For Black Republicans, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is an obligatory fiction

I believe black folks can hate or be bigotted, but we can't be racist for the simple fact we are not in a position of power to be racist against you.
That makes no sense at all.

Anyone with a gun is in a position of power.

And you can get a gun just as easily as I can.
The "not in a position of power" excuse is woke horseshit. If you dislike someone because of the color of their skin - you are racist.
Your post is horseshit, you can dislike anyone you want. When you hate a whole group of folks because of their skin and act on that hate, you are a racist POS.
Your post is horseshit, you can dislike anyone you want. When you hate a whole group of folks because of their skin and act on that hate, you are a racist POS.
Not true. Several black posters on these threads call virtually all white people who disagree with them racists. We don’t hate because of skin color.
Not true. Several black posters on these threads call virtually all white people who disagree with them racists. We don’t hate because of skin color.
Are you saying this country doesn't have a history of over 400yrs of racism?
Somebody has it, if not how does this country have a history of over 400yrs of it.
Calling people on message boards racists, who have zero power is wrong. The country does not have that history, individual people do. There was a time in history when racism was widely accepted, and wrong, not the whole country. And again, blacks can be racist. I have no more power than you just because I am white. If you hate white people just for being white, that is racism, no matter how you try to change the definition.
Calling people on message boards racists, who have zero power is wrong. The country does not have that history, individual people do. There was a time in history when racism was widely accepted, and wrong, not the whole country. And again, blacks can be racist. I have no more power than you just because I am white. If you hate white people just for being white, that is racism, no matter how you try to change the definition.
Hmmm so why have there been Amendments to the Constitution, Bills and Acts to try and end it? Sure you have more power than I do, we see that everyday. This country was founded on racism.
Not the country. Not everyone in this country is or was racist.
Yes the country and you're right not everyone in this country is racist or was racist. The problem has always been the non racist folks have stood idly by and allowed the racist folks to impose their racism.
Yes the country and you're right not everyone in this country is racist or was racist. The problem has always been the non racist folks have stood idly by and allowed the racist folks to impose their racism.
How do you suppose non racists stop the racists? No more than the law abiding citizens can stop criminals from committing the crimes.
Hmmm so why have there been Amendments to the Constitution, Bills and Acts to try and end it? Sure you have more power than I do, we see that everyday. This country was founded on racism.
Prove I have more, or any, power. I didn’t say there is no racism. It is not prevalent as it once was. Not everything denied to blacks is based on racism. If that were true, no blacks would succeed and no whites would be denied.
How do you suppose non racists stop the racists? No more than the law abiding citizens can stop criminals from committing the crimes.
So you are saying the majority was racist, is that why we had slavery in this country for over 200yrs. I grew up in the South at the back end of Jim Crow segregation, is that why it took almost 70yrs to end the practice because the majority couldn't stop it. See racism and discrimination were legal in this country and that's why it took a Civil Rights Act to end it. It took a Voting Rights Act to end it. I mean are you seriously trying to tell us that racism and discrimination was legal in this country.
Prove I have more, or any, power. I didn’t say there is no racism. It is not prevalent as it once was. Not everything denied to blacks is based on racism. If that were true, no blacks would succeed and no whites would be denied.
It's the policies and institutions that were and are racist.
So you are saying the majority was racist, is that why we had slavery in this country for over 200yrs. I grew up in the South at the back end of Jim Crow segregation, is that why it took almost 70yrs to end the practice because the majority couldn't stop it. See racism and discrimination were legal in this country and that's why it took a Civil Rights Act to end it. It took a Voting Rights Act to end it. I mean are you seriously trying to tell us that racism and discrimination was legal in this country.
It was when people were allowed to own slaves. I am not saying the majority of whites were racists, but there certainly were more than today.
It's the policies and institutions that were and are racist.
There are no current policies that are racist today. Again, not everything denied is due to racism, but it is used as an excuse, which tends to invalidate those who are truly being denied. I do know that legally everyone has the same opportunities but I also know that not all people will be allowed what they want. Sometimes due to race, gender, religion, etc.
It was when people were allowed to own slaves. I am not saying the majority of whites were racists, but there certainly were more than today.
It was the Law of the Land, why the hell do you think it took a Constitutional Amendment to end it.

It's probably a different discussion for a different thread. Has to do with the definition of "power", which isn't really the topic.

However - your usage of the word implies political power, as distinct from personal power. Personal power is when three guys with shotguns abduct someone and tie him to either a car or a tree. But political power is when the law says blacks are only 3/5 human.

In my view, both are racist. My question is, are they directly related.

Globally speaking, and historically, slavery is a time honored tradition going back to before the Hebrews in 1000 BC. There are those who view slavery as an economic institution rather than a racial one, in other they don't much care who they enslave as long as someone's working. (And they'll whip you no matter what color you are). This view is not 'exactly' racism even though it's still being a miserable human being.

Here in America, the slavery was almost exclusively black, and, all I can say about that is, slavery is an ugly mindset that backs one into a corner of one's mind, where one is "forced" to hate because not doing so would be illogical.

I don't like this leftie business of making everything racial and hurling racial accusations ("playing the race card'). It cheapens real racism. Real racism is ugly, it's not equivalent to some politician cutting social funds or gerrymandering for votes

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