For the First Time in My Life I have made a Political Donation

Whatever. If you think Trump got nothing accomplished in his four years, I don't know what to tell you. Being that misinformed is difficult to overcome.

The best economy that any of us have ever seen without any inflation to speak of with the poor and middle class benefitting the most.
The most liberties any of us had ever seen in a long time.
The closest thing to world peace any of us had ever known with no new wars, saber rattling stopped, four Arab Nations made peace/trade treaties with Israel.
The most benefit to previously oppressed demographics that anybody had ever seen.
The border under control better than it had ever been for a long time.

And all that with a hostile press and a mostly hostile Congress. Think what he could get accomplished with a supportive Congress.

I know. But he is generally more likable to more people than Trump. Especially before he became so mentally challenged.

But then apparently so was Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Fidel Castro et al.

Those who vote for personality over results are a problem and will very often do their country a great disservice.
Agree. This isn’t a campaign for president of the junior high school Student Body. But as you can see form the responses on this forum, and in the news, many of America’s voters are childish and shallow.
To your point #2, in which you said Trump accomplished little to nothing, you may have just been left with that idea because 97% of the media worked triple-time to keep voters in the dark.

Here is a non-inclusive list.:
There are only two or three items on that list which I believe the Government should be involved with at all. So, that’s not a great list in my mind.
Whatever. If you think Trump got nothing accomplished in his four years, I don't know what to tell you. Being that misinformed is difficult to overcome
As I said above, most of his “accomplishments” are not things I believe the Government should be involved with in the first place.

I believe in the strictest and most limited reading of Article I, Section 8, and the 10th Amendment humanly possible.
You reach a point in life when you realize that enough is enough. For that reason I have made a 4-digit donation to the campaign of Donald John Trump. Not that great , but symbolic since I am sure many first-timers will follow.

LMAO.. You just gave money to a man who spent more than every president before him (except 1), combined. He Funded gender studies in Pakistan. Tried to give blacks $500 billion, just for being black. He tried to cram another national healthcare bill down our throats. And assaulted our 2A.

Congratulations. You just donated to one of the most left leaning presidential candidates since Romney.
It's your money but I have to chuckle at how a billionaire can get you to give them money. LOL

Is it really any different than people that give their money to televangelist so he can buy another plane?
You reach a point in life when you realize that enough is enough. For that reason I have made a 4-digit donation to the campaign of Donald John Trump. Not that great , but symbolic since I am sure many first-timers will follow.
You throw money away. This is not as shocking to others as you let on about.
Now you are a full fledged member of the cult!

Thank you. I am more than happy to be on the side of my country.
LMAO.. You just gave money to a man who spent more than every president before him (except 1), combined. He Funded gender studies in Pakistan. Tried to give blacks $500 billion, just for being black. He tried to cram another national healthcare bill down our throats. And assaulted our 2A.

Congratulations. You just donated to one of the most left leaning presidential candidates since Romney.
You are welcome. There will be 4 more years of that God willing.
As I said above, most of his “accomplishments” are not things I believe the Government should be involved with in the first place.

I believe in the strictest and most limited reading of Article I, Section 8, and the 10th Amendment humanly possible.
Then you should definitely vote GOP who do the very least when in power. You can't vote for Democrats, Greens, or Libertarians feeling like you do.

But I'm pretty curious what you think the President is supposed to do if not promote the common (i.e. everybody's) welfare with a great economy that comes with miniscule inflation, record low unemployment, opportunity, choices, options for all. What is the President supposed to do if not see that our liberties are secured? What is the President supposed to do if not see that the national defense is protecting those liberties? Since foreign relations is constitutionally assigned to the President to do, world peace is a bad thing the President should not care about?
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Then you should definitely vote GOP who do the very least when in power. You can't vote for Democrats, Greens, or Libertarians feeling like you do.

But I'm pretty curious what you think the President is supposed to do if not promote the common (i.e. everybody's) welfare with a great economy that comes with miniscule inflation, record low unemployment, opportunity, choices, options for all. What is the President supposed to do if not see that our liberties are secured? What is the President supposed to do if not see that the national defense is protecting those liberties? Since foreign relations is constitutionally assigned to the President to do, world peace is a bad thing the President should not care about?

You reach a point in life when you realize that enough is enough. For that reason I have made a 4-digit donation to the campaign of Donald John Trump. Not that great , but symbolic since I am sure many first-timers will follow.

Buy the felon fuckup stock since you can lose it.
Thanks for this

I don't have a 4 figure amount I can give but I think I myself will make a donation

It's the principle of the thing, not the amount. And maybe Trump has more than enough $$ already... But I am going to make a donation just the same

Billionaires need your money!

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