For Those Who Say There Was No "Palestine," 1947 National Geographic Map

There is every excuse. The Palestinians were offered most of the land (about 50X as much as they have now) in 1947 and the UN and Israel all agreed to it establishing officially recognizable permanent states but the Palestinians refused the offer leaving all of the land open to reclamation. You can't steal something from someone who doesn't own it in the first place.

... there's only a 25 X 7 mile strip left now. And it's lookin' pretty shabby.
Well .....
Zionists: "We will take house after house" from Palestinians in Jerusalem.
Nazis will be Nazis. Hitler might have said similarly, "We will take house after house from the Jews". And I wonder how much of their property was left? The Zionist Nazis are now bent on a Holocaust of Palestinians ... house after house, plot of land after plot of land. The German Nazis took Poland (etc.), and Jewish Nazis are taking Palestine. The major difference between German Nazis and Jewish Nazis is their method of incineration: ovens were time-consuming and personal >>> firebombing is quick and impersonal. :eek-52:
why did you only go back to 1947??
The existence of Palestine predates the creation of Israel. Does that not subdue your confusion? If you think going back to the Garden of Eden will win you some pro-Zionist points then you'd be terribly wrong. But then you don't understand the concept of Zionism in the first place so I am wasting my time trying to school you. :th_waiting:
I have clicked more than once. The message:

"The connection to is not secure

You are seeing this warning because this site does not support HTTPS"

That's weird. It works for me every time. Sorry.

This will work.

Palestine was never a country. There is no Palestinian ethnicity.

Who was the Head of State in Palestine in 1947? Where did they send their tax payments? Did Palestine have an army? A currency? Is there a Palestinian language or dialect? In all cases, No.

There was no Palestine.

This is not to say that there were not people there who had valid claims to their land and property, but it was never a country.

It was analogous to Appalachia in the U.S. An undefined region.

All Christian Bibles before 1948 had a map of Palestine.

That's weird. It works for me every time. Sorry.

This will work.

Yes, that one works. I'll have a read of it.
Does not matter how far back you go.
Historically there really is no valid "Israel".
When the Hebrew tribes invaded the Land of Canaan around 1000 BC, they called the area around Jerusalem Israel, but only for about 150 years, and it was invalid because they were evil invaders who massacred the native Canaanites, for no valid reason.
And mass genocide makes a country invalid, not valid.

The Romans created a fake Israel again around 100 BC. but it only lasted until around 60 AD and the Jewish revolt was suppressed by the Romans.

There has never been an Israel really until the UN made it up on 1948.
And that was a huge mistake because the UN did nothing to defend the rights of the Arabs who owned land in the newly created Israel, and did nothing when Israel violated the 1948 partition by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank.

There really is no excuse for that obvious theft of Palestine by the Zionists.


In addition to studying this troubled region for 60 years, I spent months in the Levant talking to both Israelis and Palestinian refugees and your comment is as accurate as any I've read.

The occupying Jews of Israel - Palestine are about as closely related to to the ancient Hebrews as they are to Eskimo's.

When Britain took over that area in 1917 they called it "Mandatory Palestine". Up until that time it had not been called "Palestine" for centuries. And in 1917 the Arab population did not call themselves "Palestinians."

". . .In the second half of the 19th century, the longstanding yearning of Jews in the Diaspora to return to the territory of their ancestors culminated in the nationalistic movement called Zionism.

The Zionist cause was driven by steeply rising hatred toward Jews in Europe and Russia. Immigrating Jews encountered a predominantly Arab populace, who also considered it their ancestral homeland.

At that time, the land comprised three administrative regions of the Ottoman empire, none of which was called “Palestine.”

In 1917, the land came under British rule. In 1923, “Mandatory Palestine,” which also included the current state of Jordan, was created. Its Arab inhabitants saw themselves primarily not as “Palestinians” in the sense of a nation, but instead as Arabs living in Palestine (or rather, “Greater Syria”). . ."

Somebody was calling it Palestine.. see Chaucer and Shakespeare. The crusaders went to Palestine.
That is totally wrong.

The British never stole Palestine, never owned it at all, and did not give it to anyone.
The Palestinians have been there for 10,000 years, as the Canaanites, Chaldeans, Amorites, Philistines, Phoenicians, Nabateans, etc.

The British Mandate for Palestine was the independence of Palestine in recognition for the help the Palestinians gave Lawrence of Arabia.

The Hashemites got Jordan, not Palestine.
There were no Jews in Jordan at all in 1920, and fewer than 5% of the population of Palestine in 1920.
No Jews were attacked from 1920 to 1948.
The riots like at Hebron, were from armed Zionists murdering Arabs for what he was charging for strawberries.

The truth is all the violence was by Zionists, who blew up the King David Hotel to murder the British peacekeepers, gunned down Folke Bernadotte to get rid of the UN peacekeepers, and once all the peacekeepers were gone, started massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin.

All true.

The US and UN had a legal and moral obligation to defend the Palestinians from the Zionist genocide starting in 1946.
Look at a 1946 map of Palestine and compare it with one from 1950, and hundreds of Arab villages are gone, wiped out by Zionist genocide. A documented example is Deir Yassin.
The US armed the Zionists with tanks, bombers, fighter planes, machine guns, etc., while keeping the Arabs totally unarmed.
In 1946 the area including Israel was all controlled by the UK. The Jews had a right to fight for their independence, just like we did. They included fighting people still loyal to the crown

We had no obligation to support Syria or Eygpt in the 1948 Israeli War for Indepedence or any of the wars after that when they attack Israel and lost
In 1946 the area including Israel was all controlled by the UK. The Jews had a right to fight for their independence, just like we did. They included fighting people still loyal to the crown

We had no obligation to support Syria or Eygpt in the 1948 Israeli War for Indepedence or any of the wars after that when they attack Israel and lost

The land didn't belong to the British. It wasn't theirs to give. .. and the Jewish refugees after WW2 certainly were not grateful for sanctuary in Palestine. ..Not even after they had been turned away by Canada, the US and Cuba.

They are a rotten bunch of freeloaders and claiming they are victims.
Genocide is a very ugly look.

US connies support it when Israel does it because it allows them to revel in their hatred of 1) non-Judeo-Christians, 2) non-Caucasians, 3) the perceived "other."

If they could, they'd hate Jews just as much & thirst for the death of their children, but this just isn't socially acceptable in their echo chambers any longer.

So we see them here, desperate to justify mass murder, and perfectly happy to deny thousands of years of history - and reality itself - to make it morally okay to cheerlead the slaughter of innocent people.
Genocide is a very ugly look.

US connies support it when Israel does it because it allows them to revel in their hatred of 1) non-Judeo-Christians, 2) non-Caucasians, 3) the perceived "other."

If they could, they'd hate Jews just as much & thirst for the death of their children, but this just isn't socially acceptable in their echo chambers any longer.

So we see them here, desperate to justify mass murder, and perfectly happy to deny thousands of years of history - and reality itself - to make it morally okay to cheerlead the slaughter of innocent people.

Palestine was never a country. There is no Palestinian ethnicity.

Who was the Head of State in Palestine in 1947? Where did they send their tax payments? Did Palestine have an army? A currency? Is there a Palestinian language or dialect? In all cases, No.

There was no Palestine.

This is not to say that there were not people there who had valid claims to their land and property, but it was never a country.

It was analogous to Appalachia in the U.S. An undefined region.

Palestine was a province of Syria from 50O BC.

You know there was no Germany or Italy either, but people lived there.

You're not too bright.

That is just a lie.
The ancient Greeks and Egyptians reference Palestine all the time as a region.
The Treaty of San Remo on 1921 officially created Palestine in return for the help the Arab gave the Allies in WWI.
they referred to it as Palestine because the Romans renamed it to further humiliate the Jews after the Jews rebelled against Roman rule. Before that, it was called Judea.


Region of ancient Israel
Judea, Judaea, or Judah is a mountainous region of the Levant. Traditionally dominated by the city of Jerusalem, it is now part of Palestine and Israel. The name's usage is historic, having been used in antiquity and still into the present day; it originates from Yehudah, a Hebrew name. Yehudah was a son of Jacob, who was later given the name "Israel" and whose sons collectively headed the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Yehudah's progeny among the Israelites formed the Tribe of Judah, with whom the Kingdom of Judah is associated. Related nomenclature continued to be used under the rule of the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, and the Romans. Under the Hasmoneans, the Herodians, and the Romans, the term was applied to an area larger than the historical region of Judea. In 132 CE, the Roman province of Judaea was merged with Galilee to form the enlarged province of Syria Palaestina.
Part of Israel was named "Palestine" by the Romans. And in 1947 the Jews of the area were called Palestinians. What is your point? The Palestine Post was Jewish Zionist.

Most Arab "Palestinians" -'were/are children or grandchildren of Arab immigrants) while Jewish the Jews returned to their historic land.

The non-native "Palestinians" in the land...

And here's from:
"Police Agree Arab Illegal Immigrants Match Jews Fifty to One," The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, Oct 19, 1945.:

"JERUSALEM (JPS-Palcor) — Assistant Superintendent of Police, Matthews, a Briton, confirmed charges by Jews that every Jew crossing the Syrian-Lebanese frontiers into Palestine, fifty Arabs have entered the country without permission.

Mr. Matthews confirmed the Jewish charges at a conference attended by him, of Jordan Valley settlers and Assistant District Commissioner J. F. Cornes at Safad. The settlers pointed out that the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force, comprised mainly of Arabs, made no effort to halt the engaging in provocative acts against Jews crossing the frontier and Jewish settlers in Galilee."

And more:

Palestine. (1946). United States: AZC, p. 71.

The Palestine press reports a constant influx of illegal Arab immigrants from neighboring lands.
" Zionist menace " notwithstanding , Palestine's higher wage level and general development attract citizens of the large and decidedly underpopulated Arab states. It is significant that King Abdullah of Transjordan is reported by a Palestine Arab paper to have issued an order permitting free immigration of Arabs, particularly Bedouin tribes, with a view to overcoming the present sparsity of population.
Palestine apparently has no need to issue orders permitting free Arab immigration.


The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931

by Fred M. Gottheil
Middle East Quarterly
Winter 2003, pp. 53-64

When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel—Period of British Rule, 1918–1948: Volume Two


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In addition to studying this troubled region for 60 years, I spent months in the Levant talking to both Israelis and Palestinian refugees and your comment is as accurate as any I've read.

The occupying Jews of Israel - Palestine are about as closely related to to the ancient Hebrews as they are to Eskimo's.

Now THAT was worth reading.

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