For Every Person Added to Labor Force, 10 Added to Those Not in Labor Force

What do you call those not in the labor force?
And how are they tallied?
The 'not in the labor force' group is defined as the total civilian non-institutional population minus the labor force."

Seems kind of padded and non specific to me.
The Labor Department counts a person as not in the civilian labor force if they are at least 16 years old, are not in the military or an institution such as a prison, mental hospital or nursing home, and have not actively looked for a job in the last four weeks.

The number of Americans whom the U.S. Department of Labor counted as “not in the civilian labor force” in August hit a record high of 88,921,000.

In July, there were 155,013,000 in the U.S. civilian labor force. In August that dropped to 154,645,000—meaning that on net 368,000 people simply dropped out of the labor force last month and did not even look for a job.

Record 88,921,000 Americans

If that is too complicated for you, there are always pictures which show the percentage of our total population that works has been dropping precipitously:


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Job creation is not even keeping up with population growth.

The 'not in the labor force' group is defined as the total civilian non-institutional population minus the labor force."

Seems kind of padded and non specific to me.

You didn't have a problem when the BLS used those numbers to declare that unemployment dropped under 8%.
Yep, it's easy to get numbers down, just don't count them. Or allow a large state not to report, either way seems to work.
For Every Person Added to Labor Force, 10 Added to Those Not in Labor Force | The Weekly Standard

That is, in nearly the four years, since President Obama took office in January 2009, only 827,000 people have been added to the labor force, while during that same time period, 8,208,000 have been added to those not in the labor

Well, they have to get unemployment numbers down somehow. If you can't create jobs, the next best thing is to wait till people fall into the invisible category and no longer count. I think many Americans feel like we no longer matter to our elected employees. Bad part is that those elected critters got it in their heads that they are rulers, not public servants. I think they need a strong reminder about what their duties really are and who they need to answer to.

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