For the first time, more than 90% of Americans have health insurance

You are citing 90% of Americans having health insurance as a good thing.

As opposed to being denied coverage, having their coverage capped, or being offered premiums that were out of reach, yes. Tell me why you think "the old way" was preferable.

For many people, especially those buying individual policies, their policies are virtually unusable due to high deductibles and co-pays, and restrictive networks.

That was the "old way." People have more options now, if they're smart enough to go to the exchanges and choose carefully, instead of being scared off by beanshi like you.
The OP misrepresents the situation. Health insurance is NOT health care.

Which is why the title of the OP is: "For the first time, more than 90% of Americans have health insurance."

Why you think health insurance which is basically unusable is a benefit says a great deal about you.

Boedicca do you have health insurance?

Why do you ask? As it is against the law to not have health insurance in the U.S., it's safe to assume that I am not violating the law.
The OP misrepresents the situation. Health insurance is NOT health care.

Which is why the title of the OP is: "For the first time, more than 90% of Americans have health insurance."

Why you think health insurance which is basically unusable is a benefit says a great deal about you.

Boedicca do you have health insurance?

Why do you ask? As it is against the law to not have health insurance in the U.S., it's safe to assume that I am not violating the law.

I think you know exactly why I asked.

It's safe to assume you are full of shit less than honest. Surely if you REALLY thought your expensive!!!! insurance was useless, you would simply forgo it and pay the much smaller tax to retain your status as an upstanding citizen.
Last edited:
And over seven months after House Speaker Ryan promised to reveal the GOP's super-special replacement, Congressional Republicans are still whining and doing nothing.

ObamaCare propels number of insured Americans above 90%

For the first time ever, fewer than 10% of Americans lack health insurance, according to data released Tuesday by the CDC. And CNBC calls that "a clear sign of ObamaCare's impact." In 2015, only 9.1% of Americans—about 28.6 million people—were uninsured. That's down from 14.2% in 2013 when ObamaCare really started to go into effect, the Hill reports. That drop amounts to another 16.2 million Americans who now have health insurance. "Today's report is further proof that our country has made undeniable and historic strides thanks to the Affordable Care Act." Sylvia Burwell, secretary of health and human services, tells CNBC. "Our country ought to be proud of how far we've come and where we're going."

But regardless of ObamaCare's success in reducing the ranks of the uninsured—the Obama administration estimates more than 20 million Americans have gained insurance since the ACA passed in 2010—the Hill reports that Republicans still plan to use it as a wedge issue in November. Donald Trump and Senate Republicans believe hitting Hillary Clinton over ObamaCare will propel them to victories. “This healthcare law has been devastating to the Democratic Party," John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, tells the Hill.

The report from the CDC is attached for anyone who's interested:

How many that have it now do so because someone else was forced to pay the taxes that help fund it for those freeloaders?
I suspect most of the freeloaders are Republican. It's been that way in the past.

And they're so stupid, they think Trump is bringing back the jobs that moved to China under Bush. Only they don't exist anymore. They've been automated.

What will they do when they find out they've been swindled by Trump? Cry? Boo hoo.
The OP misrepresents the situation. Health insurance is NOT health care.

Which is why the title of the OP is: "For the first time, more than 90% of Americans have health insurance."

Why you think health insurance which is basically unusable is a benefit says a great deal about you.

Boedicca do you have health insurance?

Why do you ask? As it is against the law to not have health insurance in the U.S., it's safe to assume that I am not violating the law.

I think you know exactly why I asked.

It's safe to assume you are full of shit less than honest. Surely if you REALLY thought your expensive!!!! insurance was useless, you would simply forgo it and pay the much smaller tax to retain your status as an upstanding citizen.

You are a moron.
Which is why the title of the OP is: "For the first time, more than 90% of Americans have health insurance."

Why you think health insurance which is basically unusable is a benefit says a great deal about you.

Boedicca do you have health insurance?

Why do you ask? As it is against the law to not have health insurance in the U.S., it's safe to assume that I am not violating the law.

I think you know exactly why I asked.

It's safe to assume you are full of shit less than honest. Surely if you REALLY thought your expensive!!!! insurance was useless, you would simply forgo it and pay the much smaller tax to retain your status as an upstanding citizen.

You are a moron.

You are a moron.

Excellent post, well within the rules of the forum.

Given your ignorance on the topic, I'd surmise someone else is picking up the tab for you. A husband, an employer, your parents? The Party of Personal Responsibility strikes again.
85% of Americans were covered before ACA, and then premiums were lower and it actually covered something.

And you have the stats to prove all of that, no doubt.
no google does, if you aren't lazy you can find it, if you can't we all know why

Because you've always had other people do your homework for you? You made the statement; it's incumbent upon you to back it up. If you can't, we all know why.

OOPS- I bet you feel like a fucking idiot now or is Obama a liar?

The president said that before the ACA was passed, 85 percent of Americans already had health insurance. (That’s about right.) He went on to say that they still got “a better deal” under the health care law.

Obama’s Health Care Boasts

I feel vindicated in persuading you to do your own research from now on. But make sure you include this part:

"That 85 percent who had health insurance, they may not know that they got a better deal now than they did, but they do. Americans can no longer be denied coverage because of preexisting conditions, from you having had cancer to you having had a baby. Women can’t be charged more just for being a woman. And they get free preventive services, like mammograms. And there are no more annual or lifetime caps on the care patients receive."

Why do you think this^ is a bad thing? Or were you just so dazzled by "Huh-huh, he said 85%"?

They aren't free you idiot, the middle class is paying for this stupid shut losing DISPOSABLE income they would normally use for food, school for kids, or their own medical costs. Could you be any more programmed?
And over seven months after House Speaker Ryan promised to reveal the GOP's super-special replacement, Congressional Republicans are still whining and doing nothing.

ObamaCare propels number of insured Americans above 90%

For the first time ever, fewer than 10% of Americans lack health insurance, according to data released Tuesday by the CDC. And CNBC calls that "a clear sign of ObamaCare's impact." In 2015, only 9.1% of Americans—about 28.6 million people—were uninsured. That's down from 14.2% in 2013 when ObamaCare really started to go into effect, the Hill reports. That drop amounts to another 16.2 million Americans who now have health insurance. "Today's report is further proof that our country has made undeniable and historic strides thanks to the Affordable Care Act." Sylvia Burwell, secretary of health and human services, tells CNBC. "Our country ought to be proud of how far we've come and where we're going."

But regardless of ObamaCare's success in reducing the ranks of the uninsured—the Obama administration estimates more than 20 million Americans have gained insurance since the ACA passed in 2010—the Hill reports that Republicans still plan to use it as a wedge issue in November. Donald Trump and Senate Republicans believe hitting Hillary Clinton over ObamaCare will propel them to victories. “This healthcare law has been devastating to the Democratic Party," John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, tells the Hill.

The report from the CDC is attached for anyone who's interested:

How many that have it now do so because someone else was forced to pay the taxes that help fund it for those freeloaders?
I suspect most of the freeloaders are Republican. It's been that way in the past.

And they're so stupid, they think Trump is bringing back the jobs that moved to China under Bush. Only they don't exist anymore. They've been automated.

What will they do when they find out they've been swindled by Trump? Cry? Boo hoo.

No facts...just what you "suspect".

Can you be any more worthless ?
we are no where close to universal coverage you ignorant twat of a human being. LOL I would be embarrassed to be that fucking programmed and to ignorant to even know it.

Of course I never said we were, but that we are much closer now. So you are probably just lashing out because you can't dispute the facts introduced.

I am lashing out because working Americans like me had to give up great insurance with low or no deductibles and great coverage for this piece of shit we have so some community organizer can put his name on something. I am lashing out because idiots like you think it is a win when in REALITY (something you are without) it is one of the worst things for working America since NAFTA was passed.

Ok so you are mad and think that gives you the permit to make sht up. :bs1:

I'm not an idiot for going where the facts lead and no amount of your frothy politico ranting is going to convince me otherwise. Sorry.

They say ignorant fools can't be taught, you are proof of that thesis

You are delusional. Just because you throw out some broad unsupported nonsense based on obvious political bend doesn't mean you have something to teach anyone.

Your original claims got smashed into little pieces with no retort from you, so now you down to some grandstanding about "working Americans" as if you have any clue at all whats going on with all working Americans.

It's obvious I am more clued in than you since you are spouting the stupid shit over and over.
Of course I never said we were, but that we are much closer now. So you are probably just lashing out because you can't dispute the facts introduced.

I am lashing out because working Americans like me had to give up great insurance with low or no deductibles and great coverage for this piece of shit we have so some community organizer can put his name on something. I am lashing out because idiots like you think it is a win when in REALITY (something you are without) it is one of the worst things for working America since NAFTA was passed.

Ok so you are mad and think that gives you the permit to make sht up. :bs1:

I'm not an idiot for going where the facts lead and no amount of your frothy politico ranting is going to convince me otherwise. Sorry.

They say ignorant fools can't be taught, you are proof of that thesis

You are delusional. Just because you throw out some broad unsupported nonsense based on obvious political bend doesn't mean you have something to teach anyone.

Your original claims got smashed into little pieces with no retort from you, so now you down to some grandstanding about "working Americans" as if you have any clue at all whats going on with all working Americans.

And your link references your graph that says nothing about care.

It points to insurance levels

Insurance <> Care

What part of that can't your kindergarten mentor explain to you ?

Three posts and you stated nothing. When you have something to say, please let me know waste of time
And your link references your graph that says nothing about care.

It points to insurance levels

Insurance <> Care

What part of that can't your kindergarten mentor explain to you ?

Amazing the stupid nonsense you say while talking down to someone.

Insurance is Insurance, Healthcare is Healthcare and the part you amazingly don't seem to understand is that the first pays for the second - DUH?

Having insurance (with smallest exceptions perhaps) means being able to deal with often expensive healthcare. This is ESPECIALLY true under Obamacare's standards for coverage.

Yes silly, that's a good thing.

Insurance is no guarantee of care. You really want to argue that it is thus removing all doubt you are an idiot ?
I am lashing out because working Americans like me had to give up great insurance with low or no deductibles and great coverage for this piece of shit we have so some community organizer can put his name on something. I am lashing out because idiots like you think it is a win when in REALITY (something you are without) it is one of the worst things for working America since NAFTA was passed.

Ok so you are mad and think that gives you the permit to make sht up. :bs1:

I'm not an idiot for going where the facts lead and no amount of your frothy politico ranting is going to convince me otherwise. Sorry.

They say ignorant fools can't be taught, you are proof of that thesis

You are delusional. Just because you throw out some broad unsupported nonsense based on obvious political bend doesn't mean you have something to teach anyone.

Your original claims got smashed into little pieces with no retort from you, so now you down to some grandstanding about "working Americans" as if you have any clue at all whats going on with all working Americans.

And your link references your graph that says nothing about care.

It points to insurance levels

Insurance <> Care

What part of that can't your kindergarten mentor explain to you ?

Three posts and you stated nothing. When you have something to say, please let me know waste of time

Who are you talking to ?

Insurance <> care. It's that simple.
Of course I never said we were, but that we are much closer now. So you are probably just lashing out because you can't dispute the facts introduced.

I am lashing out because working Americans like me had to give up great insurance with low or no deductibles and great coverage for this piece of shit we have so some community organizer can put his name on something. I am lashing out because idiots like you think it is a win when in REALITY (something you are without) it is one of the worst things for working America since NAFTA was passed.

Ok so you are mad and think that gives you the permit to make sht up. :bs1:

I'm not an idiot for going where the facts lead and no amount of your frothy politico ranting is going to convince me otherwise. Sorry.

They say ignorant fools can't be taught, you are proof of that thesis

You are delusional. Just because you throw out some broad unsupported nonsense based on obvious political bend doesn't mean you have something to teach anyone.

Your original claims got smashed into little pieces with no retort from you, so now you down to some grandstanding about "working Americans" as if you have any clue at all whats going on with all working Americans.

It's obvious I am more clued in than you since you are spouting the stupid shit over and over.

On this we agree.

She's a moron.
Insurance is no guarantee of care. You really want to argue that it is thus removing all doubt you are an idiot ?

It's like talking to a 10 year old....just as silly, just as ignorant, but at least 10 year old is more inclined to listen.

INSURANCE...PAYS...FOR...HEALTHCARE. Which ESPECIALLY true for post-Obamacare insurances.

Read it over a few times. Understand that relationship. Reply with something non-stupid.
And over seven months after House Speaker Ryan promised to reveal the GOP's super-special replacement, Congressional Republicans are still whining and doing nothing.

ObamaCare propels number of insured Americans above 90%

For the first time ever, fewer than 10% of Americans lack health insurance, according to data released Tuesday by the CDC. And CNBC calls that "a clear sign of ObamaCare's impact." In 2015, only 9.1% of Americans—about 28.6 million people—were uninsured. That's down from 14.2% in 2013 when ObamaCare really started to go into effect, the Hill reports. That drop amounts to another 16.2 million Americans who now have health insurance. "Today's report is further proof that our country has made undeniable and historic strides thanks to the Affordable Care Act." Sylvia Burwell, secretary of health and human services, tells CNBC. "Our country ought to be proud of how far we've come and where we're going."

But regardless of ObamaCare's success in reducing the ranks of the uninsured—the Obama administration estimates more than 20 million Americans have gained insurance since the ACA passed in 2010—the Hill reports that Republicans still plan to use it as a wedge issue in November. Donald Trump and Senate Republicans believe hitting Hillary Clinton over ObamaCare will propel them to victories. “This healthcare law has been devastating to the Democratic Party," John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, tells the Hill.

The report from the CDC is attached for anyone who's interested:
so threatening citizens with the force of the government worked.

All hail obama!

And over seven months after House Speaker Ryan promised to reveal the GOP's super-special replacement, Congressional Republicans are still whining and doing nothing.

ObamaCare propels number of insured Americans above 90%

For the first time ever, fewer than 10% of Americans lack health insurance, according to data released Tuesday by the CDC. And CNBC calls that "a clear sign of ObamaCare's impact." In 2015, only 9.1% of Americans—about 28.6 million people—were uninsured. That's down from 14.2% in 2013 when ObamaCare really started to go into effect, the Hill reports. That drop amounts to another 16.2 million Americans who now have health insurance. "Today's report is further proof that our country has made undeniable and historic strides thanks to the Affordable Care Act." Sylvia Burwell, secretary of health and human services, tells CNBC. "Our country ought to be proud of how far we've come and where we're going."

But regardless of ObamaCare's success in reducing the ranks of the uninsured—the Obama administration estimates more than 20 million Americans have gained insurance since the ACA passed in 2010—the Hill reports that Republicans still plan to use it as a wedge issue in November. Donald Trump and Senate Republicans believe hitting Hillary Clinton over ObamaCare will propel them to victories. “This healthcare law has been devastating to the Democratic Party," John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, tells the Hill.

The report from the CDC is attached for anyone who's interested:
so threatening citizens with the force of the government worked.

All hail obama!

Scintllating rebuttal there, Sparky. Anyway, your cohort says the figures are a lie. So which is it?
Insurance is no guarantee of care. You really want to argue that it is thus removing all doubt you are an idiot ?

It's like talking to a 10 year old....just as silly, just as ignorant, but at least 10 year old is more inclined to listen.

INSURANCE...PAYS...FOR...HEALTHCARE. Which ESPECIALLY true for post-Obamacare insurances.

Read it over a few times. Understand that relationship. Reply with something non-stupid.

Actually it pays less now than it have has in our lifetimes and most the time it doesn't pay at all for the first $3,500

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