For Some The Anthem Is About Race...Called Ni66er For Kneeling

We need unity! All together now! Waaaaaaa waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa.
Don't won't be called on to care about others.
Remember when the libtards demonized Tim Tewbow ( he's a white guy) for kneeling?

No. That was a RW fantasy to excuse his not being good enough for the NFL.
Horseshit! He's been demonized because his mom would not abort him, for being a Christian, for shedding a tear! Nice fucking try though you double standard hypocritical old hag!
No he was not demonized...that was an excuse cooked up by people like you when he couldn't cut it in the NFL...."persecuted because he's christian".....that's how you guys roll.
Oh yeah? Just do a search here on this message board. I cooked up nothing! Your side demonized Tebow because he was not aborted, because he cried and because he openly knelt and prayed.
You made a claim that he was demonized because of his religion.....prove it. Name names of those demonizing him and link those posts. Remember...your claim is that it was because of his religion...NOT because he's not a good football player for the NFL.
Oh fuck ewe! Do your own damn homework. The threads are all still here!
Wow...look at all the justifications, excuses and deflections conservatives can muster up to defend white people calling a Black kid a ni66er....
The only people I have seen calling black kids the N I word is black people themselves. So is the N word a bad word or isn't it?
Are you being persecuted because you want to use it?
It never crosses my mi d to use it. How about ewe?
Never....but you are the one crying because you think others can say it while you can't. I'm of the belief that no one should be using it. Period. And if they do, I think much less of them.
Don't won't be called on to care about others.
No. That was a RW fantasy to excuse his not being good enough for the NFL.
Horseshit! He's been demonized because his mom would not abort him, for being a Christian, for shedding a tear! Nice fucking try though you double standard hypocritical old hag!
No he was not demonized...that was an excuse cooked up by people like you when he couldn't cut it in the NFL...."persecuted because he's christian".....that's how you guys roll.
Oh yeah? Just do a search here on this message board. I cooked up nothing! Your side demonized Tebow because he was not aborted, because he cried and because he openly knelt and prayed.
You made a claim that he was demonized because of his religion.....prove it. Name names of those demonizing him and link those posts. Remember...your claim is that it was because of his religion...NOT because he's not a good football player for the NFL.
Oh fuck ewe! Do your own damn homework. The threads are all still here! should be easy for you to link to them. You made the claim. Prove it. (but you can't, can you?)
The only people I have seen calling black kids the N I word is black people themselves. So is the N word a bad word or isn't it?

There goes Willow again, blaming the actions of white people on blacks again...Just like when she was a teenager in the 1930's
She just can't help herself...
Let me see if I can find one of her old photos...


She has her Sunday white shoes on for this special day...

You are a very immature person. And, your hypocrisy is showing. I feel badly for your stupidity.
You are the one feeling persecuted because you aren't allowed to use the N word today.
You lie. A lot.
So you say.....where have I lied? Show one of my lies.
Horseshit! He's been demonized because his mom would not abort him, for being a Christian, for shedding a tear! Nice fucking try though you double standard hypocritical old hag!
No he was not demonized...that was an excuse cooked up by people like you when he couldn't cut it in the NFL...."persecuted because he's christian".....that's how you guys roll.
Oh yeah? Just do a search here on this message board. I cooked up nothing! Your side demonized Tebow because he was not aborted, because he cried and because he openly knelt and prayed.
You made a claim that he was demonized because of his religion.....prove it. Name names of those demonizing him and link those posts. Remember...your claim is that it was because of his religion...NOT because he's not a good football player for the NFL.
Oh fuck ewe! Do your own damn homework. The threads are all still here! should be easy for you to link to them. You made the claim. Prove it. (but you can't, can you?)
Nope! It's is totally immaterial that you believe me.
There goes Willow again, blaming the actions of white people on blacks again...Just like when she was a teenager in the 1930's
She just can't help herself...
Let me see if I can find one of her old photos...


She has her Sunday white shoes on for this special day...

You are a very immature person. And, your hypocrisy is showing. I feel badly for your stupidity.
You are the one feeling persecuted because you aren't allowed to use the N word today.
You lie. A lot.
So you say.....where have I lied? Show one of my lies.
That I want to say the N word. That makes you a fucking liar!
No he was not demonized...that was an excuse cooked up by people like you when he couldn't cut it in the NFL...."persecuted because he's christian".....that's how you guys roll.
Oh yeah? Just do a search here on this message board. I cooked up nothing! Your side demonized Tebow because he was not aborted, because he cried and because he openly knelt and prayed.
You made a claim that he was demonized because of his religion.....prove it. Name names of those demonizing him and link those posts. Remember...your claim is that it was because of his religion...NOT because he's not a good football player for the NFL.
Oh fuck ewe! Do your own damn homework. The threads are all still here! should be easy for you to link to them. You made the claim. Prove it. (but you can't, can you?)
Nope! It's is totally immaterial that you believe me.'ve really got nothing. My goodness! That totally surprises me!!!!! :lol: :lol:
She just can't help herself...
Let me see if I can find one of her old photos...


She has her Sunday white shoes on for this special day...

You are a very immature person. And, your hypocrisy is showing. I feel badly for your stupidity.
You are the one feeling persecuted because you aren't allowed to use the N word today.
You lie. A lot.
So you say.....where have I lied? Show one of my lies.
That I want to say the N word. That makes you a fucking liar!
Of course you are upset that others "get away with it" and you can't. It's quite obvious you have "N" word envy.
Wow...look at all the justifications, excuses and deflections conservatives can muster up to defend white people calling a Black kid a ni66er....
The only people I have seen calling black kids the N I word is black people themselves. So is the N word a bad word or isn't it?
^ Such "N" word envy. "The only people I have seen calling black kids the N l word is black people themselves"....such whining envy.
Wow...look at all the justifications, excuses and deflections conservatives can muster up to defend white people calling a Black kid a ni66er....
The only people I have seen calling black kids the N I word is black people themselves. So is the N word a bad word or isn't it?
^ Such "N" word envy. "The only people I have seen calling black kids the N l word is black people themselves"....such whining envy.
You are a very immature person. And, your hypocrisy is showing. I feel badly for your stupidity.
You are the one feeling persecuted because you aren't allowed to use the N word today.
You lie. A lot.
So you say.....where have I lied? Show one of my lies.
That I want to say the N word. That makes you a fucking liar!
Of course you are upset that others "get away with it" and you can't. It's quite obvious you have "N" word envy.
Oh yeah? Just do a search here on this message board. I cooked up nothing! Your side demonized Tebow because he was not aborted, because he cried and because he openly knelt and prayed.
You made a claim that he was demonized because of his religion.....prove it. Name names of those demonizing him and link those posts. Remember...your claim is that it was because of his religion...NOT because he's not a good football player for the NFL.
Oh fuck ewe! Do your own damn homework. The threads are all still here! should be easy for you to link to them. You made the claim. Prove it. (but you can't, can you?)
Nope! It's is totally immaterial that you believe me.'ve really got nothing. My goodness! That totally surprises me!!!!! :lol: :lol:
Anybody who wishes to can read the threads.

"Open traitors" much for American freedom as far as Uncensored Fascist is concerned.

Congress shall make no law. but that doesn't keep decent folk from recognizing the desire of the Khmer Rouge democrats to end the nation.
Wow...look at all the justifications, excuses and deflections conservatives can muster up to defend white people calling a Black kid a ni66er....
The only people I have seen calling black kids the N I word is black people themselves. So is the N word a bad word or isn't it?
^ Such "N" word envy. "The only people I have seen calling black kids the N l word is black people themselves"....such whining envy.
You don't have to self identify like that. We've already caught on.
You made a claim that he was demonized because of his religion.....prove it. Name names of those demonizing him and link those posts. Remember...your claim is that it was because of his religion...NOT because he's not a good football player for the NFL.
Oh fuck ewe! Do your own damn homework. The threads are all still here! should be easy for you to link to them. You made the claim. Prove it. (but you can't, can you?)
Nope! It's is totally immaterial that you believe me.'ve really got nothing. My goodness! That totally surprises me!!!!! :lol: :lol:
Anybody who wishes to can read the threads.
You mean the threads you can't even produce? Oh Mary, pul-leeze! :lol:

"Open traitors" much for American freedom as far as Uncensored Fascist is concerned.

Congress shall make no law. but that doesn't keep decent folk from recognizing the desire of the Khmer Rouge democrats to end the nation.
"Congress shall make no law"....:lol:...pray tell, who makes the laws then?
This might be the dumbest post here ever. Do we have a hall of shame where the really brainless go?
Black high school football player gets death threats after kneeling during national anthem

Maybe they called him that because he has the highest GPA on the Team.
They did explain that they were calling the other Black people"ni66er and not him....

How pathetic has society become that people calling other people names is now considered newsworthy. I've been called a **** and beaner countless times, in public.....never once did it cause anyone to call up Channel 7 and make a huge deal out of it.

Whatever happened to sticks and stones?

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