For Those Who Say There Was No "Palestine," 1947 National Geographic Map

When Britain took over that area in 1917 they called it "Mandatory Palestine". Up until that time it had not been called "Palestine" for centuries. And in 1917 the Arab population did not call themselves "Palestinians."

". . .In the second half of the 19th century, the longstanding yearning of Jews in the Diaspora to return to the territory of their ancestors culminated in the nationalistic movement called Zionism.

The Zionist cause was driven by steeply rising hatred toward Jews in Europe and Russia. Immigrating Jews encountered a predominantly Arab populace, who also considered it their ancestral homeland.

At that time, the land comprised three administrative regions of the Ottoman empire, none of which was called “Palestine.”

In 1917, the land came under British rule. In 1923, “Mandatory Palestine,” which also included the current state of Jordan, was created. Its Arab inhabitants saw themselves primarily not as “Palestinians” in the sense of a nation, but instead as Arabs living in Palestine (or rather, “Greater Syria”). . ."

No, the British never had any rule over Palestine.
It was ruled by the Ottoman Empire until the British and Palestinians together defeated them.
The British then owed the Palestinians for their help, and accepted the responsibility of preparing the Palestinians for independence. That is what a "mandate" is, and is a mandatory obligation, like a debt.

But the main point is that 95% of the people in Palestine were NOT Jewish and they owned 100% of the land.
Obviously now things are totally screwed up since 7 million descendants of recent immigrants took over 85% of the land and illegally displaced the 13 million legal owners of the land, forcing them onto concentration camps that are only 15% of their actual legal properties.
The word "mandatory" means that the British has a mandate or obligation, in order to help Palestine create a government, military, etc., so they could be independent.
It does not imply England had any ownership, control, or rule in any way.
No the Brits ran the country…it was a League of Nations mandate for the Brit’s to admin the govt.

You are clueless to history and making things up to defend the Hamas butchers
No, the British never had any rule over Palestine.
It was ruled by the Ottoman Empire until the British and Palestinians together defeated them.
The British then owed the Palestinians for their help, and accepted the responsibility of preparing the Palestinians for independence. That is what a "mandate" is, and is a mandatory obligation, like a debt.

But the main point is that 95% of the people in Palestine were NOT Jewish and they owned 100% of the land.
Obviously now things are totally screwed up since 7 million descendants of recent immigrants took over 85% of the land and illegally displaced the 13 million legal owners of the land, forcing them onto concentration camps that are only 15% of their actual legal properties.
Haha why do you so publicly make a fool of yourself?

The Ottomine Empire was defeated by the Allie Forces in WW1
I don’t think they have to, nor do they have to accept the fact they lost the war in 1948.

They can continue to fight, but we should get out of Israel way if they want to defend themselves again
The Palestinians lost in ‘48, again in ‘56, again in ‘67, again in ‘73. At some point they have to admit they have lost once and for all. In every war they list they had the support of a major western nation AND at least three Arab nations. Now they only have Iran which is far from a first rank power. The only thing they have going for them is fanaticism. Neither Iran nor the Palestinians have the sense to come out of the rain.
No, the British never had any rule over Palestine.
It was ruled by the Ottoman Empire until the British and Palestinians together defeated them.
The British then owed the Palestinians for their help, and accepted the responsibility of preparing the Palestinians for independence. That is what a "mandate" is, and is a mandatory obligation, like a debt.

But the main point is that 95% of the people in Palestine were NOT Jewish and they owned 100% of the land.
Obviously now things are totally screwed up since 7 million descendants of recent immigrants took over 85% of the land and illegally displaced the 13 million legal owners of the land, forcing them onto concentration camps that are only 15% of their actual legal properties.
That is not in the history books I read.
Reality check: How can any AMERICAN say that the "Palestinians" have to honor a promise made by "G-d" twenty-five hundred years ago?

No self awareness?

Even stranger is how anyone could believe that G-d would have endorsed the massacre of the native Canaanites in 1000 BC when the Hebrew tribes from Egypt invaded?
The Hebrew tribes were evil then and now are trying to get away with repeating the same genocide all over again.
Following God's law, the Israelites killed every man and woman of every age, as well as the oxen, sheep, and donkeys.
We know it was greed and not "God's law".
I don’t think they have to, nor do they have to accept the fact they lost the war in 1948.

They can continue to fight, but we should get out of Israel way if they want to defend themselves again

The US and UN had a legal and moral obligation to defend the Palestinians from the Zionist genocide starting in 1946.
Look at a 1946 map of Palestine and compare it with one from 1950, and hundreds of Arab villages are gone, wiped out by Zionist genocide. A documented example is Deir Yassin.
The US armed the Zionists with tanks, bombers, fighter planes, machine guns, etc., while keeping the Arabs totally unarmed.
The Palestinians lost in ‘48, again in ‘56, again in ‘67, again in ‘73. At some point they have to admit they have lost once and for all. In every war they list they had the support of a major western nation AND at least three Arab nations. Now they only have Iran which is far from a first rank power. The only thing they have going for them is fanaticism. Neither Iran nor the Palestinians have the sense to come out of the rain.

The Palestinians were never allowed any armed under the Ottoman Empire, the British, or the UN.
It was our responsibility to then defend them if we would not allow them to be armed for self defense.
That is not in the history books I read.

All the books admit there was only a tiny Jewish population in Palestine in 1920.
In thousands
1922 year84 Jews71 Christians589 Moslems752 total
There's never been a nation or country named Palestine

The country of Palestine was created by the Treaty of San Remo in 1920.

The San Remo conference was an international meeting of the post-World War I Allied Supreme Council as an outgrowth of the Paris Peace Conference, held at Castle Devachan in Sanremo, Italy, from 19 to 26 April 1920. The San Remo Resolution passed on 25 April 1920 determined the allocation of Class "A" League of Nations mandates for the administration of three then-undefined Ottoman territories in the Middle East: "Palestine", "Syria" and "Mesopotamia".
Asserting that not all parts of the Middle East were ready for full independence, mandates were established for the government of three territories: Syria, Mesopotamia and Palestine. In each case, one of the Allied Powers was assigned to implement the mandate until the territories in question could "stand alone." Great Britain and France agreed to recognize the provisional independence of Syria and Mesopotamia, while claiming mandates for their administration. Palestine was included within the Ottoman administrative districts of the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem together with the Sanjak of Nablus and Sanjak of Akka (Acre).[8][9][10]

The decisions of the San Remo conference confirmed the mandate allocations of the Conference of London. The San Remo Resolution adopted on 25 April 1920 incorporated the Balfour Declaration of 1917. It and Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations were the basic documents upon which the British Mandate for Palestine was constructed. Under the Balfour Declaration, the British government had undertaken to favour the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine without prejudice to the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[11]
It was agreed –

To accept the terms of the Mandates Article as given below with reference to Palestine, on the understanding that there was inserted in the procès-verbal an undertaking by the Mandatory Power that this would not involve the surrender of the rights hitherto enjoyed by the non-Jewish communities in Palestine;
Palestine was never a country. There is no Palestinian ethnicity.

Who was the Head of State in Palestine in 1947? Where did they send their tax payments? Did Palestine have an army? A currency? Is there a Palestinian language or dialect? In all cases, No.

There was no Palestine.

This is not to say that there were not people there who had valid claims to their land and property, but it was never a country.

It was analogous to Appalachia in the U.S. An undefined region.
The British' Balfour Declaration basically gave part of the Ottoman/Palestine region, to the Jews. The Brits again.....
The fact is, Jerusalem is home to at least 3 different religions who in part do not want to co-exist with each other.
Does not matter how far back you go.
Historically there really is no valid "Israel".
When the Hebrew tribes invaded the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC, they called the area around Jerusalem Israel, but only for about 150 years, and it was invalid because they were evil invaders who massacred the native Canaanites, for no valid reason.
And mass genocide makes a country invalid, not valid.

The Romans created a fake Israel again around 100 BC. but it only lasted until around 60 AD and the Jewish revolt was suppressed by the Romans.

There has never been an Israel really until the UN made it up on 1948.
And that was a huge mistake because the UN did nothing to defend the rights of the Arabs who owned land in the newly created Israel, and did nothing when Israel violated the 1948 partition by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank.

There really is no excuse for that obvious theft of Palestine by the Zionists.

Stop lying.
Even stranger is how anyone could believe that G-d would have endorsed the massacre of the native Canaanites in 1000 BC when the Hebrew tribes from Egypt invaded?
The Hebrew tribes were evil then and now are trying to get away with repeating the same genocide all over again.
Following God's law, the Israelites killed every man and woman of every age, as well as the oxen, sheep, and donkeys.
We know it was greed and not "God's law".
No you don't know it wasn't God's law. Stop lying.
It is easy to draw fake maps from fairy tales, but Israel had zero historic impact.

Fake map? That's a good one. That map was taken right from a detailed website covering the whole history of the region and was explicit that it represented the Levant in 800 BC, so if you don't agree, either post some proof of it, shut up, or take it up with the web publisher.
There really is no excuse for that obvious theft of Palestine by the Zionists.

There is every excuse. The Palestinians were offered most of the land (about 50X as much as they have now) in 1947 and the UN and Israel all agreed to it establishing officially recognizable permanent states but the Palestinians refused the offer leaving all of the land open to reclamation. You can't steal something from someone who doesn't own it in the first place.

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