For the first time, more than 90% of Americans have health insurance

Insurance is no guarantee of care. You really want to argue that it is thus removing all doubt you are an idiot ?

It's like talking to a 10 year old....just as silly, just as ignorant, but at least 10 year old is more inclined to listen.

INSURANCE...PAYS...FOR...HEALTHCARE. Which ESPECIALLY true for post-Obamacare insurances.

Read it over a few times. Understand that relationship. Reply with something non-stupid.

Actually it pays less now than it have has in our lifetimes and most the time it doesn't pay at all for the first $3,500

More than 20 insurers; 50 states, each with their own regulations governing those insurers; and each insurer with multiple plan tiers. Why do you lot keep acting as if there's Just One Plan and Everybody Has to Accept It? :dunno:
And over seven months after House Speaker Ryan promised to reveal the GOP's super-special replacement, Congressional Republicans are still whining and doing nothing.

ObamaCare propels number of insured Americans above 90%

For the first time ever, fewer than 10% of Americans lack health insurance, according to data released Tuesday by the CDC. And CNBC calls that "a clear sign of ObamaCare's impact." In 2015, only 9.1% of Americans—about 28.6 million people—were uninsured. That's down from 14.2% in 2013 when ObamaCare really started to go into effect, the Hill reports. That drop amounts to another 16.2 million Americans who now have health insurance. "Today's report is further proof that our country has made undeniable and historic strides thanks to the Affordable Care Act." Sylvia Burwell, secretary of health and human services, tells CNBC. "Our country ought to be proud of how far we've come and where we're going."

But regardless of ObamaCare's success in reducing the ranks of the uninsured—the Obama administration estimates more than 20 million Americans have gained insurance since the ACA passed in 2010—the Hill reports that Republicans still plan to use it as a wedge issue in November. Donald Trump and Senate Republicans believe hitting Hillary Clinton over ObamaCare will propel them to victories. “This healthcare law has been devastating to the Democratic Party," John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, tells the Hill.

The report from the CDC is attached for anyone who's interested:
so threatening citizens with the force of the government worked.

All hail obama!

Scintllating rebuttal there, Sparky. Anyway, your cohort says the figures are a lie. So which is it?

the 90% claim is probably absurd.

However your support for government tyranny remains unquestioned.
Insurance is no guarantee of care. You really want to argue that it is thus removing all doubt you are an idiot ?

It's like talking to a 10 year old....just as silly, just as ignorant, but at least 10 year old is more inclined to listen.

INSURANCE...PAYS...FOR...HEALTHCARE. Which ESPECIALLY true for post-Obamacare insurances.

Read it over a few times. Understand that relationship. Reply with something non-stupid.

Actually it pays less now than it have has in our lifetimes and most the time it doesn't pay at all for the first $3,500


15+ million more people are now insured thanks to Obamacare. Do tell us again how their insurance won't pay for their healthcare if they get sick.
Insurance is no guarantee of care. You really want to argue that it is thus removing all doubt you are an idiot ?

It's like talking to a 10 year old....just as silly, just as ignorant, but at least 10 year old is more inclined to listen.

INSURANCE...PAYS...FOR...HEALTHCARE. Which ESPECIALLY true for post-Obamacare insurances.

Read it over a few times. Understand that relationship. Reply with something non-stupid.

Actually it pays less now than it have has in our lifetimes and most the time it doesn't pay at all for the first $3,500


15+ million more people are now insured thanks to Obamacare. Do tell us again how their insurance won't pay for their healthcare if they get sick.

Tell us "again"....really ? You need to tell you "again". Meaning you admit I've told you (at least) once before.

The high cost of using an Obamacare health plan
Obamacare 2015: Low Premium Increases, High Deductibles
Obamacare subscribers: Beware of high deductibles


From the last one.......

Patricia Wanderlich got insurance through the Affordable Care Act this year, and with good reason: She suffered a brain hemorrhage in 2011, spending weeks in a hospital intensive care unit, and has a second, smaller aneurysm that needs monitoring.

But her new plan has a $6,000 annual deductible, meaning that Ms. Wanderlich, who works part time at a landscaping company outside Chicago, has to pay for most of her medical services up to that amount. She is skipping this year’s brain scan and hoping for the best.

“To spend thousands of dollars just making sure it hasn’t grown?” said Ms. Wanderlich, 61. “I don’t have that money.”


This concept is really pretty simple.

You can count this woman in your 15+ million and she is basically saying "BFD".

So you keep bleating about how great it is. You and your moron twin Airinhead.

The real world tells you that Obamacare has done little to nothing to help our health care issue.
the 90% claim is probably absurd.

However your support for government tyranny remains unquestioned.

Unquestioned by those who believe there's only one Bronze Plan across all states and all insurers? Yeah, that'll keep me awake at night. :rolleyes:
Patricia Wanderlich got insurance through the Affordable Care Act this year, and with good reason: She suffered a brain hemorrhage in 2011, spending weeks in a hospital intensive care unit, and has a second, smaller aneurysm that needs monitoring.

But her new plan has a $6,000 annual deductible, meaning that Ms. Wanderlich, who works part time at a landscaping company outside Chicago, has to pay for most of her medical services up to that amount. She is skipping this year’s brain scan and hoping for the best.

“To spend thousands of dollars just making sure it hasn’t grown?” said Ms. Wanderlich, 61. “I don’t have that money.”

Yes, what happened to her in 2011? She suffered medical emergency and had INSURANCE PAY FOR HER VERY EXPENSIVE CARE that she would otherwise not be able to afford.

She of course could have chosen any plan she wanted to under Obamacare, including those with much lower deductibles, but she elected the cheaper premium plan with high deductible. She doesn't think the scan is worth 6000 grand or a more comprehensive plan option? Fine, but fact is she can get it if she thought she needed it. Lets also note that her electing to not that scan has just curved the medical spending down.

So yes, insurance may not pay for EVERYTHING, but it will cover A LOT and give you healthcare OPTIONS you can afford to make.
Patricia Wanderlich got insurance through the Affordable Care Act this year, and with good reason: She suffered a brain hemorrhage in 2011, spending weeks in a hospital intensive care unit, and has a second, smaller aneurysm that needs monitoring.

But her new plan has a $6,000 annual deductible, meaning that Ms. Wanderlich, who works part time at a landscaping company outside Chicago, has to pay for most of her medical services up to that amount. She is skipping this year’s brain scan and hoping for the best.

“To spend thousands of dollars just making sure it hasn’t grown?” said Ms. Wanderlich, 61. “I don’t have that money.”

Yes, what happened to her in 2011? She suffered medical emergency and had INSURANCE PAY FOR HER VERY EXPENSIVE CARE that she would otherwise not be able to afford.

She of course could have chosen any plan she wanted to under Obamacare, including those with much lower deductibles, but she elected the cheaper premium plan with high deductible. She doesn't think the scan is worth 6000 grand or a more comprehensive plan option? Fine, but fact is she can get it if she thought she needed it. Lets also note that her electing to not that scan has just curved the medical spending down.

So yes, insurance may not pay for EVERYTHING, but it will cover A LOT and give you healthcare OPTIONS you can afford to make.

Insruance through Obamacare ?

Can you be any more stupid ?

Don't waste my time with all insurance is the isn't.

And this woman shows how.

She can't afford the is she going to pay for a more expensive plan (and still cover the deductible).

Good grief.
Insruance through Obamacare ?
Can you be any more stupid ?
Don't waste my time with all insurance is the isn't.

Retardo, are you actually saying that Obamacare plans are different in that they wouldn't pay for operation and her hospital stay?

You are wrong, wrong again.

And this woman shows how. She can't afford the is she going to pay for a more expensive plan (and still cover the deductible).
Good grief.

You are ignorant how the law works - if she truly could not afford 6000, she wouldn't have $6000 deductible because for lower incomes there is cost sharing that limits out-of-pocket expenses.
...are you actually saying that Obamacare plans are different in that they wouldn't pay for operation and her hospital stay?

You need to understand that there's a group of posters here who believe "Obamacare" is its own insurance plan that every American is forced at gunpoint to sign on to.

Except for them. Because they're special.

In that context, posts like Sunny's make a perverse kind of sense.
Insruance through Obamacare ?
Can you be any more stupid ?
Don't waste my time with all insurance is the isn't.

Retardo, are you actually saying that Obamacare plans are different in that they wouldn't pay for operation and her hospital stay?

You are wrong, wrong again.

And this woman shows how. She can't afford the is she going to pay for a more expensive plan (and still cover the deductible).
Good grief.

You are ignorant how the law works - if she truly could not afford 6000, she wouldn't have $6000 deductible because for lower incomes there is cost sharing that limits out-of-pocket expenses.

You need to have your parents attend school board meetings.

Your ability to comprehend along with your reasoning skills are in the toilet.

Did you read the article ?

That is not how insurance is supposed to work.

You have several other articles to pick from....all of which tell you the same thing. And you can find 1000 more.

I addressed your request.

Now, please consider mine.

Last edited:
You are a moron.

Excellent post, well within the rules of the forum.

Given your ignorance on the topic, I'd surmise someone else is picking up the tab for you. A husband, an employer, your parents? The Party of Personal Responsibility strikes again.

My employer provided my insurance coverage as part of my COMPENSATION. That you think someone getting it that way isn't personally responsible shows your stupidity on the topic. Perhaps those that don't get insurance through their employer should provide something worthwhile in the way of skills in order to do so.
...are you actually saying that Obamacare plans are different in that they wouldn't pay for operation and her hospital stay?

You need to understand that there's a group of posters here who believe "Obamacare" is its own insurance plan that every American is forced at gunpoint to sign on to.

Except for them. Because they're special.

In that context, posts like Sunny's make a perverse kind of sense.

Obamacare, in essence, is a requirement that people buy insurance up to the standards Obama wanted. In a way, Obamacare, although not a policy, is just that.
And over seven months after House Speaker Ryan promised to reveal the GOP's super-special replacement, Congressional Republicans are still whining and doing nothing.

ObamaCare propels number of insured Americans above 90%

For the first time ever, fewer than 10% of Americans lack health insurance, according to data released Tuesday by the CDC. And CNBC calls that "a clear sign of ObamaCare's impact." In 2015, only 9.1% of Americans—about 28.6 million people—were uninsured. That's down from 14.2% in 2013 when ObamaCare really started to go into effect, the Hill reports. That drop amounts to another 16.2 million Americans who now have health insurance. "Today's report is further proof that our country has made undeniable and historic strides thanks to the Affordable Care Act." Sylvia Burwell, secretary of health and human services, tells CNBC. "Our country ought to be proud of how far we've come and where we're going."

But regardless of ObamaCare's success in reducing the ranks of the uninsured—the Obama administration estimates more than 20 million Americans have gained insurance since the ACA passed in 2010—the Hill reports that Republicans still plan to use it as a wedge issue in November. Donald Trump and Senate Republicans believe hitting Hillary Clinton over ObamaCare will propel them to victories. “This healthcare law has been devastating to the Democratic Party," John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, tells the Hill.

The report from the CDC is attached for anyone who's interested:

How many that have it now do so because someone else was forced to pay the taxes that help fund it for those freeloaders?
I suspect most of the freeloaders are Republican. It's been that way in the past.

And they're so stupid, they think Trump is bringing back the jobs that moved to China under Bush. Only they don't exist anymore. They've been automated.

What will they do when they find out they've been swindled by Trump? Cry? Boo hoo.

Not in my state. The poorest congressional district is majority black and with over 20% of the district receiving food stamps. It's bee that way since the district was gerrymandered in order to give that district a black/Democrat in office when there was no way the one representing could have won dog catcher.
How many that have it now do so because someone else was forced to pay the taxes that help fund it for those freeloaders?

How many of us taxpayers paid for scofflaws who frequented ER's for decades before the PPACA went into effect? Your problem is ignorance + simplified thinking, if it is thinking. Many who needed immediate treatment let the condition fester causing the taxpayer even more money, are now able to get treatments early saving lives and dollars.

The only problem with that argument is that we are not saving any dollars.

We are saving lives. Which do you value more?

Who is we, and how are you going to prove that (believe me I hope it is true).

But the horsecrap of 47,000 a year dying because of a lack of insurance really created a bad taste for statistics in this argument. Nobody could produce the corpses even though by now they should have over 600,000 of them.

I have no idea how many lives have been saved. What I do know is less medical care is being provided in ER's and more maladies are being treated early, which one may infer prevents some early deaths, and the greater cost to all of us when a disease is allowed to progress and insurance and the patient must pay more - those costs are paid by the taxpayer, and their tax dollars are then not used to fix roads, issue permits timely and provide necessary police and fire protections, etc.

The cost to local government is reduced when a patient is able to see a doctor outside of the public hospital whose operation is subsidized the the taxpayer.

The worst part about is what you said is "subsidized by the taxpayer". No one owes another person healthcare coverage.
You are a moron.

Excellent post, well within the rules of the forum.

Given your ignorance on the topic, I'd surmise someone else is picking up the tab for you. A husband, an employer, your parents? The Party of Personal Responsibility strikes again.

My employer provided my insurance coverage as part of my COMPENSATION. That you think someone getting it that way isn't personally responsible shows your stupidity on the topic. Perhaps those that don't get insurance through their employer should provide something worthwhile in the way of skills in order to do so.

The FDR administration made Insurance a component of compensation when they put wage controls in place during the Great Depression. In order to be able to compensate employees properly, companies started offering non-salary compensation such as health insurance.
And over seven months after House Speaker Ryan promised to reveal the GOP's super-special replacement, Congressional Republicans are still whining and doing nothing.

ObamaCare propels number of insured Americans above 90%

For the first time ever, fewer than 10% of Americans lack health insurance, according to data released Tuesday by the CDC. And CNBC calls that "a clear sign of ObamaCare's impact." In 2015, only 9.1% of Americans—about 28.6 million people—were uninsured. That's down from 14.2% in 2013 when ObamaCare really started to go into effect, the Hill reports. That drop amounts to another 16.2 million Americans who now have health insurance. "Today's report is further proof that our country has made undeniable and historic strides thanks to the Affordable Care Act." Sylvia Burwell, secretary of health and human services, tells CNBC. "Our country ought to be proud of how far we've come and where we're going."

But regardless of ObamaCare's success in reducing the ranks of the uninsured—the Obama administration estimates more than 20 million Americans have gained insurance since the ACA passed in 2010—the Hill reports that Republicans still plan to use it as a wedge issue in November. Donald Trump and Senate Republicans believe hitting Hillary Clinton over ObamaCare will propel them to victories. “This healthcare law has been devastating to the Democratic Party," John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, tells the Hill.

The report from the CDC is attached for anyone who's interested:

How many that have it now do so because someone else was forced to pay the taxes that help fund it for those freeloaders?

How many of us taxpayers paid for scofflaws who frequented ER's for decades before the PPACA went into effect? Your problem is ignorance + simplified thinking, if it is thinking. Many who needed immediate treatment let the condition fester causing the taxpayer even more money, are now able to get treatments early saving lives and dollars.

The only problem with that argument is that we are not saving any dollars.

We are saving lives. Which do you value more?

So you don't care whether or not we do what Obama claimed would happen as long as some freeloader gets something for little or nothing? Obamacare really wasn't about saving money, another lie by that piece of shit, but redistribution from those who earned what the have to those who didn't.
You are a moron.

Excellent post, well within the rules of the forum.

Given your ignorance on the topic, I'd surmise someone else is picking up the tab for you. A husband, an employer, your parents? The Party of Personal Responsibility strikes again.

My employer provided my insurance coverage as part of my COMPENSATION. That you think someone getting it that way isn't personally responsible shows your stupidity on the topic. Perhaps those that don't get insurance through their employer should provide something worthwhile in the way of skills in order to do so.

The FDR administration made Insurance a component of compensation when they put wage controls in place during the Great Depression. In order to be able to compensate employees properly, companies started offering non-salary compensation such as health insurance.

My wages are excellent, too. I have both because I offer something in return for BOTH.
And over seven months after House Speaker Ryan promised to reveal the GOP's super-special replacement, Congressional Republicans are still whining and doing nothing.

ObamaCare propels number of insured Americans above 90%

For the first time ever, fewer than 10% of Americans lack health insurance, according to data released Tuesday by the CDC. And CNBC calls that "a clear sign of ObamaCare's impact." In 2015, only 9.1% of Americans—about 28.6 million people—were uninsured. That's down from 14.2% in 2013 when ObamaCare really started to go into effect, the Hill reports. That drop amounts to another 16.2 million Americans who now have health insurance. "Today's report is further proof that our country has made undeniable and historic strides thanks to the Affordable Care Act." Sylvia Burwell, secretary of health and human services, tells CNBC. "Our country ought to be proud of how far we've come and where we're going."

But regardless of ObamaCare's success in reducing the ranks of the uninsured—the Obama administration estimates more than 20 million Americans have gained insurance since the ACA passed in 2010—the Hill reports that Republicans still plan to use it as a wedge issue in November. Donald Trump and Senate Republicans believe hitting Hillary Clinton over ObamaCare will propel them to victories. “This healthcare law has been devastating to the Democratic Party," John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, tells the Hill.

The report from the CDC is attached for anyone who's interested:

How many that have it now do so because someone else was forced to pay the taxes that help fund it for those freeloaders?

How many of us taxpayers paid for scofflaws who frequented ER's for decades before the PPACA went into effect? Your problem is ignorance + simplified thinking, if it is thinking. Many who needed immediate treatment let the condition fester causing the taxpayer even more money, are now able to get treatments early saving lives and dollars.

It shouldn't have cost the taxpayer anything previously. One person does not owe another person a damn thing. If you think someone is owed something, give them YOUR money. MINE is for MY family.
You are a moron.

Excellent post, well within the rules of the forum.

Given your ignorance on the topic, I'd surmise someone else is picking up the tab for you. A husband, an employer, your parents? The Party of Personal Responsibility strikes again.

My employer provided my insurance coverage as part of my COMPENSATION. That you think someone getting it that way isn't personally responsible shows your stupidity on the topic. Perhaps those that don't get insurance through their employer should provide something worthwhile in the way of skills in order to do so.

And if your employer followed the lead of many othe employers and downgraded your hours or relabeled you an "independent contractor" or simply said "Effective January 1, 2017, get your own damn insurance," you'd see that as a failure on your part to measure up, right?
You are a moron.

Excellent post, well within the rules of the forum.

Given your ignorance on the topic, I'd surmise someone else is picking up the tab for you. A husband, an employer, your parents? The Party of Personal Responsibility strikes again.

My employer provided my insurance coverage as part of my COMPENSATION. That you think someone getting it that way isn't personally responsible shows your stupidity on the topic. Perhaps those that don't get insurance through their employer should provide something worthwhile in the way of skills in order to do so.

And if your employer followed the lead of many othe employers and downgraded your hours or relabeled you an "independent contractor" or simply said "Effective January 1, 2017, get your own damn insurance," you'd see that as a failure on your part to measure up, right?

Since my employer didn't do either one, I don't see it as anything. You like to speculate on things, don't you?

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