For the First Time in My Life I have made a Political Donation

And what about Biden’s personality and morals?

The thing is… really need to look beyond all that and focus on the answer to this question: Who is better for America, and Americans?
Don’t worry, I won’t be voting for Biden either.

I DO NOT vote for the Lesser of Two Eviks. I never have and I never will. Here’s my POTUS voting record…

1992 - Perot
1996 - No Vote
2000 - Bush
2004 - Bush
2008 - Baldwin (Constitution Party)
2012 - No Vote
2016 - Trump
2020 - Wrote in My Name
2024 - ?
The non felon.
That's a no brainer.
Nobody but the deranged left is buying into that “felon” nonsense, and you fools were going to vote for Biden anyway,

The normal people see this for what it is - a corrupted use of the legal system to take down a political rival - and are so turned off by it that they now are leaning more toward Trump (of those who were undecided).

You immoral leftists overplayed your hand, and you are likely to lay the price at the ballot box.
Don’t worry, I won’t be voting for Biden either.

I DO NOT vote for the Lesser of Two Eviks. I never have and I never will. Here’s my POTUS voting record…

1992 - Perot
1996 - No Vote
2000 - Bush
2004 - Bush
2008 - Baldwin (Constitution Party)
2012 - No Vote
2016 - Trump
2020 - Wrote in My Name
2024 - ?
Are you in a swing state? If so, you will waste your vote.
Are you in a swing state? If so, you will waste your vote
I have lived my entire life in Dark Blue New England. I grew up in Connecticut, went to college in Rhode Island and have lived In the Communistwealth of Taxachusetts for 26 years now.

As a Hardcore Conservative, my vote has never mattered at any level.
Massachusetts votes in November, and as a non-Democrat my vote makes absolutely zero difference to where the states electors go.

My biggest issues with Trump are his personality and his morals; neither of which I can stand. Still not sure what I’ll do in November.
Just remember that 'morals' are in the eyes of the beholder and of late are defined by a mainstream media who adores Biden and Democrats and despises Trump and the GOP.

My choice is whether:

1. To vote for a pleasant personality and person with terrible morals but who isn't represented that way in the media and who is destroying the country

2. To vote for somebody who has zero chance to win but my vote then helps the guy in No. 1 or

3. To vote for the obnoxious guy with a few overly exaggerated and/or misrepresented and highly publicized 'moral' issues that may or may not be true but who did some really great things for America and wants to do that again.

For me it's no contest.
I have lived my entire life in Dark Blue New England. I grew up in Connecticut, went to college in Rhode Island and have lived In the Communistwealth of Taxachusetts for 26 years now.

As a Hardcore Conservative, my vote has never mattered at any level.
Oh….sorry to hear that. My state is purple, and every vote counts here.
Oh….sorry to hear that. My state is purple, and every vote counts here
It’s actually dangerous to be known as an actual Conservative, who lives their values in this state. Even the Republican Party here is basically the rejected Democrats… there’s nothing Conservative about them at all.
It’s actually dangerous to be known as an actual Conservative, who lives their values in this state. Even the Republican Party here is basically the rejected Democrats… there’s nothing Conservative about them at all.
Same here. NoVa is predominately liberal, and conservatives are pretty much harassed into silence. But the rest of Virginian is purple-to-red, and Trump could win the state.

The Republicans around me all were Democrats at one time, as was I, but we all woke up and now are decidedly conservative.
Just remember that 'morals' are in the eyes of the beholder and of late are defined by a mainstream media who adores Biden and Democrats and despises Trump and the GOP
I disagree. I believe Right and Wrong were imprinted on the human soul before birth and we choose whether or not to accept them. They haven’t changed since caveman days.
My choice is whether:

1. To vote for a pleasant personality and person with terrible morals but who isn't represented that way in the media and who is destroying the country

2. To vote for somebody who has zero chance to win but my vote then helps the guy in No. 1 or

3. To vote for the obnoxious guy with a few overly exaggerated and/or misrepresented and highly publicized 'moral' issues that may or may not be true but who did some really great things for America and wants to do that again.

For me it's no contest
I see the options differently:

1. The incumbent, whose morals, values and ideology I disagree with on every level.

2. A candidate who spent 4 years in his previous Presidency getting little to nothing accomplished because his own party hates him, and would likely do the same to him again.

3. A laundry list of third party candidates who may not even end up on the ballot and have no chance of winning.

4. Write in my own name (yes I’m qualified, Constitutionally).

5. Detective and ignore the entire mudfight.

Not a great set of choices.
Just remember that 'morals' are in the eyes of the beholder and of late are defined by a mainstream media who adores Biden and Democrats and despises Trump and the GOP.

My choice is whether:

1. To vote for a pleasant personality and person with terrible morals but who isn't represented that way in the media and who is destroying the country

2. To vote for somebody who has zero chance to win but my vote then helps the guy in No. 1 or

3. To vote for the obnoxious guy with a few overly exaggerated and/or misrepresented and highly publicized 'moral' issues that may or may not be true but who did some really great things for America and wants to do that again.

For me it's no contest.
You think option #1, Biden, has a pleasant personality? Look at how he snaps at and scolds people. Or mocks them.
I disagree. I believe Right and Wrong were imprinted on the human soul before birth and we choose whether or not to accept them. They haven’t changed since caveman days.

I see the options differently:

1. The incumbent, whose morals, values and ideology I disagree with on every level.

2. A candidate who spent 4 years in his previous Presidency getting little to nothing accomplished because his own party hates him, and would likely do the same to him again.

3. A laundry list of third party candidates who may not even end up on the ballot and have no chance of winning.

4. Write in my own name (yes I’m qualified, Constitutionally).

5. Detective and ignore the entire mudfight.

Not a great set of choices.
To your point #2, in which you said Trump accomplished little to nothing, you may have just been left with that idea because 97% of the media worked triple-time to keep voters in the dark.

Here is a non-inclusive list.:
You reach a point in life when you realize that enough is enough. For that reason I have made a 4-digit donation to the campaign of Donald John Trump. Not that great , but symbolic since I am sure many first-timers will follow.

Now you are a full fledged member of the cult!

I disagree. I believe Right and Wrong were imprinted on the human soul before birth and we choose whether or not to accept them. They haven’t changed since caveman days.

I see the options differently:

1. The incumbent, whose morals, values and ideology I disagree with on every level.

2. A candidate who spent 4 years in his previous Presidency getting little to nothing accomplished because his own party hates him, and would likely do the same to him again.

3. A laundry list of third party candidates who may not even end up on the ballot and have no chance of winning.

4. Write in my own name (yes I’m qualified, Constitutionally).

5. Detective and ignore the entire mudfight.

Not a great set of choices.
Whatever. If you think Trump got nothing accomplished in his four years, I don't know what to tell you. Being that misinformed is difficult to overcome.

The best economy that any of us have ever seen without any inflation to speak of with the poor and middle class benefitting the most.
The most liberties any of us had ever seen in a long time.
The closest thing to world peace any of us had ever known with no new wars, saber rattling stopped, four Arab Nations made peace/trade treaties with Israel.
The most benefit to previously oppressed demographics that anybody had ever seen.
The border under control better than it had ever been for a long time.

And all that with a hostile press and a mostly hostile Congress. Think what he could get accomplished with a supportive Congress.

Here's a pretty good list for just his first two years:

You think option #1, Biden, has a pleasant personality? Look at how he snaps at and scolds people. Or mocks them.
I know. But he is generally more likable to more people than Trump. Especially before he became so mentally challenged.

But then apparently so was Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Fidel Castro, Hussein et al.

Those who vote for personality over results are a problem and will very often do their country a great disservice.
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