For Years the Left Desperately Searched for Tea Party Violence or Racism


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
With the Left it’s an everyday occurrence.

Another reporter gets assaulted and the Democratic Party MSM will remain silent.

I remember arguing with someone a few years ago about OWS he cracked me up trying to say old people in wheel chairs were rioting in Florida during the Gore escapades ..
I'd love a baby she is trying to kiss to smack the dentures out of Maxine Waters' mouth.
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Nah, the racism with the teabaggers was always quite obvious and overt.
Nah, the racism with the teabaggers was always quite obvious and overt.

Not like the tacit racism of law expectations from the left.

Brown people are stupid and lazy, so they need liberals to help them....that's what liberals think.
She fell down. Hardly an attack bruh
Being pushed to the ground is assault.
She specifically said sorry about that I fell down.

She did not say I was pushed, tackled or assaulted.

Come on man
And as it turns out, there was good reason for concern. Physical and verbal altercations erupted between the gun-rights activists and counter-protestors, with hundreds of police officers in the middle. Four people were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, with one additionally charged with assault on a police officer.

At one point, I found myself caught in the middle, when, after heated words, police officers physically pushed counter-protestors and they pushed back. I was located behind the officers at the time but a group counter-protestors ran up behind me and toward the altercation.

In the process, I ended up being knocked over by those trying to get in the action. I wasn’t on the ground long, as some of the officers near me cleared out the area getting me back on my feet, minimizing the number of times I was stepped on. Seconds after that, I was elbowed in the side but I managed to stay on my feet that time.

But let’s take a step back for a second and recount how we got there:

Before the walk began, the parking lot where the gun-rights activist congregated, was flanked by different law enforcement officers. Counter-protestors gathered just across the street.

I began the walk with the gun-rights activists. We walked up one side of the blocked-off street leading to the campus, police officers marched down the median and the counter-protesters occupied the other side of the street. Within moments the verbal attacks began from both sides as the crowd grew wider and the police officers did their best to physically keep the groups separated.

The walk didn’t make it far. In fact, it came to halt after less than a half a mile, with counter-protestors blocking the progress by standing arm-in-arm across the length of the walkway.

The police officers then set up their line of defense to keep the groups separate. The officers formed two tight lines, creating a human wall themselves, separating the two groups. The officers’ lines met at the end and almost made a full circle where other officers with different equipment remained guarded in the middle.

When all movement came to a stop I found myself located between the line of officers and the line of counter-protestors. At times there were about five feet between the two groups. At other times, it was body-to-body with both sides pushing heavily against the other. At one point one of the counter-protestors threw liquid at the officers, hitting the face masks of their tactical gear and me, too, in the process. I’m thinking (and hoping) it was just water. reporter gets pushed to the ground during Kent State University open-carry gun walk


bulldog mouth- hummingbird ass - tea party jokes ............
I remember arguing with someone a few years ago about OWS he cracked me up trying to say old people in wheel chairs were rioting in Florida during the Gore escapades ..
Actually, it was Bush campaign funds going to rioters to stop the recount.
Democrats are what they have and continue to call others...If you want to know what they are up to, just listen to what they are accusing others of.

Democrats ACCUSED Trump of illegally colluding with the Russians:

- DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz ran a terrorist-connected Pakistani spy ring

- Hillary took $145 million from the Russians and colluded with / paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the WH in 2016

- Diane Feinstein befriended and worked with the ChiComm President & government, facilitated ChiComm espionage, and had a Chinese spy on her team for 20 YEARS....

Accusing others of doing what THEY do and of being who THEY are is what THEY do.

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