For It Before He Was Against It

Here are frequently asked questions from the fourth national climate assessment for those interested in real science and facts.
Our scientific superiors who say humans can change sex upon a whim.

And our scientific superiors claim there is no difference between male and female humans.

You keep lying, why is that?
Oh, so no one claims males can walk into a little girls shower?

Kerry is absolutely right. Those that ridicule him have their heads in the sand. Climate change will make the middle east nearly inhabitable if trends continue. Temperatures are rising and breaking records all over the Sahara and middle east.

If the worst effects of climate change occur, look for migrations that will make the last few years seem like a cake walk. Even the US military and intelligence agencies have written that climate change will increase instability around the world.

The smart ones will prepare for the inevitable. The dolts will ignore it until the piper has to be paid.
Feels-Like Temp Reaches 164 Degrees in Iran, 159 in Iraq; Days Off Ordered as Mideast Broils in Extreme Heat Wave | The Weather Channel
Oh wow! 125 in Iraq!

Typical summer day.

Right now in Kuwait it is a heart-wrenching 75 degrees.

It is called "winter", perhaps you have heard of it.
And in summer it gets hot.

Amazing coincidences.
Here is an explanation of the difference between climate and weather.

NASA - What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?
Kerry is absolutely right. Those that ridicule him have their heads in the sand. Climate change will make the middle east nearly inhabitable if trends continue. Temperatures are rising and breaking records all over the Sahara and middle east.

If the worst effects of climate change occur, look for migrations that will make the last few years seem like a cake walk. Even the US military and intelligence agencies have written that climate change will increase instability around the world.

The smart ones will prepare for the inevitable. The dolts will ignore it until the piper has to be paid.
Feels-Like Temp Reaches 164 Degrees in Iran, 159 in Iraq; Days Off Ordered as Mideast Broils in Extreme Heat Wave | The Weather Channel
Oh wow! 125 in Iraq!

Typical summer day.

Right now in Kuwait it is a heart-wrenching 75 degrees.

It is called "winter", perhaps you have heard of it.
And in summer it gets hot.

Amazing coincidences.
Here is an explanation of the difference between climate and weather.

NASA - What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?
Weather is not climate until a warm day in January.

Funny how they are all admitting Trump was right.

Isn't that always the problem? Trump is mostly right. All it takes is common sense. And that is why the Left despises him, for if he is right then they have been terribly wrong all along, and for as much as the Left have controlled things for many years, if they weren't terribly wrong, how do they explain the world being in the mess it is? Because Trump suddenly took office for 22 months?
Here is the report published by the Trump administration...try reading it.

National Climate Assessment
Which everyone knows is BS.

Then why did Trump publish it?

It is not BS, the climate is changing, there is zero question of that, nobody with a brain questions that fact.

The bigger question is why and what to do about it.

Sticking your head up your ass and pretending it is not real does not help
Nobody ever claimed climate was stable, dufus.

You are the one saying that the climate is not changing. Please make up your mind.
It has been changing since God created it. When he decides he will destroy it, by fire. So i guess your running around saying global warming is partially correct.
Kerry is absolutely right. Those that ridicule him have their heads in the sand. Climate change will make the middle east nearly inhabitable if trends continue. Temperatures are rising and breaking records all over the Sahara and middle east.

If the worst effects of climate change occur, look for migrations that will make the last few years seem like a cake walk. Even the US military and intelligence agencies have written that climate change will increase instability around the world.

The smart ones will prepare for the inevitable. The dolts will ignore it until the piper has to be paid.
Feels-Like Temp Reaches 164 Degrees in Iran, 159 in Iraq; Days Off Ordered as Mideast Broils in Extreme Heat Wave | The Weather Channel
So the current wave of immigration is do to climate change. Do this include the mess at our southern border? Sound like liberals ard just try to wrap their two bi g issues into one
There is actually some who think that this caravan is being motivated not just by corruption and violence in their home countries but also in part by drought and changing climate conditions affecting their ability to live off the land.
Oh bullcrap, Soro's is just buying more democrat votes so you can finally destroy the united states.
Here is the report published by the Trump administration...try reading it.

National Climate Assessment
Which everyone knows is BS.

Then why did Trump publish it?

It is not BS, the climate is changing, there is zero question of that, nobody with a brain questions that fact.

The bigger question is why and what to do about it.

Sticking your head up your ass and pretending it is not real does not help
Nobody ever claimed climate was stable, dufus.

You are the one saying that the climate is not changing. Please make up your mind.
It has been changing since God created it. When he decides he will destroy it, by fire. So i guess your running around saying global warming is partially correct.
God helps those that help themselves. Remember that.
Kerry is absolutely right. Those that ridicule him have their heads in the sand. Climate change will make the middle east nearly inhabitable if trends continue. Temperatures are rising and breaking records all over the Sahara and middle east.

If the worst effects of climate change occur, look for migrations that will make the last few years seem like a cake walk. Even the US military and intelligence agencies have written that climate change will increase instability around the world.

The smart ones will prepare for the inevitable. The dolts will ignore it until the piper has to be paid.
Feels-Like Temp Reaches 164 Degrees in Iran, 159 in Iraq; Days Off Ordered as Mideast Broils in Extreme Heat Wave | The Weather Channel
Oh wow! 125 in Iraq!

Typical summer day.

Right now in Kuwait it is a heart-wrenching 75 degrees.

It is called "winter", perhaps you have heard of it.
Yes, that would be called climate change, or global cooling, and when summer comes it is global warming.
Which everyone knows is BS.

Then why did Trump publish it?

It is not BS, the climate is changing, there is zero question of that, nobody with a brain questions that fact.

The bigger question is why and what to do about it.

Sticking your head up your ass and pretending it is not real does not help
Nobody ever claimed climate was stable, dufus.

You are the one saying that the climate is not changing. Please make up your mind.
It has been changing since God created it. When he decides he will destroy it, by fire. So i guess your running around saying global warming is partially correct.
God helps those that help themselves. Remember that.
He also wants his children to be disciples.
Kerry is absolutely right. Those that ridicule him have their heads in the sand. Climate change will make the middle east nearly inhabitable if trends continue. Temperatures are rising and breaking records all over the Sahara and middle east.

If the worst effects of climate change occur, look for migrations that will make the last few years seem like a cake walk. Even the US military and intelligence agencies have written that climate change will increase instability around the world.

The smart ones will prepare for the inevitable. The dolts will ignore it until the piper has to be paid.
Feels-Like Temp Reaches 164 Degrees in Iran, 159 in Iraq; Days Off Ordered as Mideast Broils in Extreme Heat Wave | The Weather Channel
So the current wave of immigration is do to climate change. Do this include the mess at our southern border? Sound like liberals ard just try to wrap their two bi g issues into one
There is actually some who think that this caravan is being motivated not just by corruption and violence in their home countries but also in part by drought and changing climate conditions affecting their ability to live off the land.
And morons believe it.

Great and brilliant argument! I think the morons are those that deny the science, see everything through a religious and ideological lens, deny facts and then believe that their subjective opinion rules all.
Scientist are also realizing a fetus is really a living human being. I guess you will overlook that one.
That report is an Obamanation creation.

The report was published by your savior in the White House.
Do show us Trump's signature on the report.

Trump's administration published it. Trump is the head of his Administration, thus it is his report. It is called "leadership"...look it and see what it means.
Oh, so you admit Trump probably never even read it.

I know Trump never read it, he brags about not reading.

Not to mention it is not written on a 4th grade level so Trump would not be able to understand it anyhow.

Are you saying that the President is not responsible for the things that their administration does?
Yeah i remember Obama finding out about major world events on the eleven o clock news.
It's Kerry...who cares
I bet he runs next year.

I will take that bet. If he does not you leave the board forever, if he does I will.

You got the balls to back up your words?
Like all the hollywood elitist that said they would leave the united states if Trump won?

Why yes, I do think that Weatherman is just like that. Thanks for such a good example
Kerry is absolutely right. Those that ridicule him have their heads in the sand. Climate change will make the middle east nearly inhabitable if trends continue. Temperatures are rising and breaking records all over the Sahara and middle east.

If the worst effects of climate change occur, look for migrations that will make the last few years seem like a cake walk. Even the US military and intelligence agencies have written that climate change will increase instability around the world.

The smart ones will prepare for the inevitable. The dolts will ignore it until the piper has to be paid.
Feels-Like Temp Reaches 164 Degrees in Iran, 159 in Iraq; Days Off Ordered as Mideast Broils in Extreme Heat Wave | The Weather Channel
Oh wow! 125 in Iraq!

Typical summer day.

Right now in Kuwait it is a heart-wrenching 75 degrees.

It is called "winter", perhaps you have heard of it.
Yes, that would be called climate change, or global cooling, and when summer comes it is global warming.

That is not called climate change...but thanks for playing and showing your ignorance.
The report was published by your savior in the White House.
Do show us Trump's signature on the report.

Trump's administration published it. Trump is the head of his Administration, thus it is his report. It is called "leadership"...look it and see what it means.
Oh, so you admit Trump probably never even read it.

I know Trump never read it, he brags about not reading.

Not to mention it is not written on a 4th grade level so Trump would not be able to understand it anyhow.

Are you saying that the President is not responsible for the things that their administration does?
Yeah i remember Obama finding out about major world events on the eleven o clock news.

Yep, he sure did. Amazing how alike him and Trump really are. Thanks for pointing that out one more time.
Which everyone knows is BS.

Then why did Trump publish it?

It is not BS, the climate is changing, there is zero question of that, nobody with a brain questions that fact.

The bigger question is why and what to do about it.

Sticking your head up your ass and pretending it is not real does not help
Nobody ever claimed climate was stable, dufus.

You are the one saying that the climate is not changing. Please make up your mind.
It has been changing since God created it. When he decides he will destroy it, by fire. So i guess your running around saying global warming is partially correct.
God helps those that help themselves. Remember that.

Remember that is not a biblical idea, the Bible never says such a thing or even implies it,.
Which everyone knows is BS.
Only to those that deny the science.
Yes, why do you deny science?
It is not just US scientists but the military that see the threat of climate change.

Climate Change in the Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community
Oh crap, you pulled that whopper out.

Do tell us what Big Government wants. Oh yeah, more money because the oceans are rising that are not rising. Or something.
Everyone is wrong except you. Sorry, but I will go with the US scientists, our intelligence agencies, NASA, and the nearly unanimous conclusions of the worldwide scientific community.

Who's wrong? Hell if I know. But one thing I do know is that until the rich and famous actually start walking the walk instead of simply talking the talk, I won't worry about it. They want US to sacrifice, not them.

Kerry is absolutely right. Those that ridicule him have their heads in the sand. Climate change will make the middle east nearly inhabitable if trends continue. Temperatures are rising and breaking records all over the Sahara and middle east.

If the worst effects of climate change occur, look for migrations that will make the last few years seem like a cake walk. Even the US military and intelligence agencies have written that climate change will increase instability around the world.

The smart ones will prepare for the inevitable. The dolts will ignore it until the piper has to be paid.
Feels-Like Temp Reaches 164 Degrees in Iran, 159 in Iraq; Days Off Ordered as Mideast Broils in Extreme Heat Wave | The Weather Channel

Whose fault was it when th Fertile Crescent turned into a desert thousands of years ago?

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