For Those Who Say There Was No "Palestine," 1947 National Geographic Map

You debate like a 14year old...
...Einstein, yes. :)
I am consistent....
In your incompetence, yes.
I support Israel's right to exist
Me too.

But we should move it to Montana or Nevada.

, and to that end, terror attacks need to be responded to....
By murdering children?

The world and UN say "NO!"
You on the other hand side with the terrorists and want to exterminate the Jews....
You do?

I'd keep that under my hat if I were you, sport.
No, totally planned out by you...
I have Pee-wee on the brain...
Cry me a river fag....
Call you a river fag?

You come in here and call any opposition to your views "Nazi's"
I do?

I don't think so.

If you would just spend more time in self-improvement and less time spewing deranged fantasies, we'd all be better off. :)
and you are crying "ad hom"?
Okay, river fag.
What a joke.
Are you mad because you didn't know about Hitler's shoes?

Or just mad?


But yeah, Palestine was and is a place.
...Einstein, yes. :)

In your incompetence, yes.

Me too.

But we should move it to Montana or Nevada.


By murdering children?

The world and UN say "NO!"

You do?

I'd keep that under my hat if I were you, sport.

I have Pee-wee on the brain...

Call you a river fag?


I do?

I don't think so.

If you would just spend more time in self-improvement and less time spewing deranged fantasies, we'd all be better off. :)

Okay, river fag.

Are you mad because you didn't know about Hitler's shoes?

Or just mad?


But yeah, Palestine was and is a place.
this is the type of response I would expect from a 14 year old....

I'm not mad...Just disappointed at the obvious level you consider debate....It is to say the least, very low brow, and shows NO intelligence...
this is the type of response I would expect from a 14 year old...
...genius. :)
I'm not mad...Just disappointed at the obvious level you consider debate...
I'll try to adjust myself to your level.

It is to say the least, very low brow, and shows NO intelligence...
Me no smart?

Me know it wrong to murder babies.

Me know Palestine has been around long time.

Me not so dumb!
The country of Palestine was created by the Treaty of San Remo in 1920.

The San Remo conference was an international meeting of the post-World War I Allied Supreme Council as an outgrowth of the Paris Peace Conference, held at Castle Devachan in Sanremo, Italy, from 19 to 26 April 1920. The San Remo Resolution passed on 25 April 1920 determined the allocation of Class "A" League of Nations mandates for the administration of three then-undefined Ottoman territories in the Middle East: "Palestine", "Syria" and "Mesopotamia".
Asserting that not all parts of the Middle East were ready for full independence, mandates were established for the government of three territories: Syria, Mesopotamia and Palestine. In each case, one of the Allied Powers was assigned to implement the mandate until the territories in question could "stand alone." Great Britain and France agreed to recognize the provisional independence of Syria and Mesopotamia, while claiming mandates for their administration. Palestine was included within the Ottoman administrative districts of the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem together with the Sanjak of Nablus and Sanjak of Akka (Acre).[8][9][10]

The decisions of the San Remo conference confirmed the mandate allocations of the Conference of London. The San Remo Resolution adopted on 25 April 1920 incorporated the Balfour Declaration of 1917. It and Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations were the basic documents upon which the British Mandate for Palestine was constructed. Under the Balfour Declaration, the British government had undertaken to favour the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine without prejudice to the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[11]
It was agreed –

To accept the terms of the Mandates Article as given below with reference to Palestine, on the understanding that there was inserted in the procès-verbal an undertaking by the Mandatory Power that this would not involve the surrender of the rights hitherto enjoyed by the non-Jewish communities in Palestine;

BS. What was their currency?

There's never been a nation or country named Palestine. Maybe a territory or mandate but not a nation.

I know better and suspect you do too
The land didn't belong to the British. It wasn't theirs to give. ..
They didn't give it to anyone...
The UN did.
the Jewish refugees, weren't the only Jews do realize Jews have been living there for centuries right?
They were living under British rule prior to the war for independence in 1948, prior to the Brits they were living under the Ottomine Empire, just like the Arabs living there as well, including the ones in the region known as Palestine.
Yes. So Struth and Surada agree that Palestine ought not to have been partitioned and allocated to the Jews by Britain or by the UN.

Palestine should have been left in the hands of the indigenous Semites (Arabs, Jehudi, Christians, and Bedhi) to shape and develop the country naturally. :cool: It would have if Britain and France (in cahoots with the UN) and Zionists hadn't meddled and fucked up everything.

The UN did.


Yes. So Struth and Surada agree that Palestine ought not to have been partitioned and allocated to the Jews by Britain or by the UN.

Palestine should have been left in the hands of the indigenous Semites (Arabs, Jehudi, Christians, and Bedhi) to shape and develop the country naturally. :cool: It would have if Britain and France (in cahoots with the UN) and Zionists hadn't meddled and fucked up everything.
The UN brokered the peace and helped ocme up with a division of land after the British left. The Israel we see today, is largely created though by the fact that Arabs didn't want peace, and continued to attack Israel, and Israel continued to successfully defend itself and gain land.

It's noteworthy that countries like Eygpt who lost some of the land in question here, are actually not siding with Hamas today
... I am consistent .... I support Israel's right to exist.
And that is why you are on the wrong side of humanity. Had you said that you support the Jew's right to exist then you would have had me (and I am supposing, Surada as well) onboard. But no ...... you had to make a donkey's scrotum of yourself. :confused:
Take it up with the UN....Like it or not, Israel is an accepted Nation....

Just admit that you'd like to wipe all Jews off the planet.

The Jewish terror gangs were formed in 1920 and 1922. They were never decent. Too damaged to be human. They were refugees themselves.
They didn't give it to anyone...the Jewish refugees, weren't the only Jews do realize Jews have been living there for centuries right? They were living under British rule prior to the war for independence in 1948, prior to the Brits they were living under the Ottomine Empire, just like the Arabs living there as well, including the ones in the region known as Palestine.

The Jews in Palestine were a tiny minority who spoke Arabic and were part of Arab culture. They weren't Zionists full of hate and rage.
Look at a 1947 map of Africa. Almost nothing is the same today. So what's the point? Should we force all those "emerging" African countries to start over?
...genius. :)

I'll try to adjust myself to your level.


Me no smart?

Me know it wrong to murder babies.

Me know Palestine has been around long time.

Me not so dumb!
Bottom line here MinTrut, Israel is a recognized Nation, who was attacked on 10/7, by a terrorist org, named Hamas. Who hides behind their people for propaganda purposes. And now, they are being eradicated, as they should be.
By golly that’s even more proof of validity than the memo line on a check that you loons adore.
And that is why you are on the wrong side of humanity. Had you said that you support the Jew's right to exist then you would have had me (and I am supposing, Surada as well) onboard. But no ...... you had to make a donkey's scrotum of yourself. :confused:
It really is that simple, either you support that right, or you don’t…that’s what “river to the sea” is all about, and it’s the left shouting that.
Bottom line here MinTrut, Israel is a recognized Nation, who was attacked on 10/7, by a terrorist org, named Hamas.
Bottom line, that's not the topic.

Do you need a link to the thread?
Who hides behind their people for propaganda purposes. And now, they are being eradicated, as they should be.
See above.
The Jewish terror gangs were formed in 1920 and 1922. They were never decent. Too damaged to be human. They were refugees themselves.
Doesn’t change the fact that Israel is an accepted Nation, and they have a right to exist, and defend themselves.
Pure dodging…
Yes you are.
Do you believe Israel has the right to exist?
Not the topic.

If you could work on basic comprehension and competence, it would be great for everyone.

This goes for you and far too many others here; perhaps some form of competence testing to participate on the forum would help. :)

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