For The Trolls And The Bullies On The Interwebs

That video could easily be about liberals.

Bullshit. When I was stalked, it was by the nastiest and most evil RWs you can imagine. They actually came to my home.

That was MY FAULT because I trusted their lies. It was the early days of the internet and I just had no idea how bad the right really is.

I can't watch the video but will say this -

I remember when the OP whined that I was wrong when I wrote that people should not share personal details about themselves on a public message board, especially one that has hundreds and hundreds of "guests" every single day.

Take responsibility for what you say and do. Be an adult. Don't whine that liberals should get you a job. Whoever you are, whatever your situation, grow up, take responsibility and quit blaming others.
That video could easily be about liberals.

Bullshit. When I was stalked, it was by the nastiest and most evil RWs you can imagine. They actually came to my home.

That was MY FAULT because I trusted their lies. It was the early days of the internet and I just had no idea how bad the right really is.

I can't watch the video but will say this -

I remember when the OP whined that I was wrong when I wrote that people should not share personal details about themselves on a public message board, especially one that has hundreds and hundreds of "guests" every single day.

Take responsibility for what you say and do. Be an adult. Don't whine that liberals should get you a job. Whoever you are, whatever your situation, grow up, take responsibility and quit blaming others.
Why should anyone believe that? I call bullshit.
That video could easily be about liberals.

Bullshit. When I was stalked, it was by the nastiest and most evil RWs you can imagine. They actually came to my home.

That was MY FAULT because I trusted their lies. It was the early days of the internet and I just had no idea how bad the right really is.

I can't watch the video but will say this -

I remember when the OP whined that I was wrong when I wrote that people should not share personal details about themselves on a public message board, especially one that has hundreds and hundreds of "guests" every single day.

Take responsibility for what you say and do. Be an adult. Don't whine that liberals should get you a job. Whoever you are, whatever your situation, grow up, take responsibility and quit blaming others.
Why should anyone believe that? I call bullshit.

Its true but hardly the point.

There are good and bad people on both sides of most issues. If you don't want people to know details, don't tell them details. If you don't want people to get ticked at your demands for liberals to get you a job, don't make the demand.

Grow up. Take responsibility for what you say and do.
That video could easily be about liberals.

Bullshit. When I was stalked, it was by the nastiest and most evil RWs you can imagine. They actually came to my home.

That was MY FAULT because I trusted their lies. It was the early days of the internet and I just had no idea how bad the right really is.

I can't watch the video but will say this -

I remember when the OP whined that I was wrong when I wrote that people should not share personal details about themselves on a public message board, especially one that has hundreds and hundreds of "guests" every single day.

Take responsibility for what you say and do. Be an adult. Don't whine that liberals should get you a job. Whoever you are, whatever your situation, grow up, take responsibility and quit blaming others.
Why should anyone believe that? I call bullshit.

Its true but hardly the point.

There are good and bad people on both sides of most issues. If you don't want people to know details, don't tell them details. If you don't want people to get ticked at your demands for liberals to get you a job, don't make the demand.

Grow up. Take responsibility for what you say and do.
Who ever asked liberals to get them a job? What a strange thing to say.
Is that what you call dodging the tax man and living off friends and family?

I live very, very comfortably on the retirement my siblings and I created from our business. If you works as hard and as smart as we did and are still doing, you can retire well also.
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That video could easily be about liberals.

Bullshit. When I was stalked, it was by the nastiest and most evil RWs you can imagine. They actually came to my home.

That was MY FAULT because I trusted their lies. It was the early days of the internet and I just had no idea how bad the right really is.

I can't watch the video but will say this -

I remember when the OP whined that I was wrong when I wrote that people should not share personal details about themselves on a public message board, especially one that has hundreds and hundreds of "guests" every single day.

Take responsibility for what you say and do. Be an adult. Don't whine that liberals should get you a job. Whoever you are, whatever your situation, grow up, take responsibility and quit blaming others.
Why should anyone believe that? I call bullshit.

Its true but hardly the point.

There are good and bad people on both sides of most issues. If you don't want people to know details, don't tell them details. If you don't want people to get ticked at your demands for liberals to get you a job, don't make the demand.

Grow up. Take responsibility for what you say and do.
Who ever asked liberals to get them a job? What a strange thing to say.

Ask TK ...

That demand is what this thread is really about.
Is that what you call dodging the tax man and living off friends and family?

I live very, very comfortable on the retirement my siblings and I created from our business. If you works as hard and as smart as we did and are still doing, you can retire well also.

No sibs involved but I also worked hard from the time I was 13.

I have never ever demanded anyone get me a job. I did it myself.
Is that what you call dodging the tax man and living off friends and family?

I live very, very comfortable on the retirement my siblings and I created from our business. If you works as hard and as smart as we did and are still doing, you can retire well also.
You live off the state and you know it.
:lol: Says the man who tries to live under the radar.

I have lived well above it all of my life, served my country, went to college, worked hard, created jobs, retired well, and I simply laugh at your whining, S. J.
:lol: Says the man who tries to live under the radar.

I have lived well above it all of my life, served my country, went to college, worked hard, created jobs, retired well, and I simply laugh at your whining, S. J.
Sure, buddy. No one believes anything you say.
I don't care if you read this thread or not. But consider the video below.

TemplarKormac posts a new pity-pot thread every few weeks but hey, on the off chance this is not about what a sad, hard life he leads and how mean those bad ole libs are for not getting him a job, I feel its only fair to give him a chance to say why he posted this thread ...

Not that I think he has the balls to actually do that but hey, one never knows, does one?

So the next voice you will hear is none other than the owner of the cardboard sword ...

Okay, TK, you're on.

Jake will soon understand the "get a job" line doesn't work on everyone.

Oh my fucking god, if I had known you would post this, I would not have posted that ^.

But, what the heck, I'll bite ... WHY wouldn't "get a job" work on Jake? Or, anyone else?

Not a lot of jobs out there, true. But, that's not enough of an excuse.

Why wouldn't Jake "get a job"?

Is he lazy?
Lives on the fat of the land?
Watches video games all day while pretending to do actual work and getting others to support him?

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure he's an adult and frankly, I doubt he would do those things. I don't know of any adult who would do that.

But that's just me.

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