$ for sex/drugs

The supposedly pro-capitalist party of America is vehemently opposed to the sale of sex and recreational drugs. Two legitimate enterprises which contribute to the economy.

Why is there such opposition to prostitution and the drug industry from those that also parade civil liberties and economic freedom?

I'm sorry you're a loser that has to pay for sex and have to live in an altered reality with high speed drugs, you know there is professional help for that.
Which ones are high speed drugs?

Marijuana, up to 40 times the THC concentration vs 40 years ago, cocaine, heroin, crack, meth and let's not forget the large number of pharmaceuticals that are being sold on the black market for people to get high. Do you really want those users on the roads with you and your family?
So you're saying you're ready to overthrow the government if you're not allowed to buy sex and drugs on the street?
No, but your fascination with dictating to others about your beliefs on sex and drugs is interesting.

As interesting is that you don't believe these words: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Who decides what is authentic?

Logic does. It is not rocket science.

What purpose does selling food serve for a restaurant owner? What purpose does dealing drugs serve for a drug dealer?

There you go.
Where did you think you were going? All you are saying is that you approve of these acts and so they are legitimate and that is a subjective standard, so anyone who disagrees with you can say they are not legitimate acts.
The supposedly pro-capitalist party of America is vehemently opposed to the sale of sex and recreational drugs. Two legitimate enterprises which contribute to the economy.

Why is there such opposition to prostitution and the drug industry from those that also parade civil liberties and economic freedom?

I'm sorry you're a loser that has to pay for sex and have to live in an altered reality with high speed drugs, you know there is professional help for that.
Which ones are high speed drugs?

Marijuana, up to 40 times the THC concentration vs 40 years ago, cocaine, heroin, crack, meth and let's not forget the large number of pharmaceuticals that are being sold on the black market for people to get high. Do you really want those users on the roads with you and your family?
I smoked weed 40 years ago and I can tell you that this bunk BS is just a story line..there was weed back then that would kick your azz , and I've tied the so called new and improved...It ain't anymore stronger, in fact the majority of it looks pretty and is fluffy, but the buzz is a disappointment...
Marijuana, up to 40 times the THC concentration vs 40 years ago, cocaine, heroin, crack, meth and let's not forget the large number of pharmaceuticals that are being sold on the black market for people to get high. Do you really want those users on the roads with you and your family?
Is it legal to drive drunk? On painkillers? Otherwise "impaired"? No, it isn't, so I fail to see why it would be allowed with someone on marijuana.
So you're saying you're ready to overthrow the government if you're not allowed to buy sex and drugs on the street?
No, but your fascination with dictating to others about your beliefs on sex and drugs is interesting.

As interesting is that you don't believe these words: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
But you are citing a document that was for the purpose of justifying a revolution, so why are you citing it if you are not also calling for a revolution if you can't buy sex and drugs on the street?
I'm sorry you're a loser that has to pay for sex and have to live in an altered reality with high speed drugs, you know there is professional help for that.


I do not pay sex or consume drugs.

Nice deflection though. Bet that helps you win plenty of arguments in real life.

My position is founded on the moral basis that I have no state in telling other people what they can do with their bodies. These are victimless crimes, and while you can argue indirect effects (quite poorly), I am not a stalinist who tries to institute population control to condition the perfect society.

Really, tell that to the 16 folks who were hauled off to hospitals in one day from some synthetic BS they call cush and the people who wound up with the medical bills, ie the tax payers, because these people had no insurance.
Marijuana, up to 40 times the THC concentration vs 40 years ago, cocaine, heroin, crack, meth and let's not forget the large number of pharmaceuticals that are being sold on the black market for people to get high. Do you really want those users on the roads with you and your family?
Is it legal to drive drunk? On painkillers? Otherwise "impaired"? No, it isn't, so I fail to see why it would be allowed with someone on marijuana.

Apply the same laws that a drunk driver has to face when driving.
Nothing substantive? I quoted YOU ya dumbfuck.

Here's something substantive for ya. You CLEARLY have no idea what LEGITIMATE means.

Still not substantive at all.

Just deflection. No arguments. '

Tell me what the constitutes legitimacy mate? I would love to hear it.

Ok, we get it, you're an anarchist and for you there are no legitimate rules. No run along child, this is an adult forum.
I smoked weed 40 years ago and I can tell you that this bunk BS is just a story line..there was weed back then that would kick you azz in the dirt and I've tied the so called new and improved...It ain't anymore stronger, in fact the majority of it looks pretty and is fluffy, but the buzz is a disappointment...
You must be high...or somebody sold you oregano.

'Strong' and 'Dirty': What's Really in — and Not in — Legal Weed
Colorado marijuana is nearly twice as potent as illegal pot of past decades, and some modern cannabis packs triple the punch of vintage ganja, lab tests reveal for the first time.

In old-school dope, levels of THC — the psychoactive chemical that makes people high — were typically well below 10 percent. But in Colorado's legal bud, the average THC level is 18.7 percent, and some retail pot contains 30 percent THC or more, according to research released Monday

Is Marijuana Significantly More Potent Now Than in the Past? - Medical Marijuana - ProCon.org
The average potency of all marijuana in the US, according to the UMPMC's Dec. 2008 – Mar. 2009 quarterly report, was 8.52% (5.62% domestic and 9.57% nondomestic).

The highest tested sample had 22.04% THC (domestic) and 27.30% THC (nondomestic). The highest tested sample ever tested between 1975 and 2009 had 33.12% THC (domestic) and 37.20% THC (nondomestic).

For comparison, the national average of marijuana's THC content in 1978 was 1.37%, in 1988 it was 3.59%, in 1998 4.43%, and in 2008 8.49%.

Although average potencies have increased, the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) reported in the June 4, 2002 Washington Post article "The Real Dope: Tried the 'Today's Pot Is Stronger' Claim With Your Kids? Your Cover Is Blown" that "joint sizes have dropped over the years from half a gram to about a quarter of a gram." In addition, pipes, water pipes, and vaporizers typically require less marijuana per use than joints and these items have become increasingly popular over the last 30 years. Some medical marijuana advocates contend that more potent marijuana means less marijuana is needed to achieve the desired medical benefit
Ok, we get it, you're an anarchist and for you there are no legitimate rules. No run along child, this is an adult forum.

More strawman. I believe in rules.

You should wait for me to declare my beliefs before you go ahead and assume them. Wouldn't that be a mature adult thing to do?
I'm sorry you're a loser that has to pay for sex and have to live in an altered reality with high speed drugs, you know there is professional help for that.


I do not pay sex or consume drugs.

Nice deflection though. Bet that helps you win plenty of arguments in real life.

My position is founded on the moral basis that I have no state in telling other people what they can do with their bodies. These are victimless crimes, and while you can argue indirect effects (quite poorly), I am not a stalinist who tries to institute population control to condition the perfect society.

Really, tell that to the 16 folks who were hauled off to hospitals in one day from some synthetic BS they call cush and the people who wound up with the medical bills, ie the tax payers, because these people had no insurance.
I smoked weed 40 years ago and I can tell you that this bunk BS is just a story line..there was weed back then that would kick you azz in the dirt and I've tied the so called new and improved...It ain't anymore stronger, in fact the majority of it looks pretty and is fluffy, but the buzz is a disappointment...
You must be high...or somebody sold you oregano.

'Strong' and 'Dirty': What's Really in — and Not in — Legal Weed
Colorado marijuana is nearly twice as potent as illegal pot of past decades, and some modern cannabis packs triple the punch of vintage ganja, lab tests reveal for the first time.

In old-school dope, levels of THC — the psychoactive chemical that makes people high — were typically well below 10 percent. But in Colorado's legal bud, the average THC level is 18.7 percent, and some retail pot contains 30 percent THC or more, according to research released Monday

Is Marijuana Significantly More Potent Now Than in the Past? - Medical Marijuana - ProCon.org
The average potency of all marijuana in the US, according to the UMPMC's Dec. 2008 – Mar. 2009 quarterly report, was 8.52% (5.62% domestic and 9.57% nondomestic).

The highest tested sample had 22.04% THC (domestic) and 27.30% THC (nondomestic). The highest tested sample ever tested between 1975 and 2009 had 33.12% THC (domestic) and 37.20% THC (nondomestic).

For comparison, the national average of marijuana's THC content in 1978 was 1.37%, in 1988 it was 3.59%, in 1998 4.43%, and in 2008 8.49%.

Although average potencies have increased, the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) reported in the June 4, 2002 Washington Post article "The Real Dope: Tried the 'Today's Pot Is Stronger' Claim With Your Kids? Your Cover Is Blown" that "joint sizes have dropped over the years from half a gram to about a quarter of a gram." In addition, pipes, water pipes, and vaporizers typically require less marijuana per use than joints and these items have become increasingly popular over the last 30 years. Some medical marijuana advocates contend that more potent marijuana means less marijuana is needed to achieve the desired medical benefit
In the 1970's you could get an ounce for 10 dollars, unless it was Colombian, which was 40 and it would get you very high..Now that the new stuff averages around 100 bucks a quarter ounce it was not what I expected...I was expecting the so called super high, eh...
Everyone just assumed I meant marijuana when I mentioned drugs.

Nope. Crack, heroin, and meth too.
Really, tell that to the 16 folks who were hauled off to hospitals in one day from some synthetic BS they call cush and the people who wound up with the medical bills, ie the tax payers, because these people had no insurance.
Solution in two words: Soylent Green
How are these insults helping your case?

Who says I need help? You're the moron who doesn't know what he's talking about.

There are multiple legitimate definitions.


Classically and philosophically, the use of the term "legitimate" has been used in the context of what is a reality, or what is genuine.


All you're saying is that some people misuse terminology so it's okay for you to misuse it as well. All the meanwhile, you are intentionally trying to rely on such ambiguities to fallaciously slide people into agreeing with your conclusion.

Look, get over it. Your argument is nonsense. Prostitution and drug dealing are not legitimate businesses. They are illegitimate. Trying to tell everyone that they are "legitimate" and then using that "legitimacy" to convince people that they should therefore become legal is obtuse nonsense of the highest order. Now, if you have nothing else other than more of the same fucking stupidity I will thank you to complete your surgical sterilization before the end of the week. You're not exactly the most buoyant air bubble in the gene pool and the homo sapiens species would appreciate your voluntary participation in the evolutionary process.
In the 1970's you could get an ounce for 10 dollars, unless it was Colombian, which was 40 and it would get you very high..Now that the new stuff averages around 100 bucks a quarter ounce it was not what I expected...I was expecting the so called super high, eh...
Try smoking more of it. A LOT more. As much as you can stand. Feel free to post your results.
Everyone just assumed I meant marijuana when I mentioned drugs.

Nope. Crack, heroin, and meth too.
I'd call users of "heavy drugs" to be examples of "evolution in action". Obviously the same laws as alcohol should be applied to them: not in public, not while operating anything on public roads (yes bicycles and horses just like alcohol), etc. People who OD should be treated as suicide attempts; let'em go.
I'm still trying to determine if the op is American. I've asked twice & he just skips those posts.

Yes, I am an American citizen.

I prefer to keep most details about my life private though, which is why I do not want to get involved in avenues of discussion that may end up with demands for personal details.

I hope you can respect that.
Fair enough, I just wasn't sure cause you kept calling me mate. I figured if you weren't American the point was moot. I get tired of foreigners trying to influence issues in my country.

He's English or Irish, most likely immigrated in adulthood.

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