For Those Who Say There Was No "Palestine," 1947 National Geographic Map

But this precedes Trump - the psycho-religious delusions that inform some of this genocidal madness - and really resides in the hearts of failed human beings.

Their core belief is that they themselves are nothing, so they lash out at others they perceive as equally worthless.

Religion comes back into in a roundabout way, however, as they believe that by sacrificing the lives of the "other" - Hitler the Jews and other alleged undesirables; Israel and its fanatical evangelical supporters the eradication of Palestinians - that this sacrifice will somehow restore them, make them whole.

But of course it won't.

In addition to destroying the lives of countless innocents, they will find no peace, but only the chamber and the bullet that ended Hitler's life.

We see them here every day - raving, angry, failed, miserable, lashing out at anything they can pour the poison of their self-hatred into.

Their narcissism is more deadly than a nuclear arsenal.

And with narcissism, back to Trump the self-loathing braggart.

But this precedes Trump - the psycho-religious delusions that inform some of this genocidal madness - and really resides in the hearts of failed human beings.

Their core belief is that they themselves are nothing, so they lash out at others they perceive as equally worthless.

Religion comes back into in a roundabout way, however, as they believe that by sacrificing the lives of the "other" - Hitler the Jews and other alleged undesirables; Israel and its fanatical evangelical supporters the eradication of Palestinians - that this sacrifice will somehow restore them, make them whole.

But of course it won't.

In addition to destroying the lives of countless innocents, they will find no peace, but only the chamber and the bullet that ended Hitler's life.

We see them here every day - raving, angry, failed, miserable, lashing out at anything they can pour the poison of their self-hatred into.

Their narcissism is more deadly than a nuclear arsenal.

And with narcissism, back to Trump the self-loathing braggart.

So, Israel, an established Nation State, should just allow its citizenry to be killed at will in the most terroristic way imaginable? How is that even viable for ANY nation, much less one that you despise?
they referred to it as Palestine because the Romans renamed it to further humiliate the Jews after the Jews rebelled against Roman rule. Before that, it was called Judea.


Region of ancient Israel
Judea, Judaea, or Judah is a mountainous region of the Levant. Traditionally dominated by the city of Jerusalem, it is now part of Palestine and Israel. The name's usage is historic, having been used in antiquity and still into the present day; it originates from Yehudah, a Hebrew name. Yehudah was a son of Jacob, who was later given the name "Israel" and whose sons collectively headed the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Yehudah's progeny among the Israelites formed the Tribe of Judah, with whom the Kingdom of Judah is associated. Related nomenclature continued to be used under the rule of the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, and the Romans. Under the Hasmoneans, the Herodians, and the Romans, the term was applied to an area larger than the historical region of Judea. In 132 CE, the Roman province of Judaea was merged with Galilee to form the enlarged province of Syria Palaestina.

Nope. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote about Syria Palestine in 500 BC. Palestine was a province of Syria.

Don't be so insecure. Did you notice that sixties guy just posted a whole bunch of blood liable crap?
So, Israel, an established Nation State, should just allow its citizenry to be killed at will in the most terroristic way imaginable?
If you say so.

But the reality is that Israel is a genocidal terror state - they're the perpetrators, not the victims.
How is that even viable for ANY nation
See above.
much less one that you despise?
You despise Israel? :eek:
If you say so.

But the reality is that Israel is a genocidal terror state - they're the perpetrators, not the victims.

See above.

You despise Israel? :eek:
Only in the warped minds of the radical left in our country, could the victims of the equivalent of 20 x 9/11, be considered, "a genocidal terror state" as this poster describes them...This is ridiculous....
Only in the warped minds of the radical left in our country, could the victims of the equivalent of 20 x 9/11, be considered, "a genocidal terror state" as this poster describes them...This is ridiculous....
What's the 9/11 math for how many children Israel has murdered in the past month?
Take it up with the UN....Like it or not, Israel is an accepted Nation....
What was that latest UN vote on Israeli genocide/mass murder?

10 to 1 against & supporting a ceasefire?

Take it up with the UN if you don't like the world condemning Israel's terrorism.
Just admit that you'd like to wipe all Jews off the planet.
You'd like to wipe all the Jews off the planet?


So you hate Muslims AND Jews? :eek:

You are srsly dediKKKated.
What was that latest UN vote on Israeli genocide/mass murder?

10 to 1 against?

Take it up with the UN if you don't like the world condemning Israel's terrorism.
Did they vote to rescind Res 181?

You'd like to wipe all the Jews off the planet?


So you hate Muslims AND Jews? :eek:

You are srsly dediKKKated.

Ahhh, using the Pee Wee Herman defense eh?

How adult of you.....
Oh my - you're all over the place.

Kinda like Pee-wee Herman on a sugar rush. :)
You debate like a 14year old...I am consistent....I support Israel's right to exist, and to that end, terror attacks need to be responded to....You on the other hand side with the terrorists and want to exterminate the Jews....

How coincidental!

No, totally planned out by you...

^ Ad hom.

Cry me a river fag....You come in here and call any opposition to your views "Nazi's" and you are crying "ad hom"? What a joke.
The land didn't belong to the British. It wasn't theirs to give. .. and the Jewish refugees after WW2 certainly were not grateful for sanctuary in Palestine. ..Not even after they had been turned away by Canada, the US and Cuba.

They are a rotten bunch of freeloaders and claiming they are victims.
They didn't give it to anyone...the Jewish refugees, weren't the only Jews do realize Jews have been living there for centuries right? They were living under British rule prior to the war for independence in 1948, prior to the Brits they were living under the Ottomine Empire, just like the Arabs living there as well, including the ones in the region known as Palestine.
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