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For the anti-Israeli crowd

Maybe a lot of those people wouldn't need to go to the hospital, if Israel let them have clean water? Here's another report from the WHO...

Gaza has a water crisis. Most people in the international community do not know the details as to why it exists and the root causes of the resource deficiency.

For the more than 1.4 million Palestinians who live in Gaza water shortages and water deterioration affects their health. Moreover, the water crisis creates agricultural, economic, social, and political instabilities that have regional ramifications. Most of the existing problems are a direct and indirect result of Israeli policy.

If the resource inequalities are not rectified soon, the Middle East will be facing an irreversible human and environmental disaster.
In addition, the OP gives a false account of the reality regarding the checkpoints in the West Bank.

According to Physician's for Human Rights...
In 1996, the Physicians for Human Rights petitioned the State Attorney’s office for relief and nominally got it – to allow passage through checkpoints without permits in cases of medical emergency so ill persons can be treated. All checkpoint locations are supposed to comply, but it turns out they don’t. Soldiers don’t treat Palestinians kindly, are unresponsive to their needs, and are untrained medically to recognize emergencies.

Patients encounter other obstacles as well. Their travel is slowed by having to use long, winding and worn roads; they’re sometimes blocked causing long delays; they have no access to ambulances or other transportation; must pass through checkpoints when they do or by foot; be up against closed ones; be forced to wait at open ones; and undergo searches.

These problems make people more dependent on first aid that can’t cope in emergency cases where special expertise is required. At times, long distances are involved, and when need is greatest, it means lives are endangered. This is what Palestinians endure daily.
And you wonder why they get rockets?

Maybe a lot of those people wouldn't need to go to the hospital, if Israel let them have clean water?

Maybe your Gazans should spend their money on clean water, instead of rockets?
Maybe your Gazans should spend their money on clean water, instead of rockets?

That is such a good idea, Mr. Patriot, that it is going on my prayer list tonight. I hope if there are good people in Gaza who really care for others, they will consider funding a pure water system for all their people, and will give up war for water. :thup: I'm so happy when I'm at a prime place like USMB, and someone comes up with a suggestion that would make the world a better place. Clean water for Gaza and an end to the shelling would double their ability to care for themselves and their children. If only they would. I hope so.

Prayers up for clean water and peace in Gaza and in a Middle East that finds tolerance for everyone. :eusa_angel:

Thanks again, Mr. Patriot.
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Why not tell us also about the water crisis in that part of the world? Surely you must have been pictures of many Muslim countries where there is a such a shortage of water.
I didn't want to go off-topic in a political thread.

Anyone that has a severe hate and cause for hate by spamming threads with comments like that, report them. They'll get banned for off topic posts.
BIK, Loinboy posted a small part of my comment from Post#5 which is not off topic but if you want to report anything, click on the red flag and whine your heart out. I didn't realize when I came to this board it would be full of pimple faced teenagers who have never been out of the county.
BIK, Loinboy posted a small part of my comment from Post#5 which is not off topic but if you want to report anything, click on the red flag and whine your heart out. I didn't realize when I came to this board it would be full of pimple faced teenagers who have never been out of the county.
I posted the comment I was responding to and then you tried to change the subject of your own OP, instead of responding to my comment.
BIK, Loinboy posted a small part of my comment from Post#5 which is not off topic but if you want to report anything, click on the red flag and whine your heart out. I didn't realize when I came to this board it would be full of pimple faced teenagers who have never been out of the county.
I posted the comment I was responding to and then you tried to change the subject of your own OP, instead of responding to my comment.
Oh. fudge! I thorry. I won't do it again.
Maybe your Gazans should spend their money on clean water, instead of rockets?
They don't have any money! Gaza has been under an economic blockade since 2006. And besides, it wouldn't matter if they had money anyway, the water sources coming into Gaza are polluted by the Israeli's.

No money? How do they pay for food? For energy? For rockets?
the so called "palestinians" enjoy one of the BEST infant survival rates in the ENTIRE
MUSLIM WORLD The gazans were in DEEP SHIT pre 1967 they should go
back to the SHIT of egyptian loving care
I wonder where Loinboy thinks the pregnant women in so much of the Muslim world give birth. I doubt very much that it is in hospitals. And, I wouldn't be surprised if his own grandmother gave birth at home. Many years ago there was a story about Yemen. It told about a sick Yemeni man in his sixties and said that even if he could get a mile down a rutted road to the hospital, all he would find is a building with the sign hospital out front and nothing inside. I would imagine this would be the same condition for sick people in a lot of the Muslim world.
So now you have make up BS stories in order to make a retarded point........ :cuckoo: :lol:
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Maybe your Gazans should spend their money on clean water, instead of rockets?
They don't have any money! Gaza has been under an economic blockade since 2006. And besides, it wouldn't matter if they had money anyway, the water sources coming into Gaza are polluted by the Israeli's.

No money? How do they pay for food? For energy? For rockets?

Todd the "palestinians" have clean water for the first time in CENTURIES
with the current "SITUATION" -----ie jews cleaning up the water supplies

etc with which his fellow meccan dogs infected the waters of palestine
aka Judea/israel since their unwelcomed arrivial some 1200 years ago
the so called "palestinians" enjoy one of the BEST infant survival rates in the ENTIRE
MUSLIM WORLD The gazans were in DEEP SHIT pre 1967 they should go
back to the SHIT of egyptian loving care
I wonder where Loinboy thinks the pregnant women in so much of the Muslim world give birth. I doubt very much that it is in hospitals. And, I wouldn't be surprised if his own grandmother gave birth at home. Many years ago there was a story about Yemen. It told about a sick Yemeni man in his sixties and said that even if he could get a mile down a rutted road to the hospital, all he would find is a building with the sign hospital out front and nothing inside. I would imagine this would be the same condition for sick people in a lot of the Muslim world.
So now you have make up BS stories in order to make a retarded point........ :cuckoo: :lol:
I'm a riter,Son.
I'm a riter,Son.
Yea, your a "riter"......... :cuckoo: :lol:
You mean to say, Sunni Man, that a devout Muslim as you are don't have any Sunni friends in Yemen where you can check out the hospital situation there? The story to which I am referring was written years and years ago and was published in the magazine section of a Sunday paper. I remembered it because I felt sympathy for this sick man and was grateful that I wasn't in the same situation as the people in Yemen. In fact, there was also a story about how poor Moroccan families send their daughters as young as 8 years old to work in the homes of rich Moroccans and these little girls work day and night and finally get to sleep a few hours on the floor. Now that you are a Sunni Muslim, check out the condition of many of the poor Sunnis in this world before you call anything B.S. Now here's your big chance. Tell us about all the wonderful things coming out of the Muslim world these days which will benefit all of mankind.
Todd the "palestinians" have clean water for the first time in CENTURIES
with the current "SITUATION" -----ie jews cleaning up the water supplies

etc with which his fellow meccan dogs infected the waters of palestine
aka Judea/israel since their unwelcomed arrivial some 1200 years ago

Here's the truth...

Save the Children and Medical Aid for Palestinians released a report this week on the impact of the blockade on the health of children in Gaza. “Gaza’s only fresh water source is now too dangerous to drink and is contaminated with fertiliser and human waste,” the agencies warn, noting that Gaza is one of the most densely populated ares in the world, with more than 4,500 people per square kilometer).

A press release accompanying the report adds:

Since the blockade started, the number of children under three being treated for watery diarrhoea has doubled. High levels of nitrate – found in faeces and fertiliser – is also linked to some cancers and is a massive risk to pregnant women.

Gaza’s sewage system is also completely broken, much of it destroyed during Operation Cast Lead and treatment plants are overloaded or lack fuel. Open cesspits sit right next to family homes and in just the first two months of this year, three children drowned in open sewers.​

The agencies add that the restrictions placed on the movement of people and goods in an out of Gaza, and the long-term poverty as a result of the crippling of Gaza’s economy, means that “families are unable to buy nutritious food and are less able to produce nutritious food themselves.” Indeed, one-third of Gaza’s children are living in poverty. Malnutrition-related conditions such as stunting and anemia are therefore on the rise in Gaza.

Meanwhile, the agencies report, “Since 2007, 605 children in Gaza have been killed and 2,179 injured as a direct result of the conflict,
As far as passage into Israeli hospitals...

Israeli movement restrictions have also prevented patients from accessing specialized treatment outside of Gaza, and prevent medical practitioners from advancing their training. Israel has also conditioned the issuing of travel permits for medical treatment on cooperation with its spy agencies.

“The 5 most frequent reasons for referrals are for cardiovascular, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, or neurosurgery treatment,” WHO says.

Palestinian hospitals in East Jerusalem are the main specialized centers, but Israel has denied permits to nearly 12,000 patients, or their requests were delayed past their hospital appointment date.

“In the past two years, 618 patients were called for interrogation by Israeli security after applying for a permit,” WHO says.

The main Palestinian teaching hospitals are in East Jerusalem, but medics from Gaza are often denied permits to attend training courses.​
You fuckers just can't stop lying, can you?
Todd the "palestinians" have clean water for the first time in CENTURIES
with the current "SITUATION" -----ie jews cleaning up the water supplies

etc with which his fellow meccan dogs infected the waters of palestine
aka Judea/israel since their unwelcomed arrivial some 1200 years ago

Here's the truth...

Save the Children and Medical Aid for Palestinians released a report this week on the impact of the blockade on the health of children in Gaza. “Gaza’s only fresh water source is now too dangerous to drink and is contaminated with fertiliser and human waste,” the agencies warn, noting that Gaza is one of the most densely populated ares in the world, with more than 4,500 people per square kilometer).

A press release accompanying the report adds:

Since the blockade started, the number of children under three being treated for watery diarrhoea has doubled. High levels of nitrate – found in faeces and fertiliser – is also linked to some cancers and is a massive risk to pregnant women.
Gaza’s sewage system is also completely broken, much of it destroyed during Operation Cast Lead and treatment plants are overloaded or lack fuel. Open cesspits sit right next to family homes and in just the first two months of this year, three children drowned in open sewers.
The agencies add that the restrictions placed on the movement of people and goods in an out of Gaza, and the long-term poverty as a result of the crippling of Gaza’s economy, means that “families are unable to buy nutritious food and are less able to produce nutritious food themselves.” Indeed, one-third of Gaza’s children are living in poverty. Malnutrition-related conditions such as stunting and anemia are therefore on the rise in Gaza.

Meanwhile, the agencies report, “Since 2007, 605 children in Gaza have been killed and 2,179 injured as a direct result of the conflict,
As far as passage into Israeli hospitals...

Israeli movement restrictions have also prevented patients from accessing specialized treatment outside of Gaza, and prevent medical practitioners from advancing their training. Israel has also conditioned the issuing of travel permits for medical treatment on cooperation with its spy agencies.

“The 5 most frequent reasons for referrals are for cardiovascular, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, or neurosurgery treatment,” WHO says.
Palestinian hospitals in East Jerusalem are the main specialized centers, but Israel has denied permits to nearly 12,000 patients, or their requests were delayed past their hospital appointment date.

“In the past two years, 618 patients were called for interrogation by Israeli security after applying for a permit,” WHO says.

The main Palestinian teaching hospitals are in East Jerusalem, but medics from Gaza are often denied permits to attend training courses.
You fuckers just can't stop lying, can you?
Please link your information, Loinboy. Is it current? Is it 30 years old? Was it released last week? I can't tell from your lack of a link, and you're using pretty strong language, far stronger in its ugliness than is required by people who just want there to be peace and plenty for people who claim they're being damaged by people who claim they're doing all they can for Gazans in providing pure water. From your description, it sounds like you think raw sewage is being pumped into Gaza. It's not like Israelis to bring sour gifts to people in need of clean water. It is likely the water is pumped from water that is as pure as what they have in Israel if not better. In their faith, they are obedient to the instruction of giving good gifts to people who are down and out as the Gazans claim they are. Leopards don't change their spots. Israelis are good neighbors by command and practice of their faith. Why are you smearing them? Where is your proof?

If the water is as bad as you claim it is, how can it be there are 4500 Gazans living in such a small area? They'd all be dead of dysentery if what you were saying is true. Use your head, Loinboy. Your story is difficult at best to believe on account of the statistics you provide.

Why are you blaming Israelis for 3 children drowning in open sewers? Where were the parents of these children? Parents in other parts of the world do not allow their children to play near sewers and are required by the societies they live in to protect their prodigy from danger or be accused of negligence. Why are you putting the onus on anyone except the parents? That defies beliefs, really, it does, for parents to send their children out into danger with zero supervision. Who do you think you are kidding? Why are you demanding Israelis to take responsibility from parents for their child rearing responsibilities? You are quite frankly, not making good sense to people who weigh issues based on known facts, and I am not understanding your viewpoint based on what I know to be true about Jewish traditions. They are required by religious law to help those who desperately need help. Your claim that they're sending death and disease to people who are actually in a state of population expansion is not making sense. Your claim Israel has to follow children out the door in the morning to make sure nothing bad happens to them is not consistent with their role as superparents. It's not their job to follow Gazan children around with a safety net. That is the direct responsibility of the childrens' parents.

Make a better case than a lot of charges drummed up by sources whose speech is so vile you have so far refused to post a link.

What is the statistic provided for the number of cases of polio in Gaza? My information states, " Israeli officials said the government would make the vaccine available for free to all residents of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza," and that between 1983-1988 only 3 cases were reported at which time Israeli officials increased availability of polio vaccines from four to five to eliminate all incidents of illness in all populations across Israel and Gaza. Chicago Tribune, October 8, 1988.

Polio Cases reported in 2005:​

Wikimedia commons--In 2005, 2,030 cases of Polio were recorded worldwide (see above).

In 2012, only 222 cases were recorded in 5 countries--none in Israel, none in Gaza. Poliomyelitis eradication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Israelis are good neighbors by command and practice of their faith. Why are you smearing them?
Then why do they constantly shoot at Palestinian fisherman and farmers?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF3ZMy7ICDY]Israeli Navy shoots at Gaza fishermen and international volunteers - YouTube[/ame]
as young as 8 years old to work in the homes of rich Moroccans and these little girls work day and night and finally get to sleep a few hours on the floor. Now that you are a Sunni Muslim, check out the condition of many of the poor Sunnis in this world before you call anything B.S. Now here's your big chance. Tell us about all the wonderful things coming out of the Muslim world these days which will benefit all of mankind.
There are thousands of cases in the U.S. where poor Mexican families sent their young daughters to America to work like slaves for rich Americans in their homes.

And also, many of these girls end up being sold to prostitution rings ran by Americans.

Ah.... but that don't count in your mind.......

Cause you would rather point your finger at muslims in some far of country that you have never been to.

Than to admit what is taking place right in your own back yard........ :cool:
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Why do you hate Americans & Israeli's so much when are are still around 200 million Shia's left for you to kill?

as young as 8 years old to work in the homes of rich Moroccans and these little girls work day and night and finally get to sleep a few hours on the floor. Now that you are a Sunni Muslim, check out the condition of many of the poor Sunnis in this world before you call anything B.S. Now here's your big chance. Tell us about all the wonderful things coming out of the Muslim world these days which will benefit all of mankind.
There are thousands of cases in the U.S. where poor Mexican families sent their young daughters to America to work like slaves for rich Americans in their homes.

And also, many of these girls end up being sold to prostitution rings ran by Americans.

Ah.... but that don't count in your mind.......

Cause you would rather point your finger at muslims in some far of country that you have never been to.

Than to admit what is taking place right in your own back yard........ :cool:
as young as 8 years old to work in the homes of rich Moroccans and these little girls work day and night and finally get to sleep a few hours on the floor. Now that you are a Sunni Muslim, check out the condition of many of the poor Sunnis in this world before you call anything B.S. Now here's your big chance. Tell us about all the wonderful things coming out of the Muslim world these days which will benefit all of mankind.
There are thousands of cases in the U.S. where poor Mexican families sent their young daughters to America to work like slaves for rich Americans in their homes.

And also, many of these girls end up being sold to prostitution rings ran by Americans.

Ah.... but that don't count in your mind.......

Cause you would rather point your finger at muslims in some far of country that you have never been to.

Than to admit what is taking place right in your own back yard........ :cool:
Really, Sunni Man? If this were the case, we would be reading about it in the newspapers about young girls since the authorities here would eventually become aware of it. Most of the women who are working as housekeepers and cleaning women in the U.S. are in the 20's and up. The point is that you, as a good Muslim convert, don't want to hear anything said about your fellow Muslims even if it is true. As far as prostitutes, why not check out how your rich Saudi Arabian Sunnis get young girls from Pakistan. And look at yourself, Sunni Man, when you can't admit that the Holocaust took place but are always spewing out that it is a hoax. Now tell us what have your Sunni brothers done these days which will be of benefit to mankind. You keep on avoiding this question. By the way, one would think that Sunni Man would have a little sympathy at least for a sick man in Yemen who has to suffer because there are no medical facilities for him, especially when Sunni Man has it so much better here in the U.S. if he ever got sick like this old Yemeni man.
Sunni Man, when you can't admit that the Holocaust took place but are always spewing out that it is a hoax.
LOL, it always boils down to "Remember the Holocaust".......... :cuckoo: :lol:
Why, Sunni Man, aren't you the one who is always saying the Holocaust is a hoax so how about laughing at yourself? You really are a giggle a minute as it is. Meanwhile, why are you avoiding telling us all the wonderful things your adopted Muslim brethren have come up with that will benefit all of mankind? You must be able to come up with at least one or two.

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