For the First time ever, Gallup polls: Government is the problem.

Reagan grew the gov't and deficit more than anyone, dupe. And this cynicism about gov't is perfect for keeping the ignorant chumps perfect suckers for GOP con men and thieves. DUH
Reagan grew the gov't and deficit more than anyone, dupe. And this cynicism about gov't is perfect for keeping the ignorant chumps perfect suckers for GOP con men and thieves. DUH

Another classic example of "D E L U S I O N PERSONIFIED!"

This from a constituent of the largest increase in federal deficits and federal debt in the history of the United States... so profound is the increase, that such occurred by ONE "Administration", which came to power ON THE ASSERTION THAT THE CUMULATIVE FEDERAL DEBT WAS UNPATRIOTIC... then upon finding power it increased deficit spending by AN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE... and DOUBLED THE PUBLICLY HELD FEDERAL DEBT!


Delusion doesn't even BEGIN to describe it.
The left will enjoy the spin Gallop gave it though :)

Cluster of Concerns Vie for Top U.S. Problem in 2014

I'm surprised that none of you get that the poll is actually good news.

Good news? You mean like how there's nothing wrong with fucking 14 year olds?

Did I say that, fuckwit?

Ya implied it.

But it sounds like you're trying to take a stand against it. YET... YA DID NOT!

Now we could reason that you're failure to do so is a sign of complicity, OR we could give ya the chance to take a stand against the Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification.

So, are you FOR or against The Adult pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification?

If so, why?

If not... Why Not?

How did I imply it? The definition of pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescent children.
The left will enjoy the spin Gallop gave it though :)

Cluster of Concerns Vie for Top U.S. Problem in 2014

I'm surprised that none of you get that the poll is actually good news.
It is. The economy is almost always the top concern. So it is good news that people are less worried about the economy than they were before.

One can rest assured that when the economy is not the biggest concern, but 'government' is... THE PROBLEM has grown profoundly larger than The Economy.

The US Economy is DEEP in the shitter. Anyone in business knows this... the US is playing out the last of its reserves, Middle Class reserves are long since depleted and all of the subsidies of the poor have driven government debt beyond its means to manage the debt. As interests rates climb, the service of the Federal debt will require such a percentage of the federal budget that the government will have no means to service that debt without increasing taxes on the market place, which will only further reduce market production, which will lower tax revenue, forcing the government to increase taxes... further reducing production, further reducing revenue...

All of which will require the Left toward greater subsidies which can only further inflate the currency, until hyperinflation ignites and at that point, the Dollar dies and with it, so does the Government of the United States.

Anyone who was educated prior to the 1980s knows this... because they were trained in valid principles of mathematics, in the principles of reason and how such inextricably governs humanity, without regard to the illusion that natural principle... is optional.

Only 18% surveyed said government was the biggest concern. 82% picked something else.
The left will enjoy the spin Gallop gave it though :)

Cluster of Concerns Vie for Top U.S. Problem in 2014

I'm surprised that none of you get that the poll is actually good news.

Good news? You mean like how there's nothing wrong with fucking 14 year olds?

Did I say that, fuckwit?

Ya implied it.

But it sounds like you're trying to take a stand against it. YET... YA DID NOT!

Now we could reason that you're failure to do so is a sign of complicity, OR we could give ya the chance to take a stand against the Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification.

So, are you FOR or against The Adult pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification?

If so, why?

If not... Why Not?

How did I imply it? The definition of pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescent children.

Again.. it sounds like you're trying to take a stand against it. YET...when presented with the opportunity to do so, FOR THE SECOND TIME: YA DID NOT!

Now we could reason that you're failure to do so is a sign of complicity, OR we could give ya ANOTHER chance to take a stand against The Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification.

So, are you FOR or against The Adult pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification?

If so, why?

If not... Why Not?
Huh... implication leads to demonstrated complicity ... .

Do ya SEE how easy this is folks?
Last edited:
LOL! This is where someone should run to demand that 'Homosexuals are not pedophiles!'.
Ya implied it.

But it sounds like you're trying to take a stand against it. YET... YA DID NOT!

Now we could reason that you're failure to do so is a sign of complicity, OR we could give ya the chance to take a stand against the Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification.

So, are you FOR or against The Adult pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification?

If so, why?

If not... Why Not?

One, you are in the wrong topic. This is a topic about people being dissatisfied with government.

Two, you are in the wrong era. "Mr. NYcarbineer, are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?"
Again.. it sounds like you're trying to take a stand against it. YET...when presented with the opportunity to do so, FOR THE SECOND TIME: YA DID NOT!

Now we could reason that you're failure to do so is a sign of complicity

Sure. If you had the reasoning skills of a retard, you could. Yeah.
Reagan grew the gov't and deficit more than anyone, dupe. And this cynicism about gov't is perfect for keeping the ignorant chumps perfect suckers for GOP con men and thieves. DUH

Another classic example of "D E L U S I O N PERSONIFIED!"

This from a constituent of the largest increase in federal deficits and federal debt in the history of the United States... so profound is the increase, that such occurred by ONE "Administration", which came to power ON THE ASSERTION THAT THE CUMULATIVE FEDERAL DEBT WAS UNPATRIOTIC... then upon finding power it increased deficit spending by AN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE... and DOUBLED THE PUBLICLY HELD FEDERAL DEBT!


Delusion doesn't even BEGIN to describe it.
Only cost 6-7 TRILLION to avert a FULL BLOWN SECOND corrupt Pub world depression, brainwashed moron. Assistance just to VICTIMS is STILL 400 billion a year, most of the deficit. And there are fewer fed employees when Obama started, dumbass.
". We are a free people. This country was an escape from Europe. This country is a free land. This freedom is ingrained in our DNA. It is what makes an American an American, no matter that American’s ethnicity. We are bound by an idea not geography or ancestry. America is indeed exceptional in that regard.

The US WAS a free nation. Problem is, people eat too much, drink too much, use too much electricity, pollute too much, are too bigoted, don't give enough to the poor etc.

Essentially, freedom is the cause of the world's woes. Without said freedom, people could be perpetually forced to do the right thing 100% of the time.
Huh... implication leads to demonstrated complicity ... .

Do ya SEE how easy this is folks?
I think it was back in the 80s, or maybe it was the 90s, I saw a news clip of an auto factory robot smashing itself to bits. A software malfunction.

Sometimes, when reading your posts like this one, it is kind of like that. Watching someone bash their own skull in because of faulty internal software.

It is kind of fun to watch, and yet you are also thinking about the wisdom of allowing such things to be near anything dangerous.
Like driving on roads? You had better enjoy government funded infrastructure!
Like safety regulations? The government does that. Mexico doesn't have a fda or faa to give a damn.
Like that weather warning. Thank the nws, nhc, etc.
Love space exporation and all that comes from it thank nasa.
Like police protection..Thank the government.

The government can be good or bad. We must hold its feet to the fire to expect good.
Like driving on roads? You had better enjoy government funded infrastructure!
Like safety regulations? The government does that. Mexico doesn't have a fda or faa to give a damn.
Like that weather warning. Thank the nws, nhc, etc.
Love space exporation and all that comes from it thank nasa.
Like police protection..Thank the government.

The government can be good or bad. We must hold its feet to the fire to expect good.
Your argument is premised on the belief that all of those functions can only be performed by government.
Like driving on roads? You had better enjoy government funded infrastructure!
Like safety regulations? The government does that. Mexico doesn't have a fda or faa to give a damn.
Like that weather warning. Thank the nws, nhc, etc.
Love space exporation and all that comes from it thank nasa.
Like police protection..Thank the government.

The government can be good or bad. We must hold its feet to the fire to expect good.
Your argument is premised on the belief that all of those functions can only be performed by government.

What could possibly replace most of them? We already know safety regs, fda and infrastructure shouldn't as corps have proven that they don't care about such things.
Like driving on roads? You had better enjoy government funded infrastructure!
Like safety regulations? The government does that. Mexico doesn't have a fda or faa to give a damn.
Like that weather warning. Thank the nws, nhc, etc.
Love space exporation and all that comes from it thank nasa.
Like police protection..Thank the government.

The government can be good or bad. We must hold its feet to the fire to expect good.
Your argument is premised on the belief that all of those functions can only be performed by government.

What could possibly replace most of them? We already know safety regs, fda and infrastructure shouldn't as corps have proven that they don't care about such things.

Our infrastructure was initially built entirely by private industry. Government did not take it over in a big way until the New Deal.

Space and weather could easily be privatized.

You only listed a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of the things our government does. And even in that tiny list, you couldn't manage to show only those things government can do.

Your short little list is a smokescreen which can't conceal the massively bloated, overreaching, totalitarian leaning government we have.
I like our hybrid system as I feel it is the best. A private sector to allow for people to succeed in life, but a government that cares for all of us. Both work pretty good.

Tell, me how a country that doesn't have our standards is doing. You wouldn't like it.
Huh... implication leads to demonstrated complicity ... .

Do ya SEE how easy this is folks?
I think it was back in the 80s, or maybe it was the 90s, I saw a news clip of an auto factory robot smashing itself to bits. A software malfunction.

Sometimes, when reading your posts like this one, it is kind of like that. Watching someone bash their own skull in because of faulty internal software.

It is kind of fun to watch, and yet you are also thinking about the wisdom of allowing such things to be near anything dangerous.

SOooo, you can't find a reason to openly reject The Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification?

Ok... Noted.

Are there any other Leftists that would like to stand up for a right to sexually molest children?

Thus far, at the moment, we have two advocates to normalize sexual abnormality, and as one would expect, they're both Leftists.
Huh... implication leads to demonstrated complicity ... .

Do ya SEE how easy this is folks?
I think it was back in the 80s, or maybe it was the 90s, I saw a news clip of an auto factory robot smashing itself to bits. A software malfunction.

Sometimes, when reading your posts like this one, it is kind of like that. Watching someone bash their own skull in because of faulty internal software.

It is kind of fun to watch, and yet you are also thinking about the wisdom of allowing such things to be near anything dangerous.

SOooo, you can't find a reason to openly reject The Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification?

Ok... Noted.

Are there any other Leftists that would like to stand up for a right to sexually molest children?

Thus far, at the moment, we have two advocates to normalize sexual abnormality, and as one would expect, they're both Leftists.

WTF? The government is the tool we use to stop such evil shit. The police which are part of the government will arrest these fuckers.

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