For anyone who says "There are no Neo-Nazis in Ukraine", watch this!

The neo-nazis in the Ukraine are NOT marginalized.
They are well funded by the government, with bribes and payments from the US.
They are in control of the government in Kyiv.

Putin invaded the Ukraine because they were massacring ethnic Russians, violating treaties, stealing oil and gas, trying to get NATO nukes on Russia's border, and deliberately cut off negotiations.
Clearly Putin then had no choice at all.
Those were all each acts of war.
So Putin will win because he has no choice.
This is NOT over grain, oil, or population, since the Ukraine ran out of oil over a decade ago, and is not producing any grain because all the people are leaving.
Russia does not want the Ukraine, and would prefer it just disappear.
And is what Russia will have to do to the Ukraine, if forced to.
Lay off the drugs, your brain is fried if you believe that nonsense.
Hint: A Jew is in control of Ukraine
Your lies are obvious. If there was ANY "massacres" in Crimea or Donbas it would have been documented, it wasn't.
You are a Russian bot/troll that is too obvious to be of any value.
Go learn your trade-craft.
I, for one, figured out a long time ago that usmessageboard is populated by far more foreign agents, propagandists and influencers than actual Americans.

Thanks for the confirmation, though.
I'm an actual American with one and only citizenship.

Just because I wasn't born here does not mean I'm not.

There are no widespread KKK problems in United States and anyone trying to pretext their invasion of the United States on the fact that there are still some KKK members in US would be just as full of shit as Kremlin's propaganda is on invading Ukraine.

That is stupid.
What do you think the recent BLM riots were about?
Obviously there still are lots of KKK type people in police departments and government, all over the US.
The reason the US should not be invaded in order to stop these murders, is that the majority of the government is not openly recruiting, training, and arming these KKK type murders in the US.
But the government in Kyis IS openly recruiting, training, and arming these KKK type murderers in the Ukraine.

Almost half the Ukraine was not part of the Ukraine until Khrushchev gave them to the Ukraine in 1955, and they NEVER wanted to be part of the Ukraine. Only fascists would stop them from having the freedom and independence they deserve. The only thing stopping their freedom and independence is gangs of Ukrainian fascist terrorists, massacring civilians.
Russian troops went into Georgia. Don't try to waffle out on that.

Sure, to defeat the Georgian troops massacring South Ossetians.
Then when the fighting was over, they left.
No part of Georgia was taken by Russia.
Russia gained nothing at all from stopping the Georgian aggression and murder.
That is stupid.
What do you think the recent BLM riots were about?

Moron, they were about police brutality, systemic cover ups and other racial inequality in enforcement.

Right about nothing to do with KKK. You Putin TV dolts are fucking clueless.
Lay off the drugs, your brain is fried if you believe that nonsense.
Hint: A Jew is in control of Ukraine
Your lies are obvious. If there was ANY "massacres" in Crimea or Donbas it would have been documented, it wasn't.
You are a Russian bot/troll that is too obvious to be of any value.
Go learn your trade-craft.

Are you trying to claim Jews can not be part of a racist movement funded by western imperialists, just like the west did in Palestine, to create the fake Israel out of thin air?

The massacres of civilians in eastern Ukraine by paramilitary fascist groups since 2014, are well documented.
No one could be that ignorant, so you have to be lying.
How do YOU account for the 14k dead ethnic Russians since 2014, that these fascist gangs like AZOV, take credit for?


Fighting A US-Backed Fascist Puppet Regime​

Russia is implementing international law throughout the course of its ongoing special operation in Ukraine that the UNSC was unable to earlier do instead due to the US’ resistance and literal complicity in those exact same war crimes that its fascist proxies have hitherto been committing with impunity for nearly a decade already. This humanitarian and law enforcement operation is strictly limited to fighting America’s fascist puppets in Ukraine in order to bring them to justice and subsequently liberate the Ukrainian people who they took hostage.
Words matter, so describing Russia’s special operation in Ukraine as a so-called “war” on that country in general isn’t accurate. Rather, the Eurasian Great Power is fighting a US-backed fascist puppet regime that collaborated with NATO to plot World War II-like a surprise attack against Russia in the coming future, one that would follow the planned neutralization of its nuclear second-strike capabilities. The author explained all of this in detail in his last two analyses, “I’m A Proud American-Pole With Ukrainian Ancestry: Here’s Why #IStandWithRussia” and “Debunking The Top Ten Infowar Narratives About Russia’s Special Operation In Ukraine”, which include plenty of hyperlinks to his prior work as well as to President Putin’s pertinent speeches.
It became obvious over the past two days that one of the most pernicious manipulations of the truth concerns the description of the ongoing conflict as a “Russian war on Ukraine”, which is totally false but is being propagated for two narrative reasons. These are to make it seem like Russia is attacking its fraternal neighbor whom President Putin described as historically united with his people, thus misportraying him as a hypocrite, and to galvanize the Ukrainian people in opposition to Russia in accordance with the US’ active attempts to indefinitely divide and rule their brotherly societies. These self-interested objectives aim to advance the US’ strategic goals in the region. Suffice to say, those weaponized information warfare narratives don’t reflect reality.
What’s actually happening is that Russia is fighting the fascist regime that America installed in Ukraine following the spree of urban terrorism popularly known in the West as “EuroMaidan”. Although that country’s incumbent leader is Jewish, he’s practically held hostage to these ultra-radical elements that glorify Hitler and their ancestors who collaborated with him to commit genocide against Jews, Poles, and Russians, among others. Volodymyr Zelensky simply cannot resist their pressure lest he himself be politically neutralized by them or even overthrown, however that would end up happening, whether through another Color Revolution, a military coup, or some other means. It was under this US-backed fascist regime that Ukraine was artificially transformed into an anti-Russian proxy state.
I'm an actual American with one and only citizenship.

Just because I wasn't born here does not mean I'm not.

Whether or not you are a US citizen does not change the fact you are ignorant of the facts and are instead parroting western imperialist propaganda, just like those who believed Iraq had WMD and Saddam was behind the 9/11 attack.
Moron, they were about police brutality, systemic cover ups and other racial inequality in enforcement.

Right about nothing to do with KKK. You Putin TV dolts are fucking clueless.

Exactly, the BLM riots were proof the US has KKK type racists.
The only difference is in the Ukraine, it is Zelensky that is openly funding, arming, and training these KKK types, in order to murder ethnic Russians. That was Kyiv can continue stealing oil and violating treaties. Why else would Zelensky keep asking NATO to put nukes on Russia's border?
Only a criminal would even consider that.
View attachment 628576
For all these people here who claim Russia is invading Ukraine for no reason.
Russians did not sacrifice their lives to defeat the Nazis, only to have a neighbor state host these people, least of all a fellow Slavic nation being used as a puppet by the US.

These idiots are currently getting thought a lesson, many of them won't live to learn from their mistakes though.
The Soviets DIDN'T sacrifice any lives to defeat the Nazis. They spent lives with abandon to repel the invasion by their ALLIES the Germans, then hundreds of thousands more to conquer Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Destroying Nazism had nothing to do with Stalin's conduct. After all, he was perfectly happy to supply the Nazis with raw materials and war supplies and ally with them to dismember and conquer Poland.
20% of internationally recognized Gerogia territory is under Russian occupation.

August 2018 marks the ten-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia. A decade on, one-fifth of Georgian territory remains under Russian occupation.

Again, who do you think buys your lunatic bullshit?

You posted politicians deliberately lying, not any sort of news source that has any credibility.
That facts are that Georgia invaded Abkhaz, and all Russia did was stop the invasion.
Russia is not "occupying" anyone.
Troops are there to defend the demilitarized zone and that is all.
Russia is not taking resources from Georgia or controlling anything thing else.
View attachment 628576
For all these people here who claim Russia is invading Ukraine for no reason.
Russians did not sacrifice their lives to defeat the Nazis, only to have a neighbor state host these people, least of all a fellow Slavic nation being used as a puppet by the US.

These idiots are currently getting thought a lesson, many of them won't live to learn from their mistakes though.
There are as many Nazis in Russia as anywhere else
The Soviets DIDN'T sacrifice any lives to defeat the Nazis. They spent lives with abandon to repel the invasion by their ALLIES the Germans, then hundreds of thousands more to conquer Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Destroying Nazism had nothing to do with Stalin's conduct. After all, he was perfectly happy to supply the Nazis with raw materials and war supplies and ally with them to dismember and conquer Poland.

Historically Poland is not a valid country, due to the past history of conquest and massacre by the Polish aristocracy, Cossacks, and Mongol hordes.
The fact Hitler and Stalin divided up Poland, is irrelevant.
Before WWI, there was no Poland and it was part of the Holy Roman Empire.
Sure, to defeat the Georgian troops massacring South Ossetians.
Then when the fighting was over, they left.
No part of Georgia was taken by Russia.
Russia gained nothing at all from stopping the Georgian aggression and murder.
After ethnic cleansing and secession, the russians went "home" I expect that's Putin's plan again.

Russia has invaded four former republics since 1991. Nato has invaded none.

If you need more than that, you're hopeless. Russia is not winning any hearts and minds here.
As for the Ukrainian fascist murderers:
Ethnic Russians constituted the social and political elite of Ukraine in the heyday of the Soviet Empire, but were reduced to second-class citizens following the break-up of the Soviet Union in the nineties. The state-sponsored persecution of ethnic Russians intensified across Ukraine following the colored revolution in January 2005, dubbed the Orange Revolution, orchestrated by the Western powers and their Ukrainian collaborators, subversively toppling the democratically elected president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych.

But the real ethnic cleansing of Russians in Ukraine began after the 2014 Maidan coup, once again ousting pro-Russia Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and NATO powers initiated an eight-year war of attrition against Russia in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region by nurturing the Ukraine’s infamous Azov Battalion, officially part of the National Guard of Ukraine, that has been widely acknowledged as a neo-Nazi volunteer paramilitary force connected with foreign white supremacist organizations.

Azov Battalion was initially formed as a volunteer group in May 2014 out of the ultra-nationalist Patriot of Ukraine gang, and the neo-Nazi Social National Assembly (SNA) group. As a battalion, the group fought on the frontlines against pro-Russia separatists in Donbas, the eastern region of Ukraine.

A few months after recapturing the strategic port city of Mariupol from the Russia-backed separatists, the unit was officially integrated into the National Guard of Ukraine on November 12, 2014, and exacted high praise from then-President Petro Poroshenko. “These are our best warriors,” he said at an awards ceremony in 2014. “Our best volunteers.”

The unit was led by Andriy Biletsky, who served as the leader of both the Patriot of Ukraine (founded in 2005) and the SNA (founded in 2008). In 2010, Biletsky said Ukraine’s national purpose was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [inferior races].” Biletsky was elected to parliament in 2014. He left Azov as elected officials cannot be in the military or police force. He remained an MP until 2019.

These forces were privately funded by oligarchs – the most known being Igor Kolomoisky, an energy magnate billionaire and then-governor of the Dnipropetrovska region. In addition to Azov, Kolomoisky funded other volunteer battalions such as the Dnipro 1 and 2, Aidar and Donbas units.

The Mint Press News recently reported: “Zelensky’s presidential bid in 2019, which saw him win 73% of the vote, was successful on the basis that he was running in order to combat corruption and create peace in the country but, as the leaked documents known as the Pandora Papers revealed, he himself was storing funds in offshore bank accounts. Zelenskyy’s campaign was at the time boosted and bankrolled by Israeli-Ukrainian billionaire Igor Kolomoisky – who was himself accused of stealing $5.5 billion from his own bank.

“Muslims seem to be a major issue for the Azov Battalion. The Islamophobia present not only in Azov, but also in the National Guard of Ukraine, came through strongly on social media as the official National Guard site glorified the Azov Battalion as they dipped their bullets in pig fat. The video was directed at Muslim soldiers from Chechnya who are fighting on the side of Russia and were described as orcs by the National Guard on Twitter.”

In June 2015, both Canada and the United States announced they will not support or train the Azov regiment, citing its neo-Nazi connections. The following year, however, the US lifted the ban under pressure from the Pentagon, and the CIA initiated the clandestine program to nurture ultra-nationalist militias in east Ukraine. In October 2019, 40 members of the US Congress signed a letter unsuccessfully calling for the US State Department to designate Azov as a “foreign terrorist organization” (FTO).

In Feb. 2019, the Nation Magazine published a detailed think piece: “Neo-Nazis and the Far Right are on the March in Ukraine,” elaborating Ukraine’s far-right militant groups’ xenophobic and white supremacist political ideology.

The Ukrainians did NOT give up any nukes.
Similar to the US, nukes in the Soviet Union were under central control completely.
US nukes located in Montana are NOT controlled or owned by Montana.
Similarly, the Ukraine never had any nukes at all.

NATO most certainly DID put nukes in Poland.
They were claimed to be anti-missile interceptors, but were 3 stage and with nuclear warheads.
Obama finally scrapped them.
Ducking bullshit. Ukraine absolutely gave up the nukes that were LOCATED in Ukraine.

Had they not done so those nukes would NOW be in Ukraine

There are as many Nazis in Russia as anywhere else

While I do not believe Stalin was at all a communist in reality, he had to at least maintain the concept of equality, which prevented any Stalinist country from being racist.
Russia is one of the least fascist countries in the world.
Historically Poland is not a valid country, due to the past history of conquest and massacre by the Polish aristocracy, Cossacks, and Mongol hordes.
The fact Hitler and Stalin divided up Poland, is irrelevant.
Before WWI, there was no Poland and it was part of the Holy Roman Empire.
So Poland is next on your list huh?
There are as many Nazis in Russia as anywhere else
imo, the term Nazi is too misused and overused. The Ukrainian "nazis" are really anti-Russian. Ukrainians fought for the Nazis in WWII because they were enemies of their enemies. Stalin starved 3 million to death and deported a few more million.

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