For gay couples, divorce comes with extra costs


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Oh My, that's a shame...


In happier times: Dottley and his former husband, Del Shores, in 2010.


Jason Dottley and his husband filed for divorce in 2012.

For gay couples, divorce comes with extra costs

Eun Kyung Kim
13 hours ago


But because gay marriage is relatively new — Massachusetts became the first state to legalize it in 2004 — same-sex couples trying to get divorced have found their attempts come with high price tags and other expensive sacrifices in the few states even willing to grant them.

“Gay and lesbian couples have had to be pioneers," said Susan Sommer, director of constitutional litigation for Lambda Legal, an advocacy group devoted to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender legal issues. "Until things get familiar, even in states like New York, where same-sex couples can marry, initially there will be a sense of, 'How do we do this?'”

Time together: Reality vs. legality

Many same-sex couples were together for years, even decades, before they were allowed to marry. That can be an expensive problem in a divorce, as most courtrooms will only divide assets starting from the time a couple actually got married.


For gay couples, divorce comes with extra costs -

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