For First Time, Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana

Legalization simply makes sense. It's just religious zealots and ignorant ideologues who keep insisting we keep it illegal and senselessly incarcerate people for its use or possession.

More than anyone else, I'd say it's the pharmaceutical companies who want it to remain illegal. They hate competition.

Or the Liquor Industry for obvious reasons.

i dont know about that....if true i cant see why.....all the parties i went to were there was lots of pot....there was also lots of drinking...lots of guys i knew who did pot also drank beer....the girls were drinking wine type things....hard liquor was also there....
More than anyone else, I'd say it's the pharmaceutical companies who want it to remain illegal. They hate competition.

Or the Liquor Industry for obvious reasons.

i dont know about that....if true i cant see why.....all the parties i went to were there was lots of pot....there was also lots of drinking...lots of guys i knew who did pot also drank beer....the girls were drinking wine type things....hard liquor was also there....

In Minny, the liquor industry has been fighting legalizing pot! Those party poopers.
Oh and some days I like a good beer while I'm toking, other days a Grey Goose Martini!:D
Great, more and more Americans stoned. Just what we need.

The insanity so prevalent in Rome at its end has been attributed to lead in the water from the lead pipes. Our insanity will be substance abuse. Not so different, the end effect is the same.

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