For those that argue black men died because they resisted police...

Over 500,000 have died from Covid so says the gov't. Not a big deal.

One fucking person dies from a vaccine: HOLY SHIT STOP USING IT.
You know when you fight back with police bad things can happen. You'd think blacks would learn this by now but I guess stupid is as stupid does.

Which is why BLM is a farce. If black lives really mattered, they'd be teaching their own people to always comply with the police. You'd save a lot more black lives that way than you do starting riots where eventually more black people end up getting killed.
You know when you fight back with police bad things can happen. You'd think blacks would learn this by now but I guess stupid is as stupid does.
It is a shame that one of the black guys didn't have a flag pole. He could have beaten the police with that and gotten away with it. trump's Capitol mob sure did....wait....they were white....weren't they....MY BAD!

Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?

A lot of it has to do with your mixed-up presentation of the scenarios. The white people who trespassed are being sought and prosecuted, and more than likely they are not trying to flee when the police find them.

Your sympathies for the black men who have died at the hands of police are misplaced, probably because you are not very smart. Your heroes have violent reputations, and your wimpy ass could not handle them except to maybe suck their dicks for them.

For some reason, you believe in the American principles of freedom and equality - how did that happen? You probably believe that white people stole those ideas from black people. You probably believe white people stole all the other ideas about the cooperative organization of people from back people. . . :auiqs.jpg:

Saint Daunte Wright with money.png

You ever held that much cash in your hands?
Think your smart? How do you think he got that much cash - babysitting???

You aint smart enough to figure it out.
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You know when you fight back with police bad things can happen. You'd think blacks would learn this by now but I guess stupid is as stupid does.

Which is why BLM is a farce. If black lives really mattered, they'd be teaching their own people to always comply with the police. You'd save a lot more black lives that way than you do starting riots where eventually more black people end up getting killed.
They DO! They call it "the talk."
But the body cameras always show that they don't follow their own rules!
What do the statistics, not the stereotypes, about killings by the police tell us?

A 2016 Harvard researcher's study found that Black people are no more likely to be killed by police officers than are white people. A 2019 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found “no evidence of anti-Black ... disparities across" fatal shootings by police. Both white and Black people are far more likely to be murdered by an acquaintance of their own race than they are to be shot dead by the police.

There are millions of interactions between Black people and police annually, including about 2 million arrests.

In 2019, 1,004 people, mostly white, were shot dead by the police, according to the Washington Post. Assuming that an average of one police officer is involved per killing, then 1,004 police officers, or fourteen-hundredths of 1% of America’s 700,000 police officers, were involved in fatal police shootings. Obviously, the typical police officer will never kill anyone in his career.

A Washington Post database shows that 14 Black and 25 white “unarmed” Americans were shot dead by police in 2019. An analysis that was broadcast on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" of 10 of the “unarmed” Black decedents showed that for five of these persons, calling them unarmed is misleading: two had cars, one had a stun gun, and two others had guns, authorities said. In those two cases where the decedents had guns, which were the only cases where the weapons were not used to assault police, the officers faced homicide charges.

Even if the remaining deaths were criminal, they do not add up to a narrative of numerous police officers indiscriminately murdering unarmed Black men. Neither do all Black detainees die unless they resist arrest. Indeed, the odds of any unarmed person being shot dead by police are less than their odds of being struck by lightning.

They DO! They call it "the talk."
But the body cameras always show that they don't follow their own rules!

Then why is it I never hear of this "the talk?" All I hear are complaints about the police and how it's always their fault.

Any body cam that shows an officer killing a suspect unjustly is arrested and charged.
Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?

That you have to even ask this question shows critical thinking isn't your forte, TDS Lord.
They DO! They call it "the talk."
But the body cameras always show that they don't follow their own rules!

Then why is it I never hear of this "the talk?" All I hear are complaints about the police and how it's always their fault.

Any body cam that shows an officer killing a suspect unjustly is arrested and charged.

We went through all this last year, and the result was nothing but property destruction, and Black people are going to try it again. :auiqs.jpg:

The only solution is segregation, but just like segregation a hundred years ago, black people do not know how to organize community, because they do not trust each other.

Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?

The antifa and blm hiding in the crowd burned and looted cities for 7 months and murdered over 30 Americans.......they were not killed by the police.....

An unarmed, female Trump supporter was shot and killed by the police...

YOu are an idiot.
Any body cam that shows an officer killing a suspect unjustly is arrested and charged.

That depends where and when. We have a changing standard of judgement, as demonstrated by the killing of George Floyd, taking over a year, vs Daunte Wright, that resulted in charges within days.
The common denominator in these police shootings is always the fact that the victims always either resist arrest, show aggression, or attempt to escape.
Sooooooo....what is the difference? The trump flag.....the white skin.....Tell me the difference between the trump mob beating police and a black man asking to breathe?
I'm not sure of what the intended point is or what you are going for.
That depends where and when. We have a changing standard of judgement, as demonstrated by the killing of George Floyd, taking over a year, vs Daunte Wright, that resulted in charges within days.

One was a tragic accident and the other has many questions as to why he died. Did you ever deliver a letter to the wrong house? We are human and people make mistakes, especially on the job.

Dr. David Fowler, a former Maryland chief medical examiner who is now with a consulting firm, said the fentanyl and methamphetamine in Floyd’s system, and possibly carbon monoxide poisoning from auto exhaust, were contributing factors in the 46-year-old Black man’s death last May.

“All of those combined to cause Mr. Floyd’s death,” he said on the second day of the defense case.

Fowler also testified that he would classify the manner of death “undetermined,” rather than homicide, as the county’s chief medical examiner ruled. He said Floyd’s death had too many conflicting factors, some of which could be ruled homicide and some that could be considered accidental.

Fowler listed a multitude of factors or potential ones: Floyd’s narrowed arteries, his enlarged heart, his high blood pressure, his drug use, the stress of his restraint, the vehicle exhaust, and a tumor or growth in his lower abdomen that can sometimes play a role in high blood pressure by releasing “fight-or-flight” hormones.

Fowler said all of those factors could have acted together to cause Floyd’s heart to work harder, suffer an arrhythmia, or abnormal rhythm, and suddenly stop.

A number of medical experts called by prosecutors have said Floyd died from a lack of oxygen because his breathing was constricted by the way he was held down. A cardiology expert rejected the notion that Floyd died of heart problems, saying all indications were that he had “an exceptionally strong heart.”

“And if a person dies as a result of low oxygen, that person is also going to die ultimately of a fatal arrhythmia, right?” Blackwell asked.

Fowler responded: “Correct. Every one of us in this room will have a fatal arrhythmia at some point.”

Fowler further agreed that Floyd should have been given immediate attention when he went into cardiac arrest because there still was a chance to save him at that point.

But Fowler said that Chauvin’s knee on Floyd was “nowhere close to his airway” and that Floyd’s speaking and groaning showed that his airway was still open. He also testified that Chauvin’s knee was not applied with enough pressure to cause any bruises or scrapes on Floyd’s neck or back.
And he said that Floyd did not complain of vision changes or other symptoms consistent with hypoxia, or insufficient oxygen to the brain, and that he was coherent until shortly before he suddenly stopped moving.

“The bottom line is, moving air in and out, and speaking and making noise is very good evidence that the airway was not closed,” Fowler said.

So this is not an open and shut case by any stretch of the imagination.
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For those that argue black men died because they resisted police...

It's called "situational awareness" and, if you're too stupid to ascertain the dangers of your situation, it's best to not aggravate the police by resisting or fleeing. To address the childish comparison in the OP, one is much safer from police repercussion in a crowd than as an individual. This shit isn't rocket science, it's just common sense and logic.

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