For the Pundit's Who Don't Understand Trumps Support

For all of these people demanding to know the DETAILS of Trumps ideas.....where were you in 2008? Did you demand to know the details of Obama's ideas? Because all that half-black guy did was stand up on stage, shout hope and change to a bunch of retards and he got elected. He had no details about anything and nobody gave a damn or expected anything else because he was black.

Obama on Trump:

Obama and Trump have a major thing in common.

Neither held political office or did anything in politics of significance prior to being elected.

I'm pointing out the hypocritical minds of the left. When Obama came on scene he was new, he was young, he was black and he was cool. He was also clueless. However, between his blackness and coolness he got elected. Nobody ever challenged him on his ideas. Liberals never begged him to go into detail.

However, when Trump comes along, who is new, white and also clueless, the liberals are all over him begging for details about everything he says.

Trump has run successful businesses and made billions. Obama has never held a private sector job in his life. That alone makes Trump more qualified to be president.
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For all of these people demanding to know the DETAILS of Trumps ideas.....where were you in 2008?

I opposed Obama in 2008. And 2012. And still do. So nice try.

Don't be one of those retards who is stupid enough to think someone who opposes bullshit from the Right automatically means they support the bullshit from the Left.
I opposed Obama in 2008. And 2012. And still do. So nice try.

Don't be one of those retards who is stupid enough to think someone who opposes bullshit from the Right automatically means they support the bullshit from the Left.

Its not about opposing, nice try. Link me to your posts, if not on this forum on any political forum, dated before November 2008 begging to know the details of Obama's ideas.

Thanks in advance.
I opposed Obama in 2008. And 2012. And still do. So nice try.

Don't be one of those retards who is stupid enough to think someone who opposes bullshit from the Right automatically means they support the bullshit from the Left.
Its not about opposing, nice try. Link me to your posts, if not on this forum on any political forum, dated before November 2008 begging to know the details of Obama's ideas. Thanks in advance.
g500 is know for being honest, you are not, so I bet he will laugh at your request.
I opposed Obama in 2008. And 2012. And still do. So nice try.

Don't be one of those retards who is stupid enough to think someone who opposes bullshit from the Right automatically means they support the bullshit from the Left.

Its not about opposing, nice try. Link me to your posts, if not on this forum on any political forum, dated before November 2008 begging to know the details of Obama's ideas.

Thanks in advance.

You attributed G's words to NYC

But I have no problem vouching for G
We have heavily vetted Obama, on this board
Coming from Jake starkey, I just about spit up my soda. So the truth is, he can't produce proof of what he claims.

I didn't attribute anyones words. Show me where I quoted anyone in particular when I asked my question. I didn't.

And nobody ever said I was talking to him, in fact, I didn't specifically address a single poster in my original post.
I opposed Obama in 2008. And 2012. And still do. So nice try.

Don't be one of those retards who is stupid enough to think someone who opposes bullshit from the Right automatically means they support the bullshit from the Left.

Its not about opposing, nice try. Link me to your posts, if not on this forum on any political forum, dated before November 2008 begging to know the details of Obama's ideas.

Thanks in advance.
The forum I posted on prior to 2008 is defunct. However, I frequently pointed out Obama's math did not add up. He kept talking at every campaign stop about all the terrific spending he was going to do to help people, writing checks the American people could not cash. He said he was going to get the money from the "savings" from ending the two wars. I pointed out that since the money spent on the wars came from deficit spending, there would not be any "savings".

And I don't have to prove anything to you, anyway. That's not how it works when some retard makes up a straw man fallacy.
Coming from Jake starkey, I just about spit up my soda. So the truth is, he can't produce proof of what he claims.

And nobody ever said I was talking to him, in fact, I didn't specifically address a single poster in my original post.
There's plenty of criticisms of Obama from me right here on this forum.

I have voted for one Democrat in my entire life. And that was at the request of William F. Buckley back in the 80s. I was saying, I would bet there is a lot of overlap between Trump supporters and the viewers of reality TV shows.
The issue is not about free and open market trade agreements its about corporate taxation and manufacturing. Until such time corporations can re-patriotize post tax earned income without further taxation coupled with the reduction of corporate taxation to the worlds medium industrialized rates this country will never see a recovery of the middle class and upward mobility. The left has demonized corporations for decades, as evil and greedy, yet they were the very backbone of middle class manufacturing jobs and growth of the middle class. Interesting in how the left grasped and transformed it self into what was known as the evil establishment by claiming it was the workers representative in Washington DC yet their very legislative actions and regulations are the very reason for the demise of manufacturing in the US. Now look at what you have a party that lives off income inequality, divisive rhetoric, and belief that entry level jobs working at fast food restaurants are now a carrier? I guess that is what sells.
Tax code change will not bring back US jobs unless China is forced to stop manipulation of its currency.
I understand the people who support Trump all too well.

The popularity of "reality" TV shows tells us there are a lot of brainless morons out there who like to roll around in the mud. Reality TV shows not only bring out the very worst parts of people, they encourage people to behave as badly and immorally as possible. These shows feed and nurture the seven deadly sins.

This is the demographic which is attracted to Donald Trump.

Look at those on this forum who support Trump and you will see a strong correlation between parroting retards and Trump supporters.

Trump is proving our political process is nothing more than a reality TV show.
Although there's no substance of what he is saying and people are buying into it. It's entertaining to say the least.
Coming from Jake starkey, I just about spit up my soda. So the truth is, he can't produce proof of what he claims.

And nobody ever said I was talking to him, in fact, I didn't specifically address a single poster in my original post.
There's plenty of criticisms of Obama from me right here on this forum.

I have voted for one Democrat in my entire life. And that was at the request of William F. Buckley back in the 80s.
I voted for republicans all my life and I will not vote for republican again.
Coming from Jake starkey, I just about spit up my soda. So the truth is, he can't produce proof of what he claims.

And nobody ever said I was talking to him, in fact, I didn't specifically address a single poster in my original post.
There's plenty of criticisms of Obama from me right here on this forum.

I have voted for one Democrat in my entire life. And that was at the request of William F. Buckley back in the 80s.
I voted for republicans all my life and I will not vote for republican again.
I stopped voting in 2006. The Republican party has been hijacked by psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards.

If you are an old school conservative Republican who has never been able to stomach the Left or Democrats, and your party is hijacked by psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards, you have only one option. Stop voting, and start kicking the psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards in the teeth. Time for a serious housecleaning.

When the Republican party cleans house and kicks the psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards to the curb, then I will vote again.

Donald Trump's popularity tells me they are still moving in the wrong direction. Just when I thought the party hit bottom, it started digging deeper.
Coming from Jake starkey, I just about spit up my soda. So the truth is, he can't produce proof of what he claims.

I didn't attribute anyones words. Show me where I quoted anyone in particular when I asked my question. I didn't.

And nobody ever said I was talking to him, in fact, I didn't specifically address a single poster in my original post.
You responded to the poster with, "Its not about opposing, nice try. Link me to your posts, if not on this forum on any political forum, dated before November 2008 begging to know the details of Obama's ideas. Thanks in advance." You have no reputation on this Board to ask for that type of material, the which you will simply dismiss. You have no integrity. You will misrepresent, you will lie, and you will get your butt kicked every time you do it. That is sure as the sun comes up.
Coming from Jake starkey, I just about spit up my soda. So the truth is, he can't produce proof of what he claims.

And nobody ever said I was talking to him, in fact, I didn't specifically address a single poster in my original post.
There's plenty of criticisms of Obama from me right here on this forum.

I have voted for one Democrat in my entire life. And that was at the request of William F. Buckley back in the 80s.
I voted for republicans all my life and I will not vote for republican again.
I stopped voting in 2006. The Republican party has been hijacked by psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards.

If you are an old school conservative Republican who has never been able to stomach the Left or Democrats, and your party is hijacked by psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards, you have only one option. Stop voting, and start kicking the psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards in the teeth. Time for a serious housecleaning.

When the Republican party cleans house and kicks the psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, bigots, and retards to the curb, then I will vote again.

Donald Trump's popularity tells me they are still moving in the wrong direction. Just when I thought the party hit bottom, it started digging deeper.

actually Trump is a sign that the Party is starting to move in the right direction.....haven't you noticed how the establishment candidates (like Jeb!) are falling to the back of the pack....?
For all of these people demanding to know the DETAILS of Trumps ideas.....where were you in 2008? Did you demand to know the details of Obama's ideas? Because all that half-black guy did was stand up on stage, shout hope and change to a bunch of retards and he got elected. He had no details about anything and nobody gave a damn or expected anything else because he was black.

He had them...both the ideas and how to put them in action. Obama never responded to a policy question with "I'm great, just trust me"

Comparison FAIL

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