For the Left, Blacks are Once Again ‘Raw Material for Revolution’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
For the Left, Blacks are Once Again ‘Raw Material for Revolution’

12 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joel Gilbert

Pitting one race or one ethnic group against another is a game the Left has been playing for a very long time. In my 2014 documentary film, There’s No Place Like Utopia, I explored the rarely told history of Leftist exploitation of race and ethnicity, a practice that dates back to the 1930's.
Soviet leader Josef Stalin focused his American propaganda efforts not on fomenting a workers’ revolution - unlikely given America’s free market history - but on discrediting the very idea of America both to its own citizens and the world. The Soviets decided the easiest way to discredit America was through racial division. The Soviet involvement began in 1932, after nine young black Americans were accused of raping two white women on a freight train in Alabama. Even before most Americans had heard of the so-called “Scottsboro Boys,” even before their guilt or innocence was determined, the Soviet Union’s most famous propaganda artist had created a poster, “Freedom to the Prisoners of Scottsboro!”
The Soviets instructed their international apparatus, the COMINTERN, to employ its legal arm called "International Labor Defense," to push the NAACP aside and defend the young men, much as BLM has pushed the NAACP away today. In his book Black Bolshevik, party regular Harry Haywood proudly owned up to the strong-arm Communist tactics in Alabama.
Florida was the ultimate battleground state in a presidential election year, and the man running to retain the White House depended on a racially charged African American electorate to offset his flatlining U.S. economy. Jobs were scarce due to Obama’s increasing taxation and regulations, and an influx of illegals was driving down wages in inner cities.
Black voters were not motivated, not yet. As I presented with irrefutable evidence in The Trayvon Hoax, a fake witness was used to incriminate Zimmerman. Rachel Jeantel pretended to have been on the phone with Trayvon Martin prior to his beating of Zimmerman. Her changing story, her inability to read her own letter, and the apparent sudden change of her name and age were of no interest to the Left.
It was as if the COMINTERN had resurfaced to take over the media and Democratic Party. The historical liberal belief in due process, equality before the law, and innocent until proven guilty was crushed under the Stalinist boot - in America! Unfortunately, the strategy worked. Obama narrowly won Florida and was re-elected president. If these Stalinist tactics carried Florida in 2012, the activists who control the Party concluded, why not roll it out nationwide in 2020? That is exactly what they have done, and black Americans are once again pawns in their game.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/Democrat Commie have been using blacks for generations, and have been playing them for foolss. If there is justice in this world blacks would turn on the left and free themselves from the shackles of Bolshevism.
Read more: American Bolsheviks
The perfidy of the Democrat Party has been noted since the end of WWII. It began with Whitaker Chambers a former cpusa communist exposing Alger Hiss as a spy and the arrest, trials and executions of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. However the perfidy has never ended. Sen. Ted Kennedy confirmed that in his letter to the Soviets offering secret cooperation personally and that of the DNC if assisted to topple the reagan campaign...
Anyone fearing the Communist Party of the USA in 1970's was quickly denigrated and disparaged as someone like Senator McCarthy responsible for exposing the depth of infiltration of Communists in every aspect of American life from politics, Hollywood, the Media and education.
Today it's been established that Senator McCarthy's theory of the infiltration of politics and culture is proven true.
The Democrats have done a wonderful job with the help of Senator McCarthy's foes to bury this truly treasonous conspiracy of the Communist Party of the USA for more than the past 80 years.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies, their complicit media and educators have again accused the Republican Conspiracy theory of 1988 as a hoax. Sound familiar as we move into second decade of the 21st Century.
It’s not the Left doing this. It’s the ruling class, which encompasses some on the Left. They must keep us divided so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves. Unfortunately, most don’t see the scam they’re playing.
It’s not the Left doing this. It’s the ruling class, which encompasses some on the Left. They must keep us divided so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves. Unfortunately, most don’t see the scam they’re playing.

I have always maintained that race isn’t the real issue, never has been. It’s a diversion, the real issue is the rich writing laws for the rich and the rich throw pennies at the have nots, then play a race card or two and the masses happily follow along and vote for more of the same.
It’s not the Left doing this. It’s the ruling class, which encompasses some on the Left. They must keep us divided so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves. Unfortunately, most don’t see the scam they’re playing.
That is true but the Democrats have been taken over by the swamp totally. And although there is plenty of swamp on both sides at least the republican party has people fighting against it. Even Fox news criticizes these swampy republicans.

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