Forbes Writer "Frightened" by Tomahawk Chop


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
Give. Me. A. Frigging. Break.

ā€˜Forbesā€™ Sports Writer Triggered by Braves Fans ā€˜Chopping and Chantingā€™

Moore celebrated the fact that every team in sports ā€œnot named the Washington Redskinsā€ has already dumped their ā€œoffending Native Americanā€ names, except for the Atlanta Braves. To Moore, the Braves are still embarrassing themselves with ā€œa ballpark full of mostly white fansā€ performing the tomahawk chop chant. And he wants ā€œsomeoneā€ to ā€œstop Atlanta Braves fans from chopping and chanting.ā€

'Forbes' Sports Writer Triggered by Braves Fans 'Chopping and Chanting'

One of the greatest experiences as a young boy growing up in Atlanta was going to a Braves game. Thousands of little boys carried their wooden tomahawks and some even sported war paint. We adored Cheif Noc-a-homa
who "Before each home game, would do a dance on the pitcherā€™s mound and then head out to left field where he would watch the game from a tepee set on a platform in the bleachers. When a Braves player homered, heā€™d set off smoke signals and come out of the tepee to do a celebration dance."

Chief Noc-A-Homa still a Braves legend

Growing up in Atlanta as a boy, we were proud to be young Braves. We loved our team and our tomahawk chop. This political correctness BS has gone too far. This guy Moore is a loon. I'm 60 now and to my wife's eternal embarrassment, I still yell my war chant for my Braves.

Turn this up loud.
Get out of your chairs and join me in a war dance.

Mr. Moore, this chant is for you:


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