For Black Republicans, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is an obligatory fiction

America’s white majority benefited from human trafficking, free labor, segregation, redlining and the whole of government-sanctioned racism. Yet, to fulfill the promise that America offers, all Black people ever needed is a strong back, a good idea and an unfailing work ethic.
Millions of black Americans live a privileged life that came from a strong work ethic, native intelligence, and the morality taught in a two-parent family. Your thesis is disgusting. The problem with the mostly inner-city blacks who religiously pull the lever for Democrats is that they bought into Johnson's baited trap and never had the integrity to even TRY to escape. A whole couple of generations have never known any kind of freedom from their addiction to Uncle Sugar's Plantation.

Those who are willing to spend a life with their hand out while being constantly told they can do no better and that they DESERVE the fruits of the sweat of others are always going to be unhappy and angry. SO BE IT. If the day ever comes when they decide to literally come in person to take, the only thing most will get is a reckoning.

It's probably a different discussion for a different thread. Has to do with the definition of "power", which isn't really the topic.

However - your usage of the word implies political power, as distinct from personal power. Personal power is when three guys with shotguns abduct someone and tie him to either a car or a tree. But political power is when the law says blacks are only 3/5 human.

In my view, both are racist. My question is, are they directly related.

Globally speaking, and historically, slavery is a time honored tradition going back to before the Hebrews in 1000 BC. There are those who view slavery as an economic institution rather than a racial one, in other they don't much care who they enslave as long as someone's working. (And they'll whip you no matter what color you are). This view is not 'exactly' racism even though it's still being a miserable human being.

Here in America, the slavery was almost exclusively black, and, all I can say about that is, slavery is an ugly mindset that backs one into a corner of one's mind, where one is "forced" to hate because not doing so would be illogical.

I don't like this leftie business of making everything racial and hurling racial accusations ("playing the race card'). It cheapens real racism. Real racism is ugly, it's not equivalent to some politician cutting social funds or gerrymandering for votes
Black race hustlers like Superbadbrutha want us to believe that American Blacks were the only people in the history of the World that were slaves. Propaganda.
Black race hustlers like Superbadbrutha want us to believe that American Blacks were the only people in the history of the World that were slaves. Propaganda.

They also want you to believe that the slaves built the country.

They didn't. They picked cotton and tobacco.

They built nothing
Millions of black Americans live a privileged life that came from a strong work ethic, native intelligence, and the morality taught in a two-parent family. Your thesis is disgusting. The problem with the mostly inner-city blacks who religiously pull the lever for Democrats is that they bought into Johnson's baited trap and never had the integrity to even TRY to escape. A whole couple of generations have never known any kind of freedom from their addiction to Uncle Sugar's Plantation.

Those who are willing to spend a life with their hand out while being constantly told they can do no better and that they DESERVE the fruits of the sweat of others are always going to be unhappy and angry. SO BE IT. If the day ever comes when they decide to literally come in person to take, the only thing most will get is a reckoning.
/——-/ I bet 10 million middle class Blacks in Africa would trade places with poor Blacks in America in a heart beat.
Black race hustlers like Superbadbrutha want us to believe that American Blacks were the only people in the history of the World that were slaves. Propaganda.
Oh, non-whites owned slaves...still do, as a matter of fact...but only whites owning people is really bad. The others is just a little bad, and it's not worth talking about.
Black race hustlers like Superbadbrutha want us to believe that American Blacks were the only people in the history of the World that were slaves. Propaganda.

Partially propaganda I suppose.
My first guess is that he is just simply that stupid and believes it.
Would you prefer to be called a white girl? Your ass is quiet as hell when folks are calling black folks Sambo, the nword, etc. on this forum.

Dude, you hate Whitey -

I get it.

I'm sure if I was stuck being you,

I'd probably hate Whitey too.

Just own it.
Dude, you hate Whitey -

I get it.

I'm sure if I was stuck being you,

I'd probably hate Whitey too.

Just own it.
I just hate the white racist like you, I know you were taught to hate black folks and made to think you are superior. I get it, it's a disease.

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