Forbes: Is Wisconsin the Real Republican Waterloo?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Wow...The bottom of the straw market must've really fallen out. :rofl:
Republicans do what they campaigned and ran on. Clearly that's going to destroy the Republican party.

Wet dreams aside, it's amazing how you aren't mentioning the recall of the Democrat Senators who ran away.
Republicans do what they campaigned and ran on. Clearly that's going to destroy the Republican party.

Wet dreams aside, it's amazing how you aren't mentioning the recall of the Democrat Senators who ran away.

Walker never campaigned on union busting...1st point

Second point, I didnt write the article. Hell I didnt even comment or add my opinion, so why you attacking the messenger?
Republicans do what they campaigned and ran on. Clearly that's going to destroy the Republican party.

Wet dreams aside, it's amazing how you aren't mentioning the recall of the Democrat Senators who ran away.

They didn't campaign on ending collective bargaining in Wisconsin.
State senator

by Ben Munson March 14, 2011 Article ToolsEmail EmailTo:

Print Share ShareFacebook Digg Stumble Reddit No relatedRecall efforts have begun for 16 state senators (8 republicans and 8 democrats), and Total Recall quotes are flying at an all-time high in Wisconsin. So when protesters marched to the house of State Senator Randy Hopper in Fond Du Lac and were greeted by his wife telling them that he had moved in with his mistress in Madison—a lobbyist for right-wing advocacy group Persuasion Partners, Inc. and a former Wisconsin state senate staffer—it’s surprising that she did not say, “Consider that a divorce." Maybe not that surprising because it would be insensitive to joke about the actual divorce that’s underway, but she did sign the petition (as did the family’s maid) seeking Hopper’s recall, which is pretty cool, if not Total Recall-quoting cool.
Republicans have a long history of union-busting and anti-labor rhetoric, but taking on teachers and cops is a big mistake. This blatant effort to weaken the Democratic party will have precisely the opposite effect.

Give 'em more rope says I.

I should also add that I realize this was a Republican victory. The GOP just won in Wisconsin. But it’s a hollow, pyrrhic victory. What I mean by their Waterloo is just that this is the opening salvo of that battle. This is the moment that Waterloo has begun, and the Republican party has sealed their own fate.

Wishful thinking on the author's part, I suspect.

While I agree that the WI issue is a flag that Dems can and are successfully rallying around, to call the GOP parlimentary win their WATERLOO is rather overstating the case.

No, the TP governors are going to have to screw up a LOT MORE CITIZENS LIVES before the enough of the non partian voting public decides that they've overstepped bounds of social civility with their anti-working man agenda, and before that non aligned voting public elects to punish the GOP for it, too, I suspect.

This isn't the end, and it's not even the beginning of the end for this TP movement either.

It won't be until enough tea party members are themselves PERSONALLY effected by their policies before those folks will slink off into the political night, I think.

Give the TP pols a few years to implement their know-nothing policies, and THEN when their effect comes home to roost in enough American homes, THEN this movement is toast.
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Is Wisconsin the Real Republican Waterloo? - E.D. Kain - American Times - Forbes

In Wisconsin, Democrats are already promising to step-up recall efforts. But the recalls are only a small part of what is likely going to be a huge anti-Republican backlash across the nation, as working Americans finally realize what that party actually stands for: an playing field heavily tilted toward the rich and powerful, toward corporate power, and against worker rights.
Maybe you can help me with this one. How does not allowing government employees the ability to have more leverage negotiating with bureaucrats with the bill going to taxpayers help the evil rich exactly? Particularly since you know as an enlightened liberal that rich don't pay taxes, the middle class do. So, how does stopping your solution of handing the middle class bigger bills accomplish not helping the rich exactly? Which of these is the case?

You know the rich do pay the taxes and lied about that.

You know the middle class are going to be harmed by the bigger tax bills and not the rich and you lied about this.

So which was your lie?
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Benefit/Pensions/Pay of State workers across the nation are bankrupting their respective states... and only 12% of people work for unions.

Can't really figure out why so many are sympathetic to them. My school taxes keep rocketing way beyond inflation....
Republicans do what they campaigned and ran on. Clearly that's going to destroy the Republican party.

Wet dreams aside, it's amazing how you aren't mentioning the recall of the Democrat Senators who ran away.

Walker never campaigned on union busting...1st point

Second point, I didnt write the article. Hell I didnt even comment or add my opinion, so why you attacking the messenger?

Well good because he also never actually Busted any Unions. Drama Queen.

He ran on Cutting the Budget plain and simple.
Benefit/Pensions/Pay of State workers across the nation are bankrupting their respective states... and only 12% of people work for unions.

Can't really figure out why so many are sympathetic to them. My school taxes keep rocketing way beyond inflation....

Public Education! lol

In Wisconsin you have Union Teachers who as of 2009 by Law must Teach the "History of Organized Labor and Unions" as a norm.

It Amazes me that Libs over look the fact that Public Sector Unions, Especially the Teachers. Have us by the balls. They own the Democrat Party lock stock and Barrel, Which they use to get Favorable Contracts(Favorable to them not the tax payer), They have our Youths as captive Audiences for several Hours a day to fill with one sided Pro Union Propaganda. In Wisconsin they even got the students out helping with the Demonstrations.

Were Talking about a Tiny% of People who belong to Public Sector Unions, Wielding an Immense amount of Political Power. These Unions are not looking out for the Working man, They are looking out of a small % Workers, a Privileged Few. They do not give one rats ass that every single penny of Wages, and Benefits they receive came out of the pockets of the 95% of us that do not belong to a PUBLIC SECTOR Union.
Benefit/Pensions/Pay of State workers across the nation are bankrupting their respective states... and only 12% of people work for unions.

Can't really figure out why so many are sympathetic to them. My school taxes keep rocketing way beyond inflation....

First. Welcome to USMB.

Second. I am a Democrat so you want an argument, you got it.

58% of people would join a union if they could. The problem is the private sector has begun to shut down unions by not giving them collective bargaining rights. Wal-mart especially is known for its anti-union message that they even put in their training videos. Companies are known to fire people trying to start unions. Companies even reward employees for ratting on the employees trying to start unions.

This is a typical republican move. When Unemployment rate is high, they attack unions. Their message is "Look they have a job with benefits, don't you want that? You should be against that because if we take away their rights, we save X amount of dollars." Sounds great right? No need to increase taxes and we pay off the debt.

The problem when they cut spending, they give that savings back to the rich. So it does nothing to the debt. They keep the debt going why? Because thats what they run on and Americans aren't that smart to put it together what they do. They lie, cheat, steal and break the law to get what they want from the Iraq War to Bail outs for their best friends, the bankers. They hate the middle class. They hate people fighting for their right to earn a living.

They already shut down most private sector unions, no one spoke up.

They are trying to shut down Public unions, we are speaking up. Because when they take away public unions, the democrats lose a major fundraising arm. Then more "Right to work" laws are passed making contracts null and void, being able to be fired for no reason, and losing any ablity to earn a raise. Then all workers rights are taken away. No clean work environment, no minimum wage, nothing.

This isn't a fight for just teachers and fire fighters. This is a fight for all American workers, a fight for us to earn a comfortable living, the right to know that you will be fully compensated for your hard work and not taken advantage of. Where if you work more than 40 hours a week, you are paid overtime.

So its a simple question. Do you want to be fully compensated or work as a slave? If you like getting a paycheck, its time to vote democrat.
Benefit/Pensions/Pay of State workers across the nation are bankrupting their respective states... and only 12% of people work for unions.

Can't really figure out why so many are sympathetic to them. My school taxes keep rocketing way beyond inflation....

First. Welcome to USMB.

Second. I am a Democrat so you want an argument, you got it.

58% of people would join a union if they could. The problem is the private sector has begun to shut down unions by not giving them collective bargaining rights. Wal-mart especially is known for its anti-union message that they even put in their training videos. Companies are known to fire people trying to start unions. Companies even reward employees for ratting on the employees trying to start unions.

This is a typical republican move. When Unemployment rate is high, they attack unions. Their message is "Look they have a job with benefits, don't you want that? You should be against that because if we take away their rights, we save X amount of dollars." Sounds great right? No need to increase taxes and we pay off the debt.

The problem when they cut spending, they give that savings back to the rich. So it does nothing to the debt. They keep the debt going why? Because thats what they run on and Americans aren't that smart to put it together what they do. They lie, cheat, steal and break the law to get what they want from the Iraq War to Bail outs for their best friends, the bankers. They hate the middle class. They hate people fighting for their right to earn a living.

They already shut down most private sector unions, no one spoke up.

They are trying to shut down Public unions, we are speaking up. Because when they take away public unions, the democrats lose a major fundraising arm. Then more "Right to work" laws are passed making contracts null and void, being able to be fired for no reason, and losing any ablity to earn a raise. Then all workers rights are taken away. No clean work environment, no minimum wage, nothing.

This isn't a fight for just teachers and fire fighters. This is a fight for all American workers, a fight for us to earn a comfortable living, the right to know that you will be fully compensated for your hard work and not taken advantage of. Where if you work more than 40 hours a week, you are paid overtime.

So its a simple question. Do you want to be fully compensated or work as a slave? If you like getting a paycheck, its time to vote democrat.

When are you people going to wake up? The global economy will not pay for union employees to earn a "comfortable living". Free Viagra for everyone just will not cut it anymore....

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