For Reps Sake!

She's excited about rep too! :D

I asked "Who wants some rep" and only these folks raised their hands....

BobPlumb, Intolerant, SteadyMercury, and time raise your hand when I ask


My hand is right uder the frame, I swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear fellow rep hoes,

I am currently at 51,930. The first member to push me over 52 K, if he/she reps this posting, will be double repped by me tomorrow. That would be 104 back from me....

So, on your mark, get ready.... you just gotta be in the right place at the right time!!!


Yours truly,

RepScort Stat.


Damn. I was too slow!
Dear fellow rep hoes,

I am currently at 51,930. The first member to push me over 52 K, if he/she reps this posting, will be double repped by me tomorrow. That would be 104 back from me....

So, on your mark, get ready.... you just gotta be in the right place at the right time!!!


Yours truly,

RepScort Stat.


And the member who shot me over 52 K was: Jake Starkey!

But he didn't rep this posting...

That's ok, soon we are at 53 K, and then 54 K and then, WE TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!

(cue Pinky and the Brain music...)

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Ok, I am definitely repping this. Tits = rep.
I love tatays. Rep up ho.

You, WQ and bong bong are definitely on the Monday delivery list.

At RepScorts International, Statistikhengst hub, we keep very good lists:

Good boys and girls.

Bad boys and girls.

Are they even boys or girls? :eek:

Would you like yours gift-wrapped??

[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] what is the Monday delivery list?
I love tatays. Rep up ho.

You, WQ and bong bong are definitely on the Monday delivery list.

At RepScorts International, Statistikhengst hub, we keep very good lists:

Good boys and girls.

Bad boys and girls.

Are they even boys or girls? :eek:

Would you like yours gift-wrapped??

[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] what is the Monday delivery list?

Enjoy! :D

Dear Word Detective: I recently listened to a crank call in which an eight year-old Dublin girl attempts to retain the services of a demolitions company in order to destroy her school. It’s amusing both in the sophistication of the girl (most of my crank calls at that age involved rude noises) and the willingness of the company to play along with the gag. (Like most things that have ever produced images or sound, it’s available on YouTube.) During the call, the girl uses the phrase, “Fill your boots, man!” which seems to mean, “Go for it!” I’m curious about the origin of that phrase, and if it’s Irish only. For that matter, where does “crank call” come from? — Greg Charles.

... “Fill your boots” is definitely not restricted to Ireland, although it does seem most popular in Britain, Canada and Australia. It’s especially associated with football (what is called “soccer” here in the US), where it’s used primarily to mean “score lots of goals and win lots of games.” Owing at least in part to the popularity of that YouTube video, and probably to the current World Cup competition, as well, the internet is awash at the moment in speculation about what “fill your boots” means and where it came from.

I’ve found “fill your boots” used with two basic meanings. It’s used, as in your example, as an exhortation to “Go for it!” or “Get up and get going! Just do it!” But it’s also used in the more particular sense of “take as much as you want” or “take advantage of the situation” (“There’s an open bar and a free buffet, so fill your boots, boys.”).​
-- The Word Detective

Behind the voice: Rebecca Barry:

Rebecca's talent was first publicly discovered by 98FM, when she was only five. The firm James was working for at the time was based in the same building as the radio station, and Dermot Whelan and Dave Moore from The Morning Crew walked through while Rebecca was singing at the company's Christmas party.

"They asked if they could they bring her in, and record her singing Silent Night to play on Christmas Day," recalls Olive. "They asked her again the following year, and then called to say that they had a job for her."

The job was being the voice of the show's hilarious prank calls, which, among others, have seen Little Becky attempt to book a demolition firm to have her school knocked down, apply to do her driving test, and work on cross-border relations with the Orange Order.​

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