For Decades the Left Talked About A Workers Revolt Against Authority, So Facebook Censors Them When It Happens

I did find polling results that support your statement that Canadians in general do not support the trucker revolt. I have not found anything that suggests the trucker revolt is anything other than a grass roots rebellion.
Grass roots? It would seem to me that grass roots would describe the truckers sticking to their original cause. Right? Or wrong?

But they're not and that is abundantly obvious now. If you can agree with that then I'll be motivated to entertain your opinion further. If you can't then you are out of touch with reality and require more explanation from me.

Answer that question first.

Fwiw, it's plainly a political protest against Trudeau and the Liberals by the Conservatives and the PPC extreme conservatives. Is that grass roots in your opinion?
You all should be supportive, everything you own was once on a truck
The truckers who are demonstrating aren't truckers in the true sense, they're business owners first, that drive trucks.
The truckers aren't there and that's because they don't own the trucks they drive. The closest would be the guy who is renting the Uhaul.

Many on the right want to call FB and Zuckerfuck leftist. This is wrong. Big Tech is not leftist they are authoritarian, corporatist, and statist. Essentially they have become Facsists.
Big tech and most mega global corporations as well as the democrat party are jealous on how China can rule their people and get them in line and they want that power here...they also want to keep the Chinese money flowing into their bank accounts...when the president of the United States has taken via his family over 31 million dollars from China we should all be very concerned....
Hell... we even have the speaker of the house warning our athletes to not anger the CCP....its absolutely amazing to witness....
I'm aware of that argument and I reject it. In any case, the fact remains that the south wouldn't let go and hence continues to build monuments to honour the cause of slavery and racism.

Look for the glaring examples of racism that is being promoted on this forum and then consider the allegiance to the Trump side of politics.

There certainly has been a few!

That's the civil war, not the revolution.

I think you err in thinking it's the 'people's' revolt. IMO it's it's misguided and is only the people being misdirected by the right, that is completely opposed to the people gaining any real power.

It's being promoted and led in Canada by the Conservative right and extreme right.
And the same in America.

But good for you for stumbling on the real guts of the issue for so many people!

The political 'left' in America has been fractured and made impotent by the political right under the Trump regime. The policial right in Canada is attempting the same thing.

The talking point for the right in Canada is 'an olive branch', for your information.
Americans may want to start phrasing it the same way, as it pertains to punishment for the insurrectionists.
You're utterly retarded.
Yes, it's being supported by Conservative party leaders. They're promoting the idea of an 'olive branch' because Trudeau refuses to talk to them.
I think that Trudeau considers that their issue hasn't been defined.

That could be an additional secondary factor but the people of Canada aren't supportive of the truckers.
Yes, that's what people who hate the working class have been told to believe.
Glenn Reynolds: "So we’re finally seeing a genuine, bottom-up, working-class revolution. In Canada, and increasingly in the United States, truckers and others are refusing to follow government orders, telling the powerful that, in a popular lefty formulation, if there’s no justice, there’s no peace."

"Naturally, the left hates it."

"For more than a century, lefties have talked about such a revolt. But if you really paid attention, the actual role of the working class in their working-class revolution was not to call the shots — it was to do what it was told by the “intellectual vanguard” of the left."

"A working-class revolution *led* by the working class is the left’s worst nightmare because the working class doesn’t want what the left wants. The working class wants jobs, a stable economy, safe streets, low inflation, schools that teach things and a conservative, non-adventurous foreign policy that won’t get a lot of working-class people killed. It’s not excited about gender fluidity, critical race theory, “modern monetary theory,” foreign adventures and defunding police."

"Worse yet, a huge part of the lefty self-image revolves around feeling superior to the working class and openly expressing disdain for it. One need spend only a few minutes tuning into left media like NPR, CNN or MSNBC to hear the disdain for working-class Americans, inhabitants of “flyover country,” people who live in the middle of nowhere."

"So naturally, the idea that those people might be staging a revolution is intolerable."

Its always about power for the 1% with the Left. Look at every Commie and Socialist nation throughout history. 99% live in squalor while the 1% live like royalty.

Unfortunately the working class are the greatest threat to this country. Thet have been brainwashed by right wing fascists and have become fascists themselves. They are racists, sexists and every ist you can think of. They support a assault on our voting rights.

The Republican Party is screwing working class Americans. Income inequality has exploded as the rich get richer and wealth is transferred from the middle class to the rich. Whenever a increase in the minimum wage gets passed through voter initiatives, Republicans either limit it or throw it out entirely. Republicans are for tax cuts for the rich yet they oppose a child tax credit for lower class mothers.
Facebook twitter google are all government entities...just like the Soviet Union had Pravda...we have big tech and the MSM dishing out the government line....

No they are not. You are proving that you are the communists. Fox is the right wing version of Pravda.
It’s the largest revolt protest by WORKING citizens in Western history in this hemisphere.
And you simply call them dumb and misguided.

Thanks for validating the OP.

It is the largest gathering of fascists. It is the first shot in the new civil war that right-wing fascists are waging on the world.
Unfortunately the working class are the greatest threat to this country. Thet have been brainwashed by right wing fascists and have become fascists themselves. They are racists, sexists and every ist you can think of. They support a assault on our voting rights.

The Republican Party is screwing working class Americans. Income inequality has exploded as the rich get richer and wealth is transferred from the middle class to the rich. Whenever a increase in the minimum wage gets passed through voter initiatives, Republicans either limit it or throw it out entirely. Republicans are for tax cuts for the rich yet they oppose a child tax credit for lower class mothers.
Ooooh, somebody's angry that the working class isn't rolling over for their Communist masters.

Suck it, kid.
It is the largest gathering of fascists. It is the first shot in the new civil war that right-wing fascists are waging on the world.
Except we haven't shot anyone.

You'll know it when we do.

And fascists are left wing. The right wing wants government to leave us alone. Don't be stupid.

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