$ for sex/drugs

False and fallacious.

First of all, you are assigning geopolitical conditions to anarchy, which you cannot do. Geopolitics would only exist in the sense of the boundaries between anarchy and states.

Any type of society can exist on any scale. The only question is how much force is necessary to protect the status quo.

It has the additional problem of being unable to defend itself from outside attack.

Tell that to Nestor Makhno. He kicked the asses of the Soviets and White Army despite unbelievable odds for several years.

Some human beings being, you know, assholes.

I completely agree.

Assholes who cause physical harm to the personhood or property of others should be killed, unless they are doing so in self defense.

Like I usually say, you cannot have an honest discussion about the merits of freedom if you do not account for human imperfection.

It's not government's job to enforce morality.

That is exactly what the state does, besides protecting the interests of the ruling class. There is also appropriation.

Appropriation of funds collected through voluntary means in order to organize social institutions is completely legitimate in anarchism.

What do you want, a night watchman state?
Disagreed. You're like those who claim to be "agnostic atheists". Sorry dude, but you're waffling.

In a world of limited resources, Churchill remains correct:

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

Develop the tech to have unlimited "free" energy and other resources, and we can discuss other forms of government.
Can't hand out really cheap coke, heroin or vicodyn. They can't get MoFo to show up for work everday now?
yet alcohol propels one to be a great worker with a great attendance record and performance level..

It takes more alcohol than coke to kill you or cause issues....one line of come is worse than one beer...not even close.
One line of come, well do you dry it first or snort it wet?
Disagreed. You're like those who claim to be "agnostic atheists". Sorry dude, but you're waffling.

Minarchists and statist libertarians waffle.

In a world of limited resources, Churchill remains correct:

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

Develop the tech to have unlimited "free" energy and other resources, and we can discuss other forms of government.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Anarchism is taking democracy seriously. Never has there been a true statist democracy, in the context of the people having power.

I do not know what you mean by limited "free" resources. That topic has no relevance on the subject of true freedom, unless I am missing something.

Are you under the impression that energy and resources only exist under the state? Sorry to break it to you, but the state does not have the power to create a single thing.
It takes more alcohol than coke to kill you or cause issues....one line of come is worse than one beer...not even close.
Nice factoid, but so what? Drinking too much water can kill you.

It's not the amount that matters, but the fact some agree with one thing (alcohol and tobacco), but disagree with another thing (marijuana, cocaine, etc). What gives you or anyone else the right to dictate whether or not a person can commit suicide? Poison themselves? Do you really want to give the Federal government that power?

Well first of all, We are the federal government. Remember self-rule? Democracy?...ring a bell?

And...monkey see, monkey do. If we have adult examples of "OK suicide" or "OK drug abuse" or "OK prostitution" (soon to come after, "OK child trafficking") then our youth will at the first pang of adolescent hell, turn to drugs, prostitution or suicide because "It's OK if it's your decision...I know a couple of adults who...."

Little eyes are watching. We'd do well in our lawmaking to never forget how absorbing the minds of our youth are.. We set ideals not because we are under delusion they will always be reached; but because we want to continue to prod the striving towards them by our youth...who, after all, will make up the future lawmakers in our ranks.

I've read books on the history of world civilization. When countries enter into institutionalized downward spirals, it's never long before those countries cease to exist from either internal implosion and chaos, or by foreign interests moving in while the chaos is unfolding...
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True story: I know a woman who was raised in Reno NV (where prostitution is legal). At the first pang of adolescent hell she became a prostitute (OK prostitution). By the time she was in her early 20s she was so on drugs (OK drug use) & so depressed from that lifestyle that she shot herself (OK suicide). Luckily she shot herself in the stomach area and grazed her spine so that she has partial use of her left leg and full use of the right leg. She remains partially disabled to this day from legal (OK) prostitution... She still dabbles in "OK drugs" to this day and I worry about her..
From a health and safety perspective, when you buy a bottle of scotch, you know what you are getting, but when you buy drugs on the street, you don't.


Bootleg alcohol during prohibition was also sketchy and there were often cases of alcohol poisoning.

You can still buy bootleg alcohol at cheaper prices off the black market. Most do not, because when presented with the option, most would rather buy at a higher price from the open and honest market.

The same is true if you buy sex on the streets, so from a health and safety perspective, if prostitution and drugs were legalized, they would have to be regulated and from a civil rights perspective would this make people freer or less free to enjoy them?

Not true.

If prostitution and drug use were no longer attacked by the federal government, honorable capitalists would naturally upgrade that market with good business facilities and honest business practices.
Not without government regulation and that means from a civil rights perspective, consumers would be less free to choose what they want than they are now.
No, that is flatly false.

Making a product or act illegal does not, by its very nature, increase rights.
Selling drugs is a legitimate business practice.

No! :slap::slap::slap:

Why not?

Is it because the law says otherwise? It is because you say otherwise? Is that the only basis you have for declaring it illegitimate?

You are going to have to do better than that. :mm::mm::mm:

Because with the unmitigated distribution of drugs like a bull in a China Shop, people would inject, snort, smoke or blow themselves into oblivion.
That is your assumption. Prohibition has proven this assumption false - illegal alcohol was far worse than legalizing it.

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