Forceful "kidnapping" of Roma children into "social care"


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
I think its injust that the child this age was forcefully removed from his parents, he seems not to want it, he wants to stay with his parents he is old enough it seems to respect his will. I do not know why they target roma, i think that cases do not exist with other communities. Can someone list the reasons what the parents did that the child was removed, what is the official explanation, do they sexually or physically abuse the child? Seems a thing in the UK. The media did not report such a thing here in Austria. Maybe they do it but the media does not report it. I dont know.

I am sorry, but I haven't a clue what you speak of, you have no link, and no story structure whatsoever.....

The Plight of Roma Families: A Call to Action Against Human Rights Violations !
The recent incident involving the forceful removal of children from a Roma family in the UK has shed light on the systemic injustices faced by Roma communities. The World Roma Federation (WRF) vehemently condemns this act of aggression and human rights violation, and calls for immediate action to protect the fundamental rights of Roma families.
Children's Rights and Family Rights: A Foundation for Humanity
Every child has the inherent right to live with their family in a nurturing, safe, and loving environment. International human rights laws, including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), emphasize the importance of family unity and the state's duty to support rather than disrupt family life. Key rights include:
The Right to Family Life: Children have the right to be raised by their parents, with the family being the primary unit for nurturing and care.
Protection from Arbitrary Separation: Children should not be separated from their parents unless it is deemed necessary for their well-being, and even then, it must be done in a lawful and just manner.
Cultural Identity: Every child has the right to preserve their cultural identity and heritage, which is particularly crucial for Roma children facing discrimination and marginalization.
The forceful removal of children from their families not only infringes upon these rights but also inflicts deep psychological trauma, disrupts their cultural continuity, and undermines the integrity of the family unit.
The Role of the World Roma Federation
The WRF is at the forefront of advocating for the rights and dignity of Roma communities globally. Our mission is to ensure that Roma families are treated with respect and fairness, and that their human rights are protected at all levels of society. Our actions include:
Legal Advocacy: We provide legal support and representation to Roma families facing unjust treatment and human rights abuses. Our legal team works tirelessly to challenge discriminatory practices and seek justice through national and international legal frameworks.
Awareness Campaigns: By raising awareness through social media, public statements, and community outreach, we strive to highlight the injustices faced by Roma communities and mobilize support for systemic change.
Policy Reform: We engage with government officials, policymakers, and international bodies to advocate for policies that protect the rights of Roma families and promote social inclusion. This includes pushing for reforms in social services and law enforcement practices to prevent future violations.
Community Support: We provide resources and support to Roma families, helping them navigate social services and access the assistance they need. Our goal is to empower Roma communities to stand up for their rights and build a better future for their children.
A Call to Action
The recent events underscore the urgent need for collective action to protect Roma families from further harm. We call upon:
The UK Government: To conduct a thorough investigation into this incident, hold accountable those responsible for the unjust removal of children, and implement reforms to prevent such abuses in the future.
International Bodies: To monitor and address human rights violations against Roma communities, ensuring that member states adhere to international human rights standards.
Civil Society and the Media: To amplify the voices of Roma families and shed light on the systemic discrimination they face, fostering a more inclusive and just society.
The pain and suffering of having one's children forcibly taken cannot be understated. It is a violation of the most sacred bonds and an affront to our shared humanity. The World Roma Federation stands in solidarity with all Roma families and pledges to continue the fight for justice, equality, and human rights for all.
Together, we can create a world where every family, regardless of their background, is treated with dignity and respect. Join us in this crucial fight for justice and human rights. Share our message, support our cause, and help us build a brighter future for Roma communities worldwide.

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