For the Pundit's Who Don't Understand Trumps Support

Obama and Trump have a major thing in common.

Neither held political office or did anything in politics of significance prior to being elected.

I'm pointing out the hypocritical minds of the left. When Obama came on scene he was new, he was young, he was black and he was cool. He was also clueless. However, between his blackness and coolness he got elected. Nobody ever challenged him on his ideas. Liberals never begged him to go into detail.

However, when Trump comes along, who is new, white and also clueless, the liberals are all over him begging for details about everything he says.

Trump has run successful businesses and made billions. Obama has never held a private sector job in his life. That alone makes Trump more qualified to be president.

Obama was a state and then US Senator.

Another comparison FAIL.

Post#25 you quoted words that G said but wrapped in NYC's quote
Learn how to quote and/or admit mistakes

Learn what an original post is, dipshit. My ORIGINAL POST IS POST 14, DUMBASS.

Obama was a senator how long before he ran for president? And what was his voting record? Oh right, he voted present. He was not worth the pile of shit he left in the toilet after lunch.
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Post#25 you quoted words that G said but wrapped in NYC's quote
Learn how to quote and/or admit mistakes

Learn what an original post is, dipshit. My ORIGINAL POST IS POST 14, DUMBASS.

Obama was a senator how long before he ran for president? And what was his voting record? Oh right, he voted present. He was not worth the pile of shit he left in the toilet after lunch.
When there is a quote in someone's reply, the reply is to the person that is quoted in the post.

NYC would have got a notification that you quoted him when it wasn't his words inside the quote box, "DIPSHIT"

Post#25 you quoted words that G said but wrapped in NYC's quote
Learn how to quote and/or admit mistakes

Learn what an original post is, dipshit. My ORIGINAL POST IS POST 14, DUMBASS.

Obama was a senator how long before he ran for president? And what was his voting record? Oh right, he voted present. He was not worth the pile of shit he left in the toilet after lunch.

DUMBASS, you should quote my post if you're going to respond to it.

Barack Obama was a Member of the Illinois Senate from the 13th district
January 8, 1997 – November 4, 2004 then a U.S. Senator for the subsequent four years until elected President.

Post#25 you quoted words that G said but wrapped in NYC's quote
Learn how to quote and/or admit mistakes

Learn what an original post is, dipshit. My ORIGINAL POST IS POST 14, DUMBASS.

Obama was a senator how long before he ran for president? And what was his voting record? Oh right, he voted present. He was not worth the pile of shit he left in the toilet after lunch.

DUMBASS, you should quote my post if you're going to respond to it.

Barack Obama was a Member of the Illinois Senate from the 13th district
January 8, 1997 – November 4, 2004 then a U.S. Senator for the subsequent four years until elected President.
And that goes back to what he was trying to say about G not vetting Obama back then.

We all laid out his voting records and Senate experience
Reagan did more to destroy unions and labor than all Democrats combined.
For all of these people demanding to know the DETAILS of Trumps ideas.....where were you in 2008? Did you demand to know the details of Obama's ideas? Because all that half-black guy did was stand up on stage, shout hope and change to a bunch of retards and he got elected. He had no details about anything and nobody gave a damn or expected anything else because he was black.
Look. The Race Card Card.
For all of these people demanding to know the DETAILS of Trumps ideas.....where were you in 2008? Did you demand to know the details of Obama's ideas? Because all that half-black guy did was stand up on stage, shout hope and change to a bunch of retards and he got elected. He had no details about anything and nobody gave a damn or expected anything else because he was black.
Look. The Race Card Card.

I can't say I really know who is supporting Trump- clearly he has some support within the Republican Party.

Based upon the posts here at USMB- he appears to be wildly popular among those who lean Tea Party and those who are blatant racists and xenophobes.

As a Democrat, all I can say is "Run Trump Run"
For all of these people demanding to know the DETAILS of Trumps ideas.....where were you in 2008? Did you demand to know the details of Obama's ideas? Because all that half-black guy did was stand up on stage, shout hope and change to a bunch of retards and he got elected. He had no details about anything and nobody gave a damn or expected anything else because he was black.

Obama on Trump:

Trump wasn't smiling much, was he?
Coming from Jake starkey, I just about spit up my soda. So the truth is, he can't produce proof of what he claims.

And nobody ever said I was talking to him, in fact, I didn't specifically address a single poster in my original post.
There's plenty of criticisms of Obama from me right here on this forum.

I have voted for one Democrat in my entire life. And that was at the request of William F. Buckley back in the 80s.
I voted for republicans all my life and I will not vote for republican again.
I stopped voting in 2006. The Republican party has been hijacked by psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards.

If you are an old school conservative Republican who has never been able to stomach the Left or Democrats, and your party is hijacked by psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards, you have only one option. Stop voting, and start kicking the psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards in the teeth. Time for a serious housecleaning.

When the Republican party cleans house and kicks the psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards to the curb, then I will vote again.

Donald Trump's popularity tells me they are still moving in the wrong direction. Just when I thought the party hit bottom, it started digging deeper.

There lots of people I know that has the same feeling like you or me. I cannot promise that I will not vote. But I am keeping my option open.
On the side billionaire Mark Cuban made similar remarks today regarding GOP. They have a problem and they are not electable. You can google it.
There lots of people I know that has the same feeling like you or me. I cannot promise that I will not vote. But I am keeping my option open.
On the side billionaire Mark Cuban made similar remarks today regarding GOP. They have a problem and they are not electable. You can google it.

Found it: MARK CUBAN: I want to be a Republican but the party has one big problem - Yahoo Finance

The Republican Party does everything possible to discourage leadership.

Yes they do. The republican party is too much about the "me to" candidates. It's just not good. They are a party of division.
There lots of people I know that has the same feeling like you or me. I cannot promise that I will not vote. But I am keeping my option open.
On the side billionaire Mark Cuban made similar remarks today regarding GOP. They have a problem and they are not electable. You can google it.

Found it: MARK CUBAN: I want to be a Republican but the party has one big problem - Yahoo Finance

The Republican Party does everything possible to discourage leadership.

What leadership has the Democrats provided? None.
There lots of people I know that has the same feeling like you or me. I cannot promise that I will not vote. But I am keeping my option open.
On the side billionaire Mark Cuban made similar remarks today regarding GOP. They have a problem and they are not electable. You can google it.

Found it: MARK CUBAN: I want to be a Republican but the party has one big problem - Yahoo Finance

The Republican Party does everything possible to discourage leadership.

What leadership has the Democrats provided? None.
They put a health care reform plan on the table, and then put it into action. The Republicans only whined. Even at this very, very late date, they still have not put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table. And one is badly needed.

The Democrats put Dodd-Frank on the table, and then put it into action. The Republicans only whined.

Good, bad, or indifferent, the Democrats have been leading and controlling the conversation. The Republican response has been whining, pessimism, bigotry, and hatred.
There lots of people I know that has the same feeling like you or me. I cannot promise that I will not vote. But I am keeping my option open.
On the side billionaire Mark Cuban made similar remarks today regarding GOP. They have a problem and they are not electable. You can google it.

Found it: MARK CUBAN: I want to be a Republican but the party has one big problem - Yahoo Finance

The Republican Party does everything possible to discourage leadership.

What leadership has the Democrats provided? None.
They put a health care reform plan on the table, and then put it into action. The Republicans only whined. Even at this very, very late date, they still have not put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table. And one is badly needed.

The Democrats put Dodd-Frank on the table, and then put it into action. The Republicans only whined.

Good, bad, or indifferent, the Democrats have been leading and controlling the conversation. The Republican response has been whining, pessimism, bigotry, and hatred.

the establishment republicans have only whined and done nothing because they are part and parcel of the same bunch of leaders as the democrats who cater to big business and 'one world order'.....they hate Trump because he does not follow their's time to ditch these plutocrats and build up a strong middle class again....
There lots of people I know that has the same feeling like you or me. I cannot promise that I will not vote. But I am keeping my option open.
On the side billionaire Mark Cuban made similar remarks today regarding GOP. They have a problem and they are not electable. You can google it.

Found it: MARK CUBAN: I want to be a Republican but the party has one big problem - Yahoo Finance

The Republican Party does everything possible to discourage leadership.

What leadership has the Democrats provided? None.
They put a health care reform plan on the table, and then put it into action. The Republicans only whined. Even at this very, very late date, they still have not put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table. And one is badly needed.

The Democrats put Dodd-Frank on the table, and then put it into action. The Republicans only whined.

Good, bad, or indifferent, the Democrats have been leading and controlling the conversation. The Republican response has been whining, pessimism, bigotry, and hatred.
Yes they did something good for their party. They tried very hard to push keystone pipeline line to make their puppets master Koch happy. By next year those strings will be cut off.
There lots of people I know that has the same feeling like you or me. I cannot promise that I will not vote. But I am keeping my option open.
On the side billionaire Mark Cuban made similar remarks today regarding GOP. They have a problem and they are not electable. You can google it.

Found it: MARK CUBAN: I want to be a Republican but the party has one big problem - Yahoo Finance

The Republican Party does everything possible to discourage leadership.

What leadership has the Democrats provided? None.
They put a health care reform plan on the table, and then put it into action. The Republicans only whined. Even at this very, very late date, they still have not put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table. And one is badly needed.

The Democrats put Dodd-Frank on the table, and then put it into action. The Republicans only whined.

Good, bad, or indifferent, the Democrats have been leading and controlling the conversation. The Republican response has been whining, pessimism, bigotry, and hatred.
Obamacare is a disaster and so is Dodd-Frank.

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