For those of you who think too much government spending goes to welfare...

Oh the government hack is revealed.

Well asshole you made your choice to be a tick on the back of the taxpayer So fund your own fucking retirement and stop being a fucking parasite.

Tic on the back of the taxpayer?... I'll tell you what.... I'll drop off a few of my clients at your house.... look out for your little kids... the guys I work with are sexual predators.... Fuck it.. we don't need your kids protected. You are the fucking parasite who wants everything and not pay for it... not me.. I pay taxes that FUND MY OWN SALARY, Benefits and pension.

See that HATRED M14shooter? Nothing quite like that conservative hatred.

I'm not a conservative whatever that is.

You're the typical government dupe. You think you pay taxes but since 100% of your pay comes from people like me who pay more in taxes annually than you make in a year you're actually "paying your taxes" with my money.

So don't go fooling yourself that you pay for your own salary and pension.

Ok... so when do you want me to drop off some of my people to your house? So what you are saying is that I don't earn my wages? FUCK you. People like you are what is wrong with this country. You want your asses protected, but you don't respect the people who do it and you don't want to pay for it. I hope some privately run Group Home opens one up right next to your house...BTW, about half of the people that I personally work with? Are court ordered to our facility because Privately Run Group homes weren't keeping tabs on them and they got their hands on some kid... one raped an elderly woman in a Nursing Home.

So... when should I drop them off?
Nutters fancy themselves to be originalists because it is simple. The idea that one's entire philosophy regarding the governing of this country can be guided by THEIR INTERPRETATION of the United States Constitution is very appealing to them.

Yeah. completely nuts to believe that words actually mean something and that it's important to look at the context and intent of the words to determine what it is they actually are trying to say.
The FF would turn over in their graves if they could see the Govt we have today. Big, bloated and taking peoples hard earned tax dollars and giving it to freeloaders around the country.

Shit. They pitched a bitch over $10,000 dollars that was given to French immigrants right after the Revolution. The French who helped us win that Revolution.

No. The GW clause isn't in the Const to allow Govt to redistribute other peoples money.

Funny that didn't start to happen until the 30's. Hell no one thought that tax dollars were a charity till then.

That's because before progressives corrupted the discussion people realized that if you have to use force, it's not charity.
Nutters fancy themselves to be originalists because it is simple. The idea that one's entire philosophy regarding the governing of this country can be guided by THEIR INTERPRETATION of the United States Constitution is very appealing to them.

Yeah. completely nuts to believe that words actually mean something and that it's important to look at the context and intent of the words to determine what it is they actually are trying to say.

They mean something.......but they don't mean everything. You USE THE USC as a means to avoid dealing with complexity. And.....even if you do understand the words in that document ( which I kind of doubt ) you know that the vast majority of the nutters out there DO NOT and you are simply................VERY SIMPLY..........using them as well.
Theft is a big deal to me. Doesn't matter if it a freeloader on Welfare or a corporation or a person.

They should all be prosecuted.

as it is for all conservatives despite the fact that progressives want to claim otherwise
Doesn't it bother you more that our government and people have become so corrupt that 3 of those 4 categories are completely unconstitutional for the Federal government to be involved in and the people arent up in arms about it?

What makes the constitution so sacred? I really don't understand it. The Founding Fathers - as smart as they were - didn't have it all figured out. I mean how could they? How could they predict how American society has evolved over the centuries?

Heck, they didn't even have running water or flush toilets in their houses and we're supposed to take their word as gospel?

Fuck that!

yeah because all smart and wise people ignore brilliant men who built a nation from the experiences of all of human history.
United States Total Spending Pie Chart for 2012 - Charts

Health Care: 18%

Pensions: 16%

Defense: 15%

Education: 15%

Welfare: 11%

Healthcare is part of welfare, that makes it 29%.
Last I looked that isn't what the founders and writers of the constitution saw as government responsibility.

Wait til your mom gets sick. Then let us know if you think Medicare is government's responsibility.

Why would I expect someone else to take care of my mother? You want to abdicate your responsibility to take care of your family to a bureaucrat? Seriously?
Our country survived a couple hundred years without the nanny state taking over. In fact I wonder if we will survive the nanny state. I suspect a decade or two and then we will join Greece on the bench.

a decade or two... wow that is optimistic.
Yeah... he should just offer to pay the total cost out of his pocket. Sell his house, car, kids education fund, etc.

My father has diabetes. His kidneys failed. He needs dialysis 3x per week. He'd be dead if it wasn't for Medicare.

(Yet he's still a Republican. Crazy, huh.)

So he hadn't saved and wouldn't have bought insurance. And you know that his family, the community, charities and his church wouldn't help him?

Well, obviously his own child wouldn't...
I haven't read the whole thread, but can you wrap your head around the fact that it is ethically up to you to organize your life and finances to pay for what you need when you retire? That it is unethical and immoral to choose not to do that and then expect others to pay for your retirement? And giving the federal government the abilility to use the people's money to dispense any form of unreimbursed charity, benevolence, aid, or favors is corrupting to those in goverment and to the beneficiaries of those receiving the aid?

A pension is part of the pay you get for working. Don't like it? Keep voting Republican. Maybe you've got a couple extra bedrooms in your house. Your parents can move in with you.

This is nothing more than hyperbolic bullshit.

Somehow taking care of your parents is bad to him.
Because they forgo the "American Dream" of being a business owner and making millions for the honor of being a Public Servant that provides services for ingrates like you.

Yeah. What a total sacrifice to be a government worker. (An oxymoron if there ever was one).
Because they forgo the "American Dream" of being a business owner and making millions for the honor of being a Public Servant that provides services for ingrates like you.

Yeah. What a total sacrifice to be a government worker. (An oxymoron if there ever was one).

Try it sometime....You have to deal with ignorant fucks who have no idea what you actually do complaining that you're a "tic on the ass of society", while you are protecting their weak and ignorant asses from shit that they don't know exists in their own neighborhoods.
Nutters fancy themselves to be originalists because it is simple. The idea that one's entire philosophy regarding the governing of this country can be guided by THEIR INTERPRETATION of the United States Constitution is very appealing to them.

Yeah. completely nuts to believe that words actually mean something and that it's important to look at the context and intent of the words to determine what it is they actually are trying to say.

They mean something.......but they don't mean everything. You USE THE USC as a means to avoid dealing with complexity. And.....even if you do understand the words in that document ( which I kind of doubt ) you know that the vast majority of the nutters out there DO NOT and you are simply................VERY SIMPLY..........using them as well.

No one ever claimed they mean everything. They are essential for protecting our liberty and preventing corruption in our government. But the document is designed to keep itself and the government out of the lives of people. So no it's not everything.

There is nothing complex about corruption or following the law. The only people ignorant of the Constitution are those making excuses why we don't need it.
Because they forgo the "American Dream" of being a business owner and making millions for the honor of being a Public Servant that provides services for ingrates like you.

Yeah. What a total sacrifice to be a government worker. (An oxymoron if there ever was one).

Try it sometime....You have to deal with ignorant fucks who have no idea what you actually do complaining that you're a "tic on the ass of society", while you are protecting their weak and ignorant asses from shit that they don't know exists in their own neighborhoods.
Yes...Nothing like the unrecognised genius of the bureaucratic parasite class. :lol:
What makes the constitution so sacred? I really don't understand it.
There you have it....The "mind" (for lack of a better term) of the modern progressive/socialist.

Who needs politicians and bureaucrats to adhere to the law of the land?

And you twirps have the gall to accuse libertarians of being anarchistic.

Who needs laws anyway?

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