For The Trolls And The Bullies On The Interwebs

TK, for years I have made the likes of you look silly here.

Go get a job, be an American, support yourself.

That's the libertarian way.
Is that what you call dodging the tax man and living off friends and family?

I live very, very comfortably on the retirement my siblings and I created from our business. If you works as hard and as smart as we did and are still doing, you can retire well also.

You are the last person to give any life advice. You can't even act your age. Sit down, churl.

:lol: says the silly troll who lives with his grandmother and can't hold a job

At least I can act my age. Jake, you seem to only want to act your IQ. Anyhow, only you would steep so low as to attack one of my family members. You will do well to cease and desist.

I changed my comment above to be in line with the rules.

The fact is that you attack everyone who does not support your ideas, yet you can't support yourself.

It is what it is.

You refer to anyone who disagrees with you as a 'reactionary' Jake. You can't even support your own arguments and routinely embarrass yourself.

It is what it is.


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