$ for sex/drugs

The great thing about the few nudist I know, they really don't give a shit about what others think, they accept themselves and others for who they are, not who they try to project themselves to be. But you'll find that 90+% of the people who claim to be all for individual rights draw the line at public nudity.

Most people are sheep, not individuals. I am not a fan of public nudity, because besides clothing having practical usages, sexual advertising is not needed in my daily operations.

There is something admirable about those that will willingly ostracize themselves from mainstream society, but a lot of the time the purpose of this is to conform into a minority, which is in essence no better.

I like subcultures and cliques about as much as I like the standardized corporate family man living in suburbia.
$ for sex/drugs

...And the cult for degeneracy pushes on and on in incremental measures...

Don't worry, they won't push for $ for sex with children. They'll draw the line there at child trafficking... Not one worry at all. Hey, I said, DON'T WORRY, IT WON'T HAPPEN...what are you? A bigot?
Agreed....because most people on this forum want to dominate others with their political view.

That's politics.

Systematic subjugation of the population by a powerful majority or minority ruling class.

Although I am not convinced that any state has ever had a true majority ruling class.
Most of the people on this board would disagree, on both sides.
Agreed....because most people on this forum want to dominate others with their political view.

Dude, is that what you really believe our Founders wanted? To dominate others with a particular view?

Nope, the founders expected government to protect individual rights, not try to find ways to circumvent them at every turn. Unfortunately no politician has the balls to tell people things are not part of their job description, so they try to be everything to everyone and wind up fucking us all.
The great thing about the few nudist I know, they really don't give a shit about what others think, they accept themselves and others for who they are, not who they try to project themselves to be. But you'll find that 90+% of the people who claim to be all for individual rights draw the line at public nudity.

Most people are sheep, not individuals. I am not a fan of public nudity, because besides clothing having practical usages, sexual advertising is not needed in my daily operations.

There is something admirable about those that will willingly ostracize themselves from mainstream society, but a lot of the time the purpose of this is to conform into a minority, which is in essence no better.

I like subcultures and cliques about as much as I like the standardized corporate family man living in suburbia.

Tribalism is human nature, to gather with like minded people gives people a sense of security and purpose. Only weak minded anarchist think order can come from ciaos. Self governance my be preferable, but it's proven to be impractical where there more than a couple of people in a area. Even when there are only two, a hierarchy emerges, once again, that's nature.
Nope, the founders expected government to protect individual rights, not try to find ways to circumvent them at every turn. Unfortunately no politician has the balls to tell people things are not part of their job description, so they try to be everything to everyone and wind up fucking us all.
Agreed about the Founders. Unfortunately, today's government and our representatives don't seek to protect individual rights. They seek to push their party's agenda of dominating others with their views.
It's the pro American party.
When they dictate to others on how to live, what to believe and stick their nose in the personal business of American citizens, they aren't pro-American.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

"The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independant 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure." -- Thomas Jefferson, 1787

"A man's rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box." -- Frederick Douglass

There is and never has been a from of government that manunkind has ever set up that been torn down in bloody revolutions or invasions.

The Republican system was taken from The Republic of Rome and partly from American Indian trible systems.

Look what happened to both of them. Power and greed destroys and that will never stop. Even in Heaven they are fighting with each other. Lucifer wanted power, angel sheep followed him, we now pay for it? Not sure although I beleive we do have a creator.
...And the cult for degeneracy pushes on and on in incremental measures...

That is some good rhetoric.

Let us argue the actual topic. Not commit slippery slope fallacies.
Oh you poor pervert.. :itsok: The man's always keeping your poor weak movement down. We're sorry you can't have 100% court victories across the board and put a gag rule on every religion that tries to keep a lid on the Cult of Smut. Will you be happy with just your meager 99% victories?

BTW, arguing about child trafficking is part of this discussion. And it isn't a slippery slope. When you relax people's bristles about women being trafficked, the next step in that ladder is children. So that discussion is directly on topic. Every child in the nation is put in danger by you trying to suppress free speech by saying any argument of "slippery slope" isn't allowed. We've seen it happening with gay marriage. Are you aware that right now, just a year after the illegal Ruling was made, the Brown polygamy family is petitioning the US Supreme Court for an eventual 50-state mandate on polygamy, using last year's Ruling as a wedge in the door?

Their brief is due to Sotomayor this week I think. Remember how the Church of LGBT assured the world it wouldn't hear of a single word about "slippery slope" when it came to marriage? Yes, let's trust the degenerates. Shrink back! Don't discuss the slippery slope!

Yes, arguments about slippery slopes are allowed.
BTW, arguing about child trafficking is part of this discussion. And it isn't a slippery slope.

Not a slippery slope, really?

When you relax people's bristles about women being trafficked, the next step in that ladder is children.

Looks like a slippery slope.

Yes, arguments about slippery slopes are allowed.

They are allowed, but they wont help your case.

Slippery slopes are fallacious arguments.

You can always cut a slope off, which is why the argument is invalid in intellectual discussions.
The supposedly pro-capitalist party of America is vehemently opposed to the sale of sex and recreational drugs. Two legitimate enterprises which contribute to the economy.

Why is there such opposition to prostitution and the drug industry from those that also parade civil liberties and economic freedom?

I'd vote for Bern if they were free (-:
What's the difference if I hand a woman $100 or buy her dinner to get laid?

I see no difference. As for drugs, we need to stop already. Hey, if you steal from me to buy drugs then fuck you.
Please amplify your thoughts here.

Governance should never be mixed with force, because in doing so you form a state. That combination also produces a ruling class.

Formal and informal groups should exist on both a large and small scale in order to defend human life and personal property.

Everything else is voluntary interaction, where mankind is responcible for themselves (although family structures are important). That also means they are accountable for pursuing conflict remediation and economic success.

This is an anarchist position.
Anarchism, like socialism, doesn't work above the tribal/village level. It has the additional problem of being unable to defend itself from outside attack. Some human beings being, you know, assholes.

It appears we're agreed that the Federal government should dominate individual rights, but should protect people from each other. Two gays in San Francisco or some guy smoking pot in Denver doesn't hurt anyone....except those who don't like it. It's not government's job to enforce morality.
yeah if I weren't married, I'd get tired of dating. Just ask the woman for a bj for $50 and cut through the red tape.
It's certainly a lot cheaper than marriage. ;)

TBH, I like being married. It's more than just sex, it's companionship. Partnership.
It takes more alcohol than coke to kill you or cause issues....one line of come is worse than one beer...not even close.
Nice factoid, but so what? Drinking too much water can kill you.

It's not the amount that matters, but the fact some agree with one thing (alcohol and tobacco), but disagree with another thing (marijuana, cocaine, etc). What gives you or anyone else the right to dictate whether or not a person can commit suicide? Poison themselves? Do you really want to give the Federal government that power?
Anarchism, like socialism, doesn't work above the tribal/village level.

False and fallacious.

First of all, you are assigning geopolitical conditions to anarchy, which you cannot do. Geopolitics would only exist in the sense of the boundaries between anarchy and states.

Any type of society can exist on any scale. The only question is how much force is necessary to protect the status quo.

It has the additional problem of being unable to defend itself from outside attack.

Tell that to Nestor Makhno. He kicked the asses of the Soviets and White Army despite unbelievable odds for several years.

Some human beings being, you know, assholes.

I completely agree.

Assholes who cause physical harm to the personhood or property of others should be killed, unless they are doing so in self defense.

Like I usually say, you cannot have an honest discussion about the merits of freedom if you do not account for human imperfection.

It's not government's job to enforce morality.

That is exactly what the state does, besides protecting the interests of the ruling class. There is also appropriation.

Appropriation of funds collected through voluntary means in order to organize social institutions is completely legitimate in anarchism.

What do you want, a night watchman state?
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