Forbes: Mitch McConnell To Give Obama The Political Shellacking Of A Lifetime


May 22, 2011
Forbes -- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell — a political grandmaster, sometimes underestimated — reported that the Senate GOP was prepared, if they had won the majority, to “take this [Obamacare] monstrosity down.”

A takedown of Obama’s signature legislative achievement is not GOP partisanship, pettiness or obstructionism (although the left-leaning media will portray it that way). Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance is a bitter fruit indeed.

The National Journal concludes the most politically salient column of 2013 to date by saying that “McConnell [is] a brilliant defensive coordinator who will have to play flawless offense if he hopes to take control of the Senate next year.” Yes, he does. Likely, he will.

The chickens of Obamacare are coming home to roost. There are some mighty ugly chickens in the flock. Given the uglier side of Obamacare now becoming visible, the historical trends, and McConnell’s strategic political savvy President Obama should be bracing himself to receive the political shellacking of a lifetime come November 2014.

Forbes: Mitch McConnell Prepares To Give Barack Obama The Political Shellacking Of A Lifetime

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That's what the right wingers were saying in 2012 and look how that turned out.
Chinless McConnell, multiculturalist, political harebrain, and bathetic grandstander on what might have been:
"If my aunt had balls she'd be a man."
Just so, Chinless. Just so.
That's what the right wingers were saying in 2012 and look how that turned out.

- Romney was not the Tea Party choice, just a last resort.

- The Tea Party wasn't successful in 2012 because their torchbearer Ron Paul was viewed as too extreme, not Conservative enough, and unelectable. That's how Romney was nominated.

- 2014 will be like 2010. Republicans and Tea Partiers are far more energized and organized than Dems.

- Ever since Rand Paul's filibuster, Constitutional Conservatives and Libertarian Republicans have been winning the argument.

- To claim that 2014 will be like 2012 is extremely idiotic, they're different races, different conditions.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell — a political grandmaster, sometimes underestimated — reported that the Senate GOP was prepared, if they had won the majority, to “take this [Obamacare] monstrosity down.”

A takedown of Obama’s signature legislative achievement is not GOP partisanship, pettiness or obstructionism (although the left-leaning media will portray it that way). Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance is a bitter fruit indeed.

The National Journal concludes the most politically salient column of 2013 to date by saying that “McConnell [is] a brilliant defensive coordinator who will have to play flawless offense if he hopes to take control of the Senate next year.” Yes, he does. Likely, he will.

The chickens of Obamacare are coming home to roost. There are some mighty ugly chickens in the flock. Given the uglier side of Obamacare now becoming visible, the historical trends, and McConnell’s strategic political savvy President Obama should be bracing himself to receive the political shellacking of a lifetime come November 2014.

Forbes: Mitch McConnell Prepares To Give Barack Obama The Political Shellacking Of A Lifetime


Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance

I watch the news every day and missed that happening. Do you have any links?
Chinless McConnell, multiculturalist, political harebrain, and bathetic grandstander on what might have been:
"If my aunt had balls she'd be a man."
Just so, Chinless. Just so.

Why does McConnell need a chin. I think his no-chin makes him more unique, it's a good look for him.

Forbes editorials are total Murdoch BS now,

What happens when people under 140% of poverty line find out they're not getting Medicaid like other states, at no cost to the state (or anyone else, dupes- preventive care is cheaper than ER/bankruptcy care)? The truth will out in 2014. Pelosi was right. People will love O-care, and hate lying Pubs.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell — a political grandmaster, sometimes underestimated — reported that the Senate GOP was prepared, if they had won the majority, to “take this [Obamacare] monstrosity down.”

A takedown of Obama’s signature legislative achievement is not GOP partisanship, pettiness or obstructionism (although the left-leaning media will portray it that way). Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance is a bitter fruit indeed.

The National Journal concludes the most politically salient column of 2013 to date by saying that “McConnell [is] a brilliant defensive coordinator who will have to play flawless offense if he hopes to take control of the Senate next year.” Yes, he does. Likely, he will.

The chickens of Obamacare are coming home to roost. There are some mighty ugly chickens in the flock. Given the uglier side of Obamacare now becoming visible, the historical trends, and McConnell’s strategic political savvy President Obama should be bracing himself to receive the political shellacking of a lifetime come November 2014.

Forbes: Mitch McConnell Prepares To Give Barack Obama The Political Shellacking Of A Lifetime


Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance

I watch the news every day and missed that happening. Do you have any links?

The link is right there. The whole text came from the Forbes article, that's the article and link I cited.

That's what the right wingers were saying in 2012 and look how that turned out.

Well MCConnell had a good run.
The left is predicting a major ass kicking as they get Ashley Judd
ready to take him on.They predict a major victory for the Democrat party.

Wait a second someone is emailing me with an update.
Looks like the ass kicking from Ashley is on hold... :eusa_whistle:
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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell — a political grandmaster, sometimes underestimated — reported that the Senate GOP was prepared, if they had won the majority, to “take this [Obamacare] monstrosity down.”

A takedown of Obama’s signature legislative achievement is not GOP partisanship, pettiness or obstructionism (although the left-leaning media will portray it that way). Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance is a bitter fruit indeed.

The National Journal concludes the most politically salient column of 2013 to date by saying that “McConnell [is] a brilliant defensive coordinator who will have to play flawless offense if he hopes to take control of the Senate next year.” Yes, he does. Likely, he will.

The chickens of Obamacare are coming home to roost. There are some mighty ugly chickens in the flock. Given the uglier side of Obamacare now becoming visible, the historical trends, and McConnell’s strategic political savvy President Obama should be bracing himself to receive the political shellacking of a lifetime come November 2014.

Forbes: Mitch McConnell Prepares To Give Barack Obama The Political Shellacking Of A Lifetime


Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance

I watch the news every day and missed that happening. Do you have any links?

The link is right there. The whole text came from the Forbes article, that's the article and link I cited.


What the fuck did you read? Obviously not your link.

First you missed this part:

Republicans are culpable for failing to provide intelligent free-market-based solutions (which certainly exist). The United States spends the most in the industrialized world on health care. And has some of the very worst health care, and health.

Meanwhile, Americans receive comparatively little actual care, despite sky-high prices driven by expensive tests and procedures. They also spend more tax money on healthcare than most other countries, the study showed.

This it goes on to say:

If indeed Obamacare degrades health care (and makes it more expensive and an even bigger hassle) it will prove more of a political liability than an asset.

Did you get the "if"?

Then the article continues on as IF that IF actually happened.

Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance is a bitter fruit indeed. Obamacare was designed sloppily at best. For those almost million people whom it will cause to lose gainful employment, or the 7 million who will lose their employer-provided health insurance, indeed it is monstrous.

First, Obamacare came from Romneycare which was designed by Republicans. Perhaps that's why it's so fucking sloppy. Republicans can't do anything except destroy, tear down and lie. Oh, and move the wealth of the nation to the top 5% and create death panels. Oh those Death Panels.

Arizona Death Panel Claims Another Victim - Forbes

Oh, another article from Forbes. On Republican Death Panels. Hilarious. Unless you are one of the GOP victims of that death panel. Then it's not funny at all. Not at all.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell — a political grandmaster, sometimes underestimated — reported that the Senate GOP was prepared, if they had won the majority, to “take this [Obamacare] monstrosity down.”

A takedown of Obama’s signature legislative achievement is not GOP partisanship, pettiness or obstructionism (although the left-leaning media will portray it that way). Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance is a bitter fruit indeed.

The National Journal concludes the most politically salient column of 2013 to date by saying that “McConnell [is] a brilliant defensive coordinator who will have to play flawless offense if he hopes to take control of the Senate next year.” Yes, he does. Likely, he will.

The chickens of Obamacare are coming home to roost. There are some mighty ugly chickens in the flock. Given the uglier side of Obamacare now becoming visible, the historical trends, and McConnell’s strategic political savvy President Obama should be bracing himself to receive the political shellacking of a lifetime come November 2014.

Forbes: Mitch McConnell Prepares To Give Barack Obama The Political Shellacking Of A Lifetime


Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance

I watch the news every day and missed that happening. Do you have any links?

No he doesn't. I expect this to be one of the weenies that left the board after the GOP lost their ars in November...the threads have a familiar air of ignorance.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell — a political grandmaster, sometimes underestimated — reported that the Senate GOP was prepared, if they had won the majority, to “take this [Obamacare] monstrosity down.”

A takedown of Obama’s signature legislative achievement is not GOP partisanship, pettiness or obstructionism (although the left-leaning media will portray it that way). Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance is a bitter fruit indeed.

The National Journal concludes the most politically salient column of 2013 to date by saying that “McConnell [is] a brilliant defensive coordinator who will have to play flawless offense if he hopes to take control of the Senate next year.” Yes, he does. Likely, he will.

The chickens of Obamacare are coming home to roost. There are some mighty ugly chickens in the flock. Given the uglier side of Obamacare now becoming visible, the historical trends, and McConnell’s strategic political savvy President Obama should be bracing himself to receive the political shellacking of a lifetime come November 2014.

Forbes: Mitch McConnell Prepares To Give Barack Obama The Political Shellacking Of A Lifetime


Crushing 800,000 jobs and forcing 7 million people out of their health insurance

I watch the news every day and missed that happening. Do you have any links?

No he doesn't.

It's in the OP you idiot.

I expect this to be one of the weenies that left the board after the GOP lost their ars in November...the threads have a familiar air of ignorance.

I voted for Gary Johnson, you are freakin clueless.

As you can see, I have Alex Jones in my signature, the man who was the number 1 biggest critic of George W. Bush and started 9/11 truth.

I was a huge critic of the GOP during 2011 - 2012 because they shunned Ron Paul.


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