For the last time, I'm gonna try to educate the left on GUNS; Can't take ignorance any longer.

Says the far left drone armed with their religious dogma not connected to reality.

Hmm. Righties start a thread to "educate " us idiots about guns , but when asked specific questions you suddenly have no answers ???!

And you have proven that far left drones can not be educated with facts. That you will still stick to your debunked religious dogma at all costs.

I was asking for info . Seriously ! But methinks now that yall really don't want to answer the questions .

No you weren't you trying once again to make a baseless point with far left religious dogma and you have proven that far left drones can not be educated with facts!

Where exactly ? Asking why someone would choose an AR vs a handgun is some kind of gotcha question???

Then don't start threads to "educate the left" if you can't handle questions .

Your question was already answered.

You just don't like the answer.
Is that's what has been happening?

Just kidding, not a real question. I know you're a liar.
How am I a "liar"? It's your statistic junior. If it's inaccurate - it's on you. It proves you are the liar. If it's accurate, it proves how liberalism has failed the American people. Which way do you want to go with it? I'm good with either....

You're actually claiming that gun laws have been MORE restrictive since 2001? Are you fucking high?
They sure as hell haven't become less restrictive junior....

DeBlasio illegally outlawed guns in New York. Obama initiated "Operation Choke Point". And Obama illegally issued Executive Orders on firearms.

I'm not "high". I'm educated. Only stoned and stupid liberals don't know the difference.

Isn't it funny the things that the left gravitate to? I mean, I came in the house today after plowing - and there on TV Land (yeah, I know, but I'm old) in the lower right hand corner of the screen was the TV Land logo in the rainbow flag. All this during "Gunsmoke" - which I found to be rather weird.

However, liberals never once open their tiny little mouths when blacks are killing blacks by the hundreds in Chicago. Not a damned peep out of them. Very telling, don't you think?

Nice deflection. Too bad it's wrong . Libs have been fighting for gun control because of all those shootings you speak of.

What? you mean Chicago? Washington DC? Detroit? Are THOSE the ones you guys have been "fighting for"? You're a hypocrite. You know it and I know it.
Moron journalist Tom Brokaw called for a ban on the "AR-14" today. MSNBC morons said 2nd amendment covers guns...not "weapons of war". I can't take it anymore. My final attempt to educate them.

Guns: An AR-15 shoots a TINY bullet...a .223. That bullet is HALF THE size of a standard cops pistol bullet...a .45. Plus....pistols have big hollow point bullets...far deadlier. In deadly...they aren't allowed in war. That's right....the hollow point pistol bullet is banned from wars by the 1899 Hague Convention treaty. The .223 bullet an AR shoots? Army and Marine troops complain that they aren't deadly enough in war. They created the 6.8 round to try to fix it....which the standard AR-15 doesn't shoot.

Guns: 30 round magazines for a .223 AR??? GUESS WHAT??? They make 30 round mags for Glocks...that shoot the far larger and far deadlier hollow point bullets. AR15s are almost all semi auto...not full auto. Almost none are full auto.

**A side note: A gunman with a rifle is also FAR EASIER to disarm than one with a pistol. Imagine trying to pry away a broom from a guy vs prying away a fork. The larger gun is by far easier to grab...control...and wrestle away.

2nd Amendment: Libs are now saying the Founders meant muskets....not "Weapons of War". Hey 1776....muskets WERE WEAPONS OF WAR

View attachment 78100

I'll add more later. Can't overwhelm the ignorant brains reading this.


this is your head ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ....................... this is your head after a .223 hits it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

any questions from IDIOTS?

You can get the same result from just about any gun or bullet.

so why are you trying to EDUCATE anyone about small, high velocity bullets having little damage compared to BIG slugs from cop pistols ...??


Simple. I can't stand watching idiots debating gun control and gun laws...who don't know shit about the guns. It's like watching a drunk football fan yell about what the coach or player should do...and not knowing shit about football.

That's how libs sound regarding guns.
And you sound like an idiot with your moronic composition fallacy.

In fact, you’re ignorant about most everything, and consistently wrong – you’re in no position to ‘educate’ anyone about anything, including guns.
Moron journalist Tom Brokaw called for a ban on the "AR-14" today. MSNBC morons said 2nd amendment covers guns...not "weapons of war". I can't take it anymore. My final attempt to educate them.

Guns: An AR-15 shoots a TINY bullet...a .223. That bullet is HALF THE size of a standard cops pistol bullet...a .45. Plus....pistols have big hollow point bullets...far deadlier. In deadly...they aren't allowed in war. That's right....the hollow point pistol bullet is banned from wars by the 1899 Hague Convention treaty. The .223 bullet an AR shoots? Army and Marine troops complain that they aren't deadly enough in war. They created the 6.8 round to try to fix it....which the standard AR-15 doesn't shoot.

Guns: 30 round magazines for a .223 AR??? GUESS WHAT??? They make 30 round mags for Glocks...that shoot the far larger and far deadlier hollow point bullets. AR15s are almost all semi auto...not full auto. Almost none are full auto.

**A side note: A gunman with a rifle is also FAR EASIER to disarm than one with a pistol. Imagine trying to pry away a broom from a guy vs prying away a fork. The larger gun is by far easier to grab...control...and wrestle away.

2nd Amendment: Libs are now saying the Founders meant muskets....not "Weapons of War". Hey 1776....muskets WERE WEAPONS OF WAR

View attachment 78100

I'll add more later. Can't overwhelm the ignorant brains reading this.


this is your head ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ....................... this is your head after a .223 hits it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

any questions from IDIOTS?

You can get the same result from just about any gun or bullet.

so why are you trying to EDUCATE anyone about small, high velocity bullets having little damage compared to BIG slugs from cop pistols ...??


Simple. I can't stand watching idiots debating gun control and gun laws...who don't know shit about the guns. It's like watching a drunk football fan yell about what the coach or player should do...and not knowing shit about football.

That's how libs sound regarding guns.
And you sound like an idiot with your moronic composition fallacy.

In fact, you’re ignorant about most everything, and consistently wrong – you’re in no position to ‘educate’ anyone about anything, including guns.

Pot meet don't "educate" anyone, you spew and run away when confronted. You're a fraud
Says the far left drone armed with their religious dogma not connected to reality.

Hmm. Righties start a thread to "educate " us idiots about guns , but when asked specific questions you suddenly have no answers ???!

And you have proven that far left drones can not be educated with facts. That you will still stick to your debunked religious dogma at all costs.

I was asking for info . Seriously ! But methinks now that yall really don't want to answer the questions .

No you weren't you trying once again to make a baseless point with far left religious dogma and you have proven that far left drones can not be educated with facts!

Where exactly ? Asking why someone would choose an AR vs a handgun is some kind of gotcha question???

Then don't start threads to "educate the left" if you can't handle questions .

And the far left drones prove my point for me..
I can hit with a 30.06 at twice the range of the AR...yet liberals are fine with that particular rifle.

and I have a .270 that will out distance a 30.06 ... so what?

.223's are nasty little bastards at closer ranges ... why do you suppose our military carry them?

And what exactly makes you think you can hit further with the .270? Keep in mind I have one of those as well.

any ballistic chart you can find shows a .270 will out distance an .06, given the same load.

sniper rifles are .308 ... they will reach out and hit hard.

The 30.06 is actually more powerful and both shoot essentially the same slug.
And you can load a wider variety of slugs in the 30.06

And what exactly makes you think you can hit further with the .270? Keep in mind I have one of those as well.

any ballistic chart you can find shows a .270 will out distance an .06, given the same load.

sniper rifles are .308 ... they will reach out and hit hard.

Use a lower grain slug in the 30.06....problem solved.

ok, apples to oranges, you made your point don't have a point.

So why would you want to ban a rifle that is less deadly?

I'd rather clear a room with a 25 round auto .223 than I had a sniper rifle of any cal ... who said I wanted to ban anything?
No one said they want to ‘ban’ anything.
Moron journalist Tom Brokaw called for a ban on the "AR-14" today. MSNBC morons said 2nd amendment covers guns...not "weapons of war". I can't take it anymore. My final attempt to educate them.

Guns: An AR-15 shoots a TINY bullet...a .223. That bullet is HALF THE size of a standard cops pistol bullet...a .45. Plus....pistols have big hollow point bullets...far deadlier. In deadly...they aren't allowed in war. That's right....the hollow point pistol bullet is banned from wars by the 1899 Hague Convention treaty. The .223 bullet an AR shoots? Army and Marine troops complain that they aren't deadly enough in war. They created the 6.8 round to try to fix it....which the standard AR-15 doesn't shoot.

Guns: 30 round magazines for a .223 AR??? GUESS WHAT??? They make 30 round mags for Glocks...that shoot the far larger and far deadlier hollow point bullets. AR15s are almost all semi auto...not full auto. Almost none are full auto.

**A side note: A gunman with a rifle is also FAR EASIER to disarm than one with a pistol. Imagine trying to pry away a broom from a guy vs prying away a fork. The larger gun is by far easier to grab...control...and wrestle away.

2nd Amendment: Libs are now saying the Founders meant muskets....not "Weapons of War". Hey 1776....muskets WERE WEAPONS OF WAR

View attachment 78100

I'll add more later. Can't overwhelm the ignorant brains reading this.


this is your head ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ....................... this is your head after a .223 hits it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

any questions from IDIOTS?

You can get the same result from just about any gun or bullet.

so why are you trying to EDUCATE anyone about small, high velocity bullets having little damage compared to BIG slugs from cop pistols ...??


Simple. I can't stand watching idiots debating gun control and gun laws...who don't know shit about the guns. It's like watching a drunk football fan yell about what the coach or player should do...and not knowing shit about football.

That's how libs sound regarding guns.
And you sound like an idiot with your moronic composition fallacy.

In fact, you’re ignorant about most everything, and consistently wrong – you’re in no position to ‘educate’ anyone about anything, including guns.

Another far left drone that proves that they can not be educated.
and I have a .270 that will out distance a 30.06 ... so what?

.223's are nasty little bastards at closer ranges ... why do you suppose our military carry them?

And what exactly makes you think you can hit further with the .270? Keep in mind I have one of those as well.

any ballistic chart you can find shows a .270 will out distance an .06, given the same load.

sniper rifles are .308 ... they will reach out and hit hard.

The 30.06 is actually more powerful and both shoot essentially the same slug.
And you can load a wider variety of slugs in the 30.06

any ballistic chart you can find shows a .270 will out distance an .06, given the same load.

sniper rifles are .308 ... they will reach out and hit hard.

Use a lower grain slug in the 30.06....problem solved.

ok, apples to oranges, you made your point don't have a point.

So why would you want to ban a rifle that is less deadly?

I'd rather clear a room with a 25 round auto .223 than I had a sniper rifle of any cal ... who said I wanted to ban anything?
No one said they want to ‘ban’ anything.

Another far left drone myth being busted:

Obama Calls for Assault Gun Ban, New 'No Fly, No Buy' Law

Just goes to show the far left will deny and ignore what their own messiah says..
It appears you don't know your gun history as well as you think. In ~1959 ArmaLite sold the rights to the AR-15 rifle designs to Colt, who designated it the M16. As I wrote earlier, your arguments leave much to be desired in terms of completeness and accuracy.

What's your point? To be exact - and if you believe me to be a liar CHECK IT OUT - the first "AR" was not the 15 - it was the AR10. a .308 (or 7.62) rifle developed by Armalite. So what the hell if Armalite sold the design to Colt? Jesus - you "literal-minded" folks make me cringe.
I think it's important to be factual, but not get bogged so far down in it we forget the big picture.

The M-14 won the design contest for replacing the M-1 Garand, with the AR-10 being a loser. Even though I'd love to have an M-14, I couldn't justify spending $2000 for something that would see little use. Instead, I spent half that on a DPMS AR-10, specifically, the Oracle: 308 WIN & 7.62 NATO 16-18


I have a DPMS 10 myself and I love it. But, truthfully, the thought of having to hump a battle load of 7.62 for this old man is not too appealing.... :)

Much easier to carry a battle load of 5.56 :)

Hell, just the other day, I received a shipment of .45 ammo and I couldn't help but think "Jesus - this crap is getting heavier every time I lift it!" :)
A slight disagreement in philosophy. This isn't Vietnam where most firefights are in pistol range. If that is the case, I still think the AK-47 is superior in reliability and stopping power.

In the scenario you described, we'd be involved in guerrilla warfare. Sure a few situations would require up close and personal combat, my preferred method of combat survival is picking off an officer or NCO from 500-800 yards and then making a quick exit.

You won't get any argument from me on that point. It's ALWAYS better to "reach out and touch someone" when the opportunity presents itself (at least that's what they taught me at Benning) but in Viet Nam - that wasn't always feasible. 9 times out of 10 - we were spraying the bush - hoping to keep Charlie's head down...that's when "select fire" came in handy :)

Now, I shoot for enjoyment. And it is relaxing as hell. The idea that I'm engaging in some "horrible activity" would be as foreign to us folks in Montana as the thought of Roe V Wade being overturned to the liberal wrist wringers on this board.

And to your point of "guerrilla warfare" - is it out of the question these days? Again - there is a storm on the horizon that ain't gonna end well for the country.
Again, I have great faith in "We, the People". As you point out, many of our problems are self-induced, but I've learned people do, eventually, react. Was anyone besides me really surprised by 9/11? Terrorists attacked it before. Terrorists attacked Oklahoma.

Americans are slow to react, but they do react. Their fear and over reliance on government with the Patriot Act was a mistake, a point many, 15+ years later, are recognizing.
Thank you for illustrating how failed liberal policy of disarming the American people has resulted in catastrophic effects for the American people.

Is that's what has been happening?

Just kidding, not a real question. I know you're a liar.
How am I a "liar"? It's your statistic junior. If it's inaccurate - it's on you. It proves you are the liar. If it's accurate, it proves how liberalism has failed the American people. Which way do you want to go with it? I'm good with either....

You're actually claiming that gun laws have been MORE restrictive since 2001? Are you fucking high?
They sure as hell haven't become less restrictive junior....

DeBlasio illegally outlawed guns in New York. Obama initiated "Operation Choke Point". And Obama illegally issued Executive Orders on firearms.

I'm not "high". I'm educated. Only stoned and stupid liberals don't know the difference.

They have indeed become less restrictive, nationwide. Also, the states with the most gun laws also have the fewest gun-related deaths:

The States With The Most Gun Laws See The Fewest Gun-Related Deaths
And you sound like an idiot with your moronic composition fallacy.

In fact, you’re ignorant about most everything, and consistently wrong – you’re in no position to ‘educate’ anyone about anything, including guns.
Earlier I made a point about how too many people, especially Left Wingers, believe factless emotional rhetoric is a proper debating tool. I, OTOH, believe facts are best. Take out the venom and emotion since all that does is cause people to hate each other.
The gun nuts have decided that the background check loopholes are the most important element of gun rights in this country.

Why is that?

There is no loophole, you're just lying.

The ONLY time a background check is not needed is when a PRIVATE individual sells a single weapon the he/she owns, to another private individual.

You know this, yet chose to lie.

Fucking leftists, not so much as a shred of integrity in any of you.

They also don't admit that this "loop hole" takes place 99% of the time in the urban ghettos where black market gun sales happen dozens of times a day. More black market gun sales occur in a Chicago weekend than every Illinois gun show on any given weekend.

You know, it's funny when you consider this: The United States of America is one of the largest exporters of weapons in the world - second only to Russia. We export all manner of death and destruction to anyone (and everyone) who has the cash. Yet our leaders (and I use that term very loosely) want to disarm the law-abiding citizens of our own country. Has no one ever asked - "Where the hell do these inner city minorities get the tens of thousands of guns that are always there?"

Hell, one many weekends this year, there have been as many deaths as there were in Orlando. Yet the democrat controlled city NEVER affects change in that city.

Please - help me understand the crap that goes on in this country and how the hell democrats can "walk out" on a moment of silence while their constituencies are dying in the cities that THEY control??

Find ONE -- even ONE -- fucking example of this, dipshit.

Ok. Barbara Boxer. Want 200 more, dipshit?
During the debate over the Assault Weapons ban, the NRA and their paid Republican lackeys debated cosmetics of guns. Flash suppressors, grips, barrel length, general appearances.

Nobody wanted to take on the real danger of the weapons- the semi-automatic firing system and large ammunition capacity clips.

These are the weapons wrecking havoc on our streets. In the hands of gangs, in the hands of terrorists, in the hands of the mentally frazzled.

But those important issues were buried by minutiae. By cosmetics. By the NRA (a wholly irresponsible organization more enthralled by the power and phallic attraction of weapons of war and totally indifferent to gun violence)

Even after Newtown, the NRA failed to take responsible action.
The NRA is harmless. Dumbass
The gun nuts have decided that the background check loopholes are the most important element of gun rights in this country.

Why is that?

You are confused Moon Bat.

We "gun nuts" think that we shouldn't have to get permission from the filthy ass government to enjoy an individual right protected under the Constitution of the United States.

That is what a back ground check really is. Permission from the filthy ass government to enjoy a right that is clearly stated to not be infringed by the Bill of Rights.

If you have get permission from the filthy ass government to enjoy a right that is in the Bill of Rights then then the Bill of Rights isn't worth the parchment it is written on, is it?

You anti gun nuts have absolutely no understanding of the Bill of Rights.
Last edited:
Moron journalist Tom Brokaw called for a ban on the "AR-14" today. MSNBC morons said 2nd amendment covers guns...not "weapons of war". I can't take it anymore. My final attempt to educate them.

Guns: An AR-15 shoots a TINY bullet...a .223. That bullet is HALF THE size of a standard cops pistol bullet...a .45. Plus....pistols have big hollow point bullets...far deadlier. In deadly...they aren't allowed in war. That's right....the hollow point pistol bullet is banned from wars by the 1899 Hague Convention treaty. The .223 bullet an AR shoots? Army and Marine troops complain that they aren't deadly enough in war. They created the 6.8 round to try to fix it....which the standard AR-15 doesn't shoot.

Guns: 30 round magazines for a .223 AR??? GUESS WHAT??? They make 30 round mags for Glocks...that shoot the far larger and far deadlier hollow point bullets. AR15s are almost all semi auto...not full auto. Almost none are full auto.

**A side note: A gunman with a rifle is also FAR EASIER to disarm than one with a pistol. Imagine trying to pry away a broom from a guy vs prying away a fork. The larger gun is by far easier to grab...control...and wrestle away.

2nd Amendment: Libs are now saying the Founders meant muskets....not "Weapons of War". Hey 1776....muskets WERE WEAPONS OF WAR

View attachment 78100

I'll add more later. Can't overwhelm the ignorant brains reading this.

"arms" is the term used in the 2nd. Do you believe the 2nd authorizes all weapons of war? If not, which weapons / arms can be denied to a US Citizens?
A 223 bullet for an M-16 or AR-15 are smaller for two reasons.
1. The ability to carry more ammo into combat.
2. Long range hiking means less weight..
The bullet when fired, hits the target and rolls through the body, causing more damage..

An average .45 caliber round has a muzzle velocity around 900ft/sec.
An average .223 caliber round used in an AR-15 has a muzzle velocity of 3200ft/sec.

The energy contained in a .223 round is far greater than that of a .45. Ask any doctor and they'll tell you it is the energy in the projectile that greatly ups the damage done to human tissue. Add to this the rounds for the AR-15 and M-16 are designed to tumble on impact, causing far greater tissue damage as well.

This weapon and this round were not designed for hunting deer. What deer hunter uses a weapon that causes maximum tissue damage. They were designed specifically for warfare. Any claim to the contrary is ignorant nonsense.
FMJs are not "designed" to tumble. Dumbass
A .223 "round" was designed for varmit hunting and will work just fine for deer hunting. You don't know jack shit what they were designed for it's obvious…
"arms" is the term used in the 2nd. Do you believe the 2nd authorizes all weapons of war? If not, which weapons / arms can be denied to a US Citizens?

What is that chill?

It's as if the mean IQ of the left just declined by 40 points :dunno:

Oh, hi Wry....
During the debate over the Assault Weapons ban, the NRA and their paid Republican lackeys debated cosmetics of guns. Flash suppressors, grips, barrel length, general appearances.

Nobody wanted to take on the real danger of the weapons- the semi-automatic firing system and large ammunition capacity clips.

These are the weapons wrecking havoc on our streets. In the hands of gangs, in the hands of terrorists, in the hands of the mentally frazzled.

But those important issues were buried by minutiae. By cosmetics. By the NRA (a wholly irresponsible organization more enthralled by the power and phallic attraction of weapons of war and totally indifferent to gun violence)

Even after Newtown, the NRA failed to take responsible action.
The NRA is harmless. Dumbass
When can we expect a well reasoned argument out of you? So far, it's been disappointing. Children are more articulate than you have been thus far.

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