For Crick- New Pages2k Data Paper


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
here is the paper-

An extended Arctic proxy temperature database for the past 2 000 years Scientific Data

read it first and see what you get out of it. Im pretty sure that nothing is going to really stand out to you. major kudos to you if you spotted the graph with different scaling.

most of us need someone with intimate knowledge of the proxy data to point out the highlights of what is changed and why it may be important.

now read a discussion of the paper-

Revisions to Pages2K Arctic Climate Audit

dont be shy. you wont be tainted. dont forget to read the comments too. I bet you will be surprised at how much you can learn about proxies in one short article. one of your heroes, Robert Way, makes a substantial contribution in the comments as well.
I have never heard of Robert Way so he is not one of my heroes. I don't have a lot of heroes. I defend people unfairly attacked, like Phil Jones and Michael Mann, not because I particularly like them but because I particularly dislike unfairness.

Not difficult to spot the dual scaling when they point it out to you in a warning note.

So, the Arctic is getting warmer at a rate unprecedented in at least 2000 years. Isn't that surprising.

There seems to be more discussion concerning databases and data validation here than technical information about proxies. There was that brief discussion of the varied merits of varves vs tree rings vs ice cores, but that wasn't exactly earth-shaking.

What point were you attempting to make here?
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I have never heard of Robert Way so he is not one of my heroes. I don't have a lot of heroes. I defend people unfairly attacked, like Phil Jones and Michael Mann, not because I like them but because I dislike unfairness.

I am pretty sure that you have mentioned Cowtan and Way 2013 numerous times.

this thread is not attacking anyone. read the paper and make a list to yourself as to what information you gleaned from it. then read the CA article and see if you missed anything.
Cowtan sounds familiar, but it was Robert Way you stated was a hero of mine. Never heard of the guy. I'm not generally one of those "cult of personality" types.

I did read the paper. I gleaned a small amount of information but none of it particularly significant regarding this thread or anything else I can think of.

I honestly could not care less what Steve McIntyre has to say about anything.
Cowtan sounds familiar, but it was Robert Way you stated was a hero of mine. Never heard of the guy. I'm not generally one of those "cult of personality" types.

I did read the paper. I gleaned a small amount of information but none of it particularly significant regarding this thread or anything else I can think of.

I honestly could not care less what Steve McIntyre has to say about anything.

did you read the Climate Audit article?
did you find the graph with the wonky scaling?
Cowtan sounds familiar, but it was Robert Way you stated was a hero of mine. Never heard of the guy. I'm not generally one of those "cult of personality" types.

I did read the paper. I gleaned a small amount of information but none of it particularly significant regarding this thread or anything else I can think of.

I honestly could not care less what Steve McIntyre has to say about anything.

Of course you don't......any information that doesn't conform to your established narrative bull shit is rejected out of hand.

All you creepy people hate information......a burnt the book mentality.......epic levels of intolerance. Very dangerous......will eventually have to be dealt with!!!
did you find the graph with the wonky scaling?

Do you read what I write? In post #2 I said "Not difficult to spot the dual scaling when they point it out to you in a warning note."
Moyhu/Nick Stokes will always shred McIntyre in a most amusing manner, so there's no point in wasting the many hours it would take to dive into it yourself.
did you find the graph with the wonky scaling?

Do you read what I write? In post #2 I said "Not difficult to spot the dual scaling when they point it out to you in a warning note."

No, I did not see what added to message #2. I had already quoted your response in full. It does not trigger an alert when an edit is made.

Do you think it was reasonable to present a graph comparing two temperature curves done in two scales? What would be the purpose except to obscure the comparison?
One of theproxies used in the original Pages2K was upside down and was corrected due to criticism from McIntyre and the author of the proxy. That is great that they admitted their error. Unfortunately there is another near by proxy that shows a very similar pattern but is still being used upside-down. Should it be necessary to force corrections on a case-by-case basis, or should the same class of mistake be corrected by the authors as part of their due diligence to presenting the best data possible?

If you refuse to even look at the criticisms of climate science papers, how can you be so sure that they are accurate? I am in favour of the authors being allowed to explain their decisions but all too often it makes little sense. Eg. Mann's defence of using the upside-down Tiljander series. How useful is a proxy if it can be used in any orientation?
I look at criticism when it comes from objective, qualified sources. McIntrye is qualified in basic statistics and nothing else and is a very long ways from objective. I'll say again: I could not care less what the man has to say about anything.

My apologies for the edit. It's a bad habit of mine, always thinking of some additional point after posting.
I look at criticism when it comes from objective, qualified sources. McIntrye is qualified in basic statistics and nothing else and is a very long ways from objective. I'll say again: I could not care less what the man has to say about anything.

My apologies for the edit. It's a bad habit of mine, always thinking of some additional point after posting.

I think you are doing yourself a disservice by accepting a caricature of McIntyre rather than reading his own words. His track record is impressive, especially on topics where he has been initially scoffed at only to be vindicated over time. Mann, Briffa, Steig, and Gergis spring to mind but there are many others. I suppose whistle-blowers will always have their detractors.
I've not accepted a caricature. That is my opinion based on extensive reading of his words. The man is a jackass.
I've not accepted a caricature. That is my opinion based on extensive reading of his words. The man is a jackass.

I have only seen him make even-handed and informative statements with plenty of suppoting evidence. Could you humour me by giving a few examples of where he was being a jackass? I really am trying to understand your position.
Please don't waste our time. There are thousands of qualified researchers out there investigating the climate. Despite what some people here may think, we both know that AGW is settled science. The loss I suffer at ignoring Mr McIntyre is absolutely trivial and absolutely immaterial. He is irrelevant.
Please don't waste our time. There are thousands of qualified researchers out there investigating the climate. Despite what some people here may think, we both know that AGW is settled science. The loss I suffer at ignoring Mr McIntyre is absolutely trivial and absolutely immaterial. He is irrelevant. claim you opine that the man is a jackass based your reading of his words...when asked to provide a few of those words, you can't do it because you haven't read jack that he has have read what you are supposed to think about him from your high priests and nothing more.
Ian, Thanks for the excercise. I see that crick is just a jiminie and nothing more. the individual is a pure adolescent. Anyone reading this exercise could only make one observation, complete lack of cooperation from a flaming jiminie idiot. Thank you!!

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