For the Pundit's Who Don't Understand Trumps Support


May 23, 2014
For all you media and establishment idiots in your Washington D.C. / NYC bubble: The United States has lost millions of manufacturing jobs since the 1990's to Mexico and China. These jobs paid for a truck note and a house note. People who worked them were union members and their families voted Democrat going back to FDR and 1930's. Along comes Bill Clinton the neo-Dem's and trade agreements like NAFTA. Now the person who was making $20.00 hr. in a factory back in 1998, is now working at Wal-Mart stocking shelves for $10.00 hr. Their jobe went overseas. They now stock shelves with crap that says "Made in China" and it used to be "Made in the USA." It used to be that persons job to make that product. these people are old time Reagan Democrats. Social conservatives who voted overwhelmingly Democrat to protect their job. Now that job is gone. Why vote for a party whose main priorities are gay marriage and social justice? IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID. Time to shop around for a candidate. Hence Trump is picking up old "conservative Democrats."
For all you media and establishment idiots in your Washington D.C. / NYC bubble: The United States has lost millions of manufacturing jobs since the 1990's to Mexico and China. These jobs paid for a truck note and a house note. People who worked them were union members and their families voted Democrat going back to FDR and 1930's. Along comes Bill Clinton the neo-Dem's and trade agreements like NAFTA. Now the person who was making $20.00 hr. in a factory back in 1998, is now working at Wal-Mart stocking shelves for $10.00 hr. Their jobe went overseas. They now stock shelves with crap that says "Made in China" and it used to be "Made in the USA." It used to be that persons job to make that product. these people are old time Reagan Democrats. Social conservatives who voted overwhelmingly Democrat to protect their job. Now that job is gone. Why vote for a party whose main priorities are gay marriage and social justice? IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID. Time to shop around for a candidate. Hence Trump is picking up old "conservative Democrats."
For all you media and establishment idiots in your Washington D.C. / NYC bubble: The United States has lost millions of manufacturing jobs since the 1990's to Mexico and China. These jobs paid for a truck note and a house note. People who worked them were union members and their families voted Democrat going back to FDR and 1930's. Along comes Bill Clinton the neo-Dem's and trade agreements like NAFTA. Now the person who was making $20.00 hr. in a factory back in 1998, is now working at Wal-Mart stocking shelves for $10.00 hr. Their jobe went overseas. They now stock shelves with crap that says "Made in China" and it used to be "Made in the USA." It used to be that persons job to make that product. these people are old time Reagan Democrats. Social conservatives who voted overwhelmingly Democrat to protect their job. Now that job is gone. Why vote for a party whose main priorities are gay marriage and social justice? IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID. Time to shop around for a candidate. Hence Trump is picking up old "conservative Democrats."

With Bernie Sanders you get the anti-free trade position without the Trump obnoxiousness.
What about the pundit-is [sic] who don't unders'tand apos'trophe's?

What exactly IS a "pundit-is"?
NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992.

It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later.

It was finally signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994. Although it was signed by President Bush, it was a priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (Source:, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)
History and Purpose of NAFTA
I actually agree somewhat with the OP. Trump is hitting the right issues, and if he continues to do so he will likely win the nomination. When he talks of jobs, political corruption, and media manipulation (especially cable "news" ratings), his message rings true. His real test will be to see if he can survive the paleoconservative demands of anti-gay marriage, anti-civil rights, anti-voting acts, pro-gun, and anti-abortion legislation. Those conservative social positions might kill his candidacy, if he adopts them.

I'm still curious to know HOW he plans to return manufacturing jobs to the U.S., stop illegal immigration, create a new and better health care system, and solve the Middle East tensions. It seems to me these things will need MORE regulation, not less . . . and Republicans are historically pro-Wall Street and anti-regulation.
The issue is not about free and open market trade agreements its about corporate taxation and manufacturing. Until such time corporations can re-patriotize post tax earned income without further taxation coupled with the reduction of corporate taxation to the worlds medium industrialized rates this country will never see a recovery of the middle class and upward mobility. The left has demonized corporations for decades, as evil and greedy, yet they were the very backbone of middle class manufacturing jobs and growth of the middle class. Interesting in how the left grasped and transformed it self into what was known as the evil establishment by claiming it was the workers representative in Washington DC yet their very legislative actions and regulations are the very reason for the demise of manufacturing in the US. Now look at what you have a party that lives off income inequality, divisive rhetoric, and belief that entry level jobs working at fast food restaurants are now a carrier? I guess that is what sells.
The issue is not about free and open market trade agreements its about corporate taxation and manufacturing. Until such time corporations can re-patriotize post tax earned income without further taxation coupled with the reduction of corporate taxation to the worlds medium industrialized rates this country will never see a recovery of the middle class and upward mobility. The left has demonized corporations for decades, as evil and greedy, yet they were the very backbone of middle class manufacturing jobs and growth of the middle class. Interesting in how the left grasped and transformed it self into what was known as the evil establishment by claiming it was the workers representative in Washington DC yet their very legislative actions and regulations are the very reason for the demise of manufacturing in the US. Now look at what you have a party that lives off income inequality, divisive rhetoric, and belief that entry level jobs working at fast food restaurants are now a carrier? I guess that is what sells.
Deregulatory actions since Reagan have led to big American job losses overseas. Trade protectionism and regulatory standards preserved American jobs prior to the destruction of Reaganism. Contrary to what you hear from corporate media.
Reagan destroyed the US oil industry....and exploration interest by US oil companies died until ten years ago...
For all of these people demanding to know the DETAILS of Trumps ideas.....where were you in 2008? Did you demand to know the details of Obama's ideas? Because all that half-black guy did was stand up on stage, shout hope and change to a bunch of retards and he got elected. He had no details about anything and nobody gave a damn or expected anything else because he was black.
For all of these people demanding to know the DETAILS of Trumps ideas.....where were you in 2008? Did you demand to know the details of Obama's ideas? Because all that half-black guy did was stand up on stage, shout hope and change to a bunch of retards and he got elected. He had no ideas about anything and nobody gave a damn or expected anything else because he was black.

So your personal take is that Trump is just a fat white Obama?

I understand the people who support Trump all too well.

The popularity of "reality" TV shows tells us there are a lot of brainless morons out there who like to roll around in the mud. Reality TV shows not only bring out the very worst parts of people, they encourage people to behave as badly and immorally as possible. These shows feed and nurture the seven deadly sins.

This is the demographic which is attracted to Donald Trump.

Look at those on this forum who support Trump and you will see a strong correlation between parroting retards and Trump supporters.

Trump is proving our political process is nothing more than a reality TV show.
There have been somewhat successful anti-NAFTA type candidates in the arena going back to Buchanan, then Perot, then Nader, and now Bernie and Trump.

It's an odd issue in a way because it's one of those that both of the major parties ignore public opinion on.
For all of these people demanding to know the DETAILS of Trumps ideas.....where were you in 2008? Did you demand to know the details of Obama's ideas? Because all that half-black guy did was stand up on stage, shout hope and change to a bunch of retards and he got elected. He had no details about anything and nobody gave a damn or expected anything else because he was black.
Trump is the white Obama with a bad comb over?
For all of these people demanding to know the DETAILS of Trumps ideas.....where were you in 2008? Did you demand to know the details of Obama's ideas? Because all that half-black guy did was stand up on stage, shout hope and change to a bunch of retards and he got elected. He had no ideas about anything and nobody gave a damn or expected anything else because he was black.

So your personal take is that Trump is just a fat white Obama?


He's the white half

All style and no real substance.
Bumper sticker slogans and bullet points
No real plans
There have been somewhat successful anti-NAFTA type candidates in the arena going back to Buchanan, then Perot, then Nader, and now Bernie and Trump.

It's an odd issue in a way because it's one of those that both of the major parties ignore public opinion on.
Trade deals are one of those things which every candidate is for and against, depending on which crowd they happen to be addressing at the moment.

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