For Anyone Who Wants to Impeach President Obama...


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
you may want to read the new book, "With Liberty and Justice for SOME" by Glenn Greenwald. I just finished it. You may very well find grounds for it.


Let's stay focused on real issues here people.

Read a book. You might actually learn something. It's better than wasting time chasing the RW fantasy opus of Obama being born in a foreign country and the resulting series of highly improbably events and subsequent conspiracies that would have been necessary for it to be true.
I suppose GM is a high crime.....

It's certainly a Fourth Amendment violation.


Let's stay focused on real issues here people.

Read a book. You might actually learn something. It's better than wasting time chasing the RW fantasy opus of Obama being born in a foreign country and the resulting series of highly improbably events and subsequent conspiracies that would have been necessary for it to be true.

WTF are you talking about?

I think you confused me for an idiot. Your the one wasting your time chasing dead ends. He is president. Deal with it or seek help.
There has to be a sense of outrage and disgust in the Nation to proceed with impeachment. As long as the media has the wagons circled around Barry Hussein it ain't likely to happen.
IMO, "Cash for Clunkers" constitutes racketeering and that is a crime.

Since it doesn't even fit the definition as defined under RICO, I would say that avenue would get one nowhere.
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There has to be a sense of outrage and disgust in the Nation to proceed with impeachment. As long as the media has the wagons circled around Barry Hussein it ain't likely to happen.

It's high crimes or misdemeanors....


Let's stay focused on real issues here people.

Read a book. You might actually learn something. It's better than wasting time chasing the RW fantasy opus of Obama being born in a foreign country and the resulting series of highly improbably events and subsequent conspiracies that would have been necessary for it to be true.

WTF are you talking about?

I think you confused me for an idiot. Your the one wasting your time chasing dead ends. He is president. Deal with it or seek help.

I didn't say >I< personally wanted Obama impeached. However, I AM extremely sick and tired of American leaders flagrantly breaking the law with impunity and then subsequently getting presidential pardons or commutations of sentences. And now, even when pardons don't automatically happen, either Congress or subsequent administrations simply refuse to investigate alleged illegality or even enforce the laws against the political or financial elites in this country like they would do if the crimes were committed by average citizens. The executive branch is required to do just that if America is indeed a nation of laws and not men.
you may want to read the new book, "With Liberty and Justice for SOME" by Glenn Greenwald. I just finished it. You may very well find grounds for it.

I recommend pursuing the impeachment option. It will give you something to waste your time on for the next 5 years while you try to figure out how to field an electable candidate.
Read a book. You might actually learn something. It's better than wasting time chasing the RW fantasy opus of Obama being born in a foreign country and the resulting series of highly improbably events and subsequent conspiracies that would have been necessary for it to be true.

WTF are you talking about?

I think you confused me for an idiot. Your the one wasting your time chasing dead ends. He is president. Deal with it or seek help.

I didn't say >I< personally wanted Obama impeached. However, I AM extremely sick and tired of American leaders flagrantly breaking the law with impunity and then subsequently getting presidential pardons or commutations of sentences. And now, even when pardons don't automatically happen, either Congress or subsequent administrations simply refuse to investigate alleged illegality or even enforce the laws against the political or financial elites in this country like they would do if the crimes were committed by average citizens. The executive branch is required to do just that if America is indeed a nation of laws and not men.

You mean the judicial branch...

Only the president has executive power - you will see that when Obamafuck pardons Blago from his 14 year prison sentence.
I don't want him impeached. I just want him defeated in November.
you may want to read the new book, "With Liberty and Justice for SOME" by Glenn Greenwald. I just finished it. You may very well find grounds for it.

I recommend pursuing the impeachment option. It will give you something to waste your time on for the next 5 years while you try to figure out how to field an electable candidate.

I'm not a conservative.

I'm just sick and tired of government officials and rich financial elites getting away with the crimes they commit with impunity. The mantra (as the author notes) seems to be this: "Let's look forward, not backward." Really? Try saying that if you ever get arrested and tried in a court of law for anything. The point is that a two-tiered legal system has developed in this country in the last 40-50 years. It's not just a question of who can afford a good lawyer. Wealthy and well-connected people often don't end up in court at all. And it certainly wasn't the intention of our founding fathers that America's elected and appointed officials should be above the law.

Let me make something clear. My problem with Obama at this point is:

A. His failure to support investigations into previous violations of the law by both former gov't officials and private sector bank executives who gamed the financial system by perpetrating fraud and then got away with it even as they financially benefited from the fraud while millions of Americans lost their jobs, their homes, and their retirement savings.

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