For Those Who Support "Reparations"...

and who IS to blame for black peoples' problems? WHO instituted Jim Crow? WHO perpetuates white supremacy? WHO enslaved WHOM exactly?
I did not enslave anyone

and no black person panhandling here for special treatment was ever a slave

you ask who is perpetuating the myth of white supremacy?

the answer is black people themselves by their own bad behavior and lack of achievement
...... A racist is a traitor. A racist sabotages national productivity and functionality. A racist causes extensive social damage. Often racism is learned from the parents, hence "ill-bred", which is likely true in your case. Scum begets scum, n'est-ce pas?
Here's your one and only warning, punk. You will NOT mention my family, even obliquely. You have accused me of being a racist many times now without supporting that claim in any way. Do so, or shut the fuck up you low-life POS.
Individuals are still allowed to think for themselves

the Jim crow laws were wrong

government must have a blind eye and treat everyone the same

but individual citizens are not bound by that and are free to perceive value as they see it

unfortunately black people have earned a reputation that as a group they are less desirable workers

and its up to blacks to improve that perception
This is America, you're free to hold whatever racist views you wish.
apparently you live your life via internet memes and hackneyed white-right cliches

But I am correct, in person you stutter and look at your shoes, boy.

You giggle with glee every time you post something racist. You're a sick little puppy. I'm quite sure this is in large part due to poor upbringing. Someone needs to slap whoever raised you, little punk boy.

Are you on your period?

Heavy flow day?
Of whom was Truman a lackey? ....
Of the team of spies and communists in that SOB fdr's regime who placed him in office. Like that racist POS fdr, he never would have nuked a country full of people who looked so much like him. Get an education, kid.
So you want quotas in hiring?

a company has to hire no less than the number of black people that you tell them to?

I guess you wont mind if they hire more, as in the NBA

but never less
I want racist discrimination to end. End that, and we won't have to worry about Affirmative Action.

You of course are hysterically opposed to it due to an intense fear and hatred of non-whites. Don't pretend you are defending your imaginary "race". You are not. You are simply attacking those whose presence makes you feel inferior.
Still no evidence whatsoever to back up this big mouth buffoon’s accusation of racism. All mouth, no substance.
You really just aren't competent for a regular classroom, are ya? Well, we have a very good special ed teacher who I'm sure can teach you to tie your shoes...

And of course in the special ed class there is a diverse set of students, so you'll have to keep your racism to yourself, little incel punk.
Were you hoping that clumsy and obvious attempted diversion would go unnoticed? Still waiting for you to prove even one of your accusations, boy. Well? Are you ever planning to back up your vile accusations, you piece of shit? Still waiting.
Were you hoping that clumsy and obvious attempted diversion would go unnoticed? Still waiting for you to prove even one of your accusations, boy. Well? Are you ever planning to back up your vile accusations, you piece of shit? Still waiting.
I think you should try speaking to me in person with that level of rudeness, little puto.

You're hysterical and frantic. Obviously you know I'm right, and my characterizations of your pathetic ass are 100% accurate.

You're a loser, a pig, a racist, an incel, a traitor and a worthless individual. WHY do you continue to exist? To what purpose?
I think you should try speaking to me in person with that level of rudeness,.....
Is there any reason AT ALL for this absurd little tough-boy attitude you keep trying to promote, big mouth? So far you just seem like a clown.
Still NOTHING to support the accusation of "racism" from little tough-boy. NOTHING.
Is there any reason AT ALL for this absurd little tough-boy attitude you keep trying to promote, big mouth? So far you just seem like a clown.
It is the appropriate response to your idiocy, dweeb.

you're a cowardly punk racist. You spew your trash and then cry if it's challenged. You will not stand, little racist incel puto! It's that simple.

Your ilk is finished, boy.

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