For those that argue black men died because they resisted police...

The black community has every right to be mad. The difference between the force used at the trump mob attack and the simple stopping of a black man is astonishing. Racist like you MAGA nuts cannot see it. Ron Johnson stated thought the trump mob were patriots. The patriots are going to jail....but the did get to go home after their Capitol attack...

Your comparison is faulty.

If you'd like to compare the force used there and that used at BLM "demonstrations", we're closer, but this is apples and oranges....

Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?

A lot of it has to do with your mixed-up presentation of the scenarios. The white people who trespassed are being sought and prosecuted, and more than likely they are not trying to flee when the police find them.

Your sympathies for the black men who have died at the hands of police are misplaced, probably because you are not very smart. Your heroes have violent reputations, and your wimpy ass could not handle them except to maybe suck their dicks for them.

For some reason, you believe in the American principles of freedom and equality - how did that happen? You probably believe that white people stole those ideas from black people. You probably believe white people stole all the other ideas about the cooperative organization of people from back people. . . :auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 480141

You ever held that much cash in your hands?
Think your smart? How do you think he got that much cash - babysitting???

You aint smart enough to figure it out.

You conveniently ignore that they knocked down barriers...broke windows...tore down doors...beat and killed cops...Yes, it is easy to ignore. You are white so you expect special privileges. And they go it on January 6th. They all got to go home and sleep in their beds. Well....because they are special...aka WHITE.

I am white and I can recognize how the Capitol Police gave the trump mob a break. If they have been black or...God Forbid...Muslim...there would have been blood flowing down the Capitol steps. You know it and I know it. FOX news would have been calling for extermination camps in black neighborhoods.

But they were white and waving trump they were handled with kid's gloves and allowed to leave at their leisure. January 6th was a text book example of systemic racisms. You are a text book example of a proud, ignorant, racist.

Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?

You are comparing apples and oranges....I think it would better if you compared say a BLM riot v this riot.

Very few, if any are killed at these sort of riots

If you want to compare, law enforcement interactions with white suspects and blacks....we can...more whites are killed by police then african-americans. People shot to death by U.S. police, by race 2021 | Statista
The black community has every right to be mad. The difference between the force used at the trump mob attack and the simple stopping of a black man is astonishing. Racist like you MAGA nuts cannot see it. Ron Johnson stated thought the trump mob were patriots. The patriots are going to jail....but the did get to go home after their Capitol attack...

Your comparison is faulty.

If you'd like to compare the force used there and that used at BLM "demonstrations", we're closer, but this is apples and oranges....
How do you compare a mob attacking the United States Capitol with a misdemeanor traffic stop....oh let the mob at the Capitol attack to go home and shoot the subject of the misdemeanor traffic stop. That sounds ration to you...doesn't it?
View attachment 479983

It's the little American flags and MAGA hats those Trump supporters had that frighten you isn't it?

After all they're much more lethal than any knife or gun that a minority might be in possession of when stopped by police.



So you are saying Long murdered 8 people with a MAGA hat.

If it had not been for DC's gun laws....nearly all of the trump mob would have been armed. But they made use of everything else to torture and kill police. I don't want to hear a MAGA Rat say "Blue Live Matter" anymore.
View attachment 479983

It's the little American flags and MAGA hats those Trump supporters had that frighten you isn't it?

After all they're much more lethal than any knife or gun that a minority might be in possession of when stopped by police.



So you are saying Long murdered 8 people with a MAGA hat.


No but it sounds like you're saying that all the people at the Capitol were armed with more than little American flags and MAGA hats.



Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?

If you approve of what happened to Ashli Babbitt, you can't say shit about George Floyd, because you've already confirmed you have no problem with cops killing unarmed people.

View attachment 479983

It's the little American flags and MAGA hats those Trump supporters had that frighten you isn't it?

After all they're much more lethal than any knife or gun that a minority might be in possession of when stopped by police.



So you are saying Long murdered 8 people with a MAGA hat.

If it had not been for DC's gun laws....nearly all of the trump mob would have been armed. But they made use of everything else to torture and kill police. I don't want to hear a MAGA Rat say "Blue Live Matter" anymore.


If the people at the Capitol were really "insurrectionists" like you progressive sheeple idiots wish everyone to believe do you really believe those DC gun laws would have stopped the "insurrectionists" from carrying that day?


The black community has every right to be mad. The difference between the force used at the trump mob attack and the simple stopping of a black man is astonishing. Racist like you MAGA nuts cannot see it. Ron Johnson stated thought the trump mob were patriots. The patriots are going to jail....but the did get to go home after their Capitol attack...

Your comparison is faulty.

If you'd like to compare the force used there and that used at BLM "demonstrations", we're closer, but this is apples and oranges....
How do you compare a mob attacking the United States Capitol with a misdemeanor traffic stop....oh let the mob at the Capitol attack to go home and shoot the subject of the misdemeanor traffic stop. That sounds ration to you...doesn't it?

I'm not the one that made that comparison, you did. And I agree, it's pretty absurd to compare the 2, as they are not similar situations at all.
View attachment 479983

It's the little American flags and MAGA hats those Trump supporters had that frighten you isn't it?

After all they're much more lethal than any knife or gun that a minority might be in possession of when stopped by police.



So you are saying Long murdered 8 people with a MAGA hat.

View attachment 480253

No but it sounds like you're saying that all the people at the Capitol were armed with more than little American flags and MAGA hats.



Because they were.
View attachment 479983

It's the little American flags and MAGA hats those Trump supporters had that frighten you isn't it?

After all they're much more lethal than any knife or gun that a minority might be in possession of when stopped by police.



So you are saying Long murdered 8 people with a MAGA hat.

View attachment 480253

No but it sounds like you're saying that all the people at the Capitol were armed with more than little American flags and MAGA hats.



Because they were.


The only guns I know that were there and used were those of the Capitol police to gun down and murder an unarmed female, who was a veteran, protester.

Let's have the name of the murderer on the Capitol police force.


The black community has every right to be mad. The difference between the force used at the trump mob attack and the simple stopping of a black man is astonishing. Racist like you MAGA nuts cannot see it. Ron Johnson stated thought the trump mob were patriots. The patriots are going to jail....but the did get to go home after their Capitol attack...
You plan to do this same song and dance for the next three years?
In my opinion, evil comes in all colors and form. It doesn't matter if you are black, or white, pink or purple or pokey dot with horizontal stripes.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, if you don't want anything to be done to you by someone who has any kind of a lethal weapon, all that you have to do or say is whatever it is that they tell you to do or say.

Black people who stand there with their hands up are being shot. Compliance is not saving black lives. The police are consumed with rage and terrified of blacks and the moment a black man speaks he or moves he is shot

Yesterday the police shot and killed a 13-year-old boy with his hands in the air who turned to face them. They claimed he had a gun and they were frightened. But the body camera showed a boy standing there with his empty hands in the air and they shot him him in the street.

What is wrong with your country that you keep defending these horrors?
^^^ I just now heard it said on the TV that a gun was recovered from where that boy was shot and not only that but he had gunshot residue on his hands. Since when does anyone no matter what color they are deserve any defense if they are going to have such a description like that?

God bless you always!!!

^^^ I just now heard it said on the TV that a gun was recovered from where that boy was shot and not only that but he had gunshot residue on his hands. Since when does anyone no matter what color they are deserve any defense if they are going to have such a description like that?

There are many questions such as what kind of parent(s) allow their kid out on a school night at 2:30am? If the kid had no intention of using the gun any further, why did he not drop it earlier or during the pursuit? Why did he keep it until the very end, what was his intention by doing so? This shooting took place some time ago. How many attempts has the MSM made to interview the parent(s) of this kid?

Forget about it. it's all the cops fault.
Black people who stand there with their hands up are being shot. Compliance is not saving black lives. The police are consumed with rage and terrified of blacks and the moment a black man speaks he or moves he is shot

Yesterday the police shot and killed a 13-year-old boy with his hands in the air who turned to face them. They claimed he had a gun and they were frightened. But the body camera showed a boy standing there with his empty hands in the air and they shot him him in the street.

What is wrong with your country that you keep defending these horrors?

The still shots of that body cam show the boy turning around with that gun still in his hand. So it seems, he tossed it just before he started to put his arms up, but how was the cop supposed to know that in a dark ally?

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