For those that argue black men died because they resisted police...

In my opinion, evil comes in all colors and form. It doesn't matter if you are black, or white, pink or purple or pokey dot with horizontal stripes.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, if you don't want anything to be done to you by someone who has any kind of a lethal weapon, all that you have to do or say is whatever it is that they tell you to do or say.

It's the little American flags and MAGA hats those Trump supporters had that frighten you isn't it?

After all they're much more lethal than any knife or gun that a minority might be in possession of when stopped by police.


The black community has every right to be mad. The difference between the force used at the trump mob attack and the simple stopping of a black man is astonishing. Racist like you MAGA nuts cannot see it. Ron Johnson stated thought the trump mob were patriots. The patriots are going to jail....but the did get to go home after their Capitol attack...
The black community has every right to be mad. The difference between the force used at the trump mob attack and the simple stopping of a black man is astonishing. Racist like you MAGA nuts cannot see it. Ron Johnson stated thought the trump mob were patriots. The patriots are going to jail....but the did get to go home after their Capitol attack...
Dude..The brown acid....Don't take it.
A white unarmed woman was killed at the riot. By a black man. No whites rioted as a result. No looting, no murders. No nothing, really.

You blacks are just mad because you people act like monkeys when you don't get your way. Whites have proven over and over to be far more mature in their reactions to things they don't like, such as police killing unarmed whites. Which happens far more than unarmed blacks. But don't let that little inconvenient truth cloud your thinking.

Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?

You're trying too hard Jim.

We don't see cops opening fire on BLM mobs as well. The difference is a mob vs an encounter with a single individual. When an individual cop, or just a few cops have an encounter with a single violent felon, you're more likely to see lethal force used because imagine the fallout for openly firing on a crowd of people. They'll use gas, rubber bullets, bean bags, etc.

As for your "white skin" comment, notice you've heard very little about this story today: Police officer fatally shoots 16-year-old allegedly wielding airsoft gun that’s ‘a close representation’ to a real gun | Washington Examiner
In my opinion, evil comes in all colors and form. It doesn't matter if you are black, or white, pink or purple or pokey dot with horizontal stripes.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, if you don't want anything to be done to you by someone who has any kind of a lethal weapon, all that you have to do or say is whatever it is that they tell you to do or say.
Pretty sure that works. You can always get a lawyer later if you live that long.
Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?

So you think you have any point with one mob on one day vs an entire season of protests and violence? What about the "mob" in Minnesota these past few days? Did you bother to read what's going on in Portland, or hasn't the MSM told you about that yet?

Nearly every conservative condemned the Capital invasion. Conservative TV and radio hosts have stated every offender should get the maximum sentence under the law. Your new VP, Commie Whorris asked people to contribute to a fund to get those animals at the multiple city riots bailed out so they can continue rioting. One of your Communist leaders referred to the riots in her city as the Summer of Love. Did you ever hear a conservative refer to the Capital intrusion as anything near that?

You people are such hypocrites it almost makes any normal person vomit.
Hood rats right now on live local news tying to get closer to police barriers around Brooklyn Center police department. Pepper spray a flying. Entire area a cluster fuck for normal people.
None of these welfare bums have a goddamn job.
Normal people don't have time to spend all day carrying signs, damaging property, and yelling at people.

MN Twins have moment of silence to "Honor" Daunte.
Fucking Why?
He was a criminal hood rat and if was shot by another hood rat, no one would ever hear of or give a flying fuck about the junior gangbanger in training.
He had a warrant for carrying illegally. I thought liberals cared about enforcement of gun laws.
He should have Manned up a while ago and faced his criminal charges instead of being a cowardly fugitive.

Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?

Well for one thing, if you have 9 bullets in your gun and 70 people coming at you, the mathematics isn't hard.
For another thing, if there is a protest in the afternoon, you're orientation is a bit different than a cop who pulls over a known felon with a violent history.
Lastly, the police at the capitol showed remarkable restraint; much to their own detriment. Lets say they started greasing people by the dozens.... Where would that put us today?

I fully endorse the premise that blacks are treated differently by the police. Stop-and-frisk arrested a lot of black people because the black people were predominantly the ones who were stopped and frisked. You do that to the same number of whites and, remarkably, you'd have a lot more arrests of white folks.

What I don't endorse is that your example was an apples-to-apples. Duante Wright is dead because he acted stupidly and disobeyed police officer commands. What I find fascinating is that the blob supporters are saying "he got what he deserved" since he didn't while Ashley Babbitt did the same thing--refused police order commands, was shot and killed...and they call that a murder. The double-standard has never been more obvious.
The black community has every right to be mad.
The residents of Obamaville suffer from a black brain disease that causes them to fight with the police rather than cooperate

often times they have have outstanding warrants for their arrest due to previous crimes

while at other times they have just committed a crime

so their overall experience with the police is frequently an unhappy one

Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?

Do you remember this subject being talked about back when it actually happened? It seems Trump is living rent free in your empty head. You need to see a mental specialist and then they can commit you.

Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?

You are right. Its just how much is done by any person or group no matter their political persuasions. And with that how it is reported by the media. The media does not report the crime in many areas as it should. It sugar coats the nastiness even with the crimes on one side being ten times and maybe even a hundred times or a thousand times more.

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