefinite rule based on mountains of lies spewed daily on your PutinVision really worth it?
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Yep, just more what-about-ism, it's all you have.

America is respected in the developed world.
"What-about-ism"? What's it? Another disease invented in the USA, like Drapetomania or Dysaethesia aethiopica?
As for respect, Ancient Rome was very respected among the slaveholders of the then world and many aspired to become its citizens in order to receive free Bread and Circuses.

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