For what it's worth, I think I've figured out NY's strange no jury for Trump thing.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
(I'll be working later on "paying stuff" than I planned. lol) And Mods, I got these links without a paywall. I thought it odd, but none blocked me, though I don't subscribe to them.

Probably under NY law he never had one. Personally, I find that a bit strange. But I think you have to start here, and Trump is the self-anointed king of debt.

"The most remarkable part, and the real scandal of all of this, is that it’s been widely known for decades in business and journalistic circles that Trump has routinely exaggerated the value of his assets. When the business journalist Timothy L. O’Brien wrote this in a 2005 account of Trump’s career, Trump sued O’Brien and pursued him through the courts for years before a judge dismissed the suit. It wasn’t until 2019, when one of Trump’s own former associates, Michael Cohen, made the same claim in congressional testimony, that prosecutors got interested. Based on much of the same evidence that James used in bringing her civil case, investigators working for Cyrus Vance, Jr., the former Manhattan District Attorney, believed that they had built a winnable criminal case against Trump. But Vance’s successor, Alvin Bragg, decided to stop the investigation.

"Responding to Trump’s rant that Engoron is a “a Deranged, Trump Hating Judge” who denied him of a jury trial, Engoron reportedly informed the former president that the reason he alone, and not a jury, will decide the case, is because “nobody asked for” a jury trial. As The Messenger notes, earlier this year, James filed a court document with a checkmark next to “trial without a jury,” which Trump’s legal team could have argued against via their own form, but did not. It’s not clear if the ex-president’s lawyers purposely chose to forgo a jury trial, which would seemingly be unwise, or if they somehow just forgot to file the paperwork asking for one, which would somehow be even worse. "

"A jury trial probably would not have been available under New York Executive Law 63(12), the statute under which the case was brought. That's because the lawsuit only seeks injunctive and equitable relief, and instead of money damages, it seeks the disgorgement of "ill-gotten gains. [emphasis mine]
The Seventh Amendment protects the right to a jury trial in civil cases involving large cash damages, but New York State precedent holds that disgorgement is equitable. Engoron remarked that "in any event, the remedies sought are all equitable in nature, mandating that the trial be a bench trial, one that a judge alone decides." Trump's attorney Alina Habba thanked the judge later in the proceedings for making that comment.
Trump's spokesperson emphasized their view that a jury trial was never on the table."

I think it was a willful decision. First, this way Trump gets to play his favorite card from the deck, the victim card. Damn, what a sad tiny little man. I mean there is a lot of talk about the "feminization of the American male", but I got to tell you, these Trump supporters suddenly flocking behind someone that constantly plays the victim card is a little bit perplexing. Did all of them have their balls cut off?

But second, what good would a jury have done, Trump is constantly crying that he can't get a fair trial in New York, or DC for that matter. That victim card again. He must have an endless supply of them. And hell, maybe he is right. Trump lost New York, his home state, by over a 22% margin. For a winning president, that is almost twice the next highest losing margin for a home state in the HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY. Wilson lost New Jersey by almost 12%. And the real kicker, it has only happened four times in almost 250 years.

I mean those facts have to tell you something. If you can't win your home state you got no business in office. Who knows you better, your friends and neighbors, or the plowboys in Iowa?

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