#Forcethevote trending.... Speaker vote 2023...

... This afternoon [McCarthy] was rewarded instead with the type of humiliation we have not seen on the House floor in a century: Being forced to smirk through repeated public beatings at the hands of his own members.​
Kevin is a man with many flaws, but on this day his fatal one was not heeding the lesson of the leopard-eating-faces allegory.​
Those of us outside the party—whose faces were long ago masticated—had the distance to see this dynamic clearly. The days where “principled conservatives” huff and puff about CUTGO for a while and then surrender to an old guard master are long gone. ...​
Because they were never going to put their trust in him. They would never give up one retruth, one Newsmax hit, or one scampac fundraising email for the betterment of the party. (Forget about the country.)​
On Fox News on Tuesday morning, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Tx.) expressed dismay over his Republican colleagues’ opposition to McCarthy, calling their actions “petty” and “childish,” and venting about how they are more concerned about notoriety than governing. ...
McCarthy and Crenshaw and their ilk convinced themselves that they could throw in with the world’s biggest grifter, tell lie after lie (after lie) to their own voters, campaign for a boat of shithouse rats so crazy that they make yesterday’s crazies blush—and at the end be rewarded with their loyal support.
Absurd. ...
These 19 anarchists don’t have any tangible policy objections to a McCarthy speakership and neither do they have a realistic alternative. Their goal—their only goal—was to fight for the sake of fighting and show their constituents they are just as mad at the “elites” as they are. Their only alternative, Jim Jordan, is the man who oversaw the committee that expressed its vision for the party as “Kanye. Elon. Trump.”
In other words: exactly the type of members that this party has cultivated for the past eight years.​
Responsible Republicans who want to run a governing party will eventually have to come to terms with the fact that there is no appeasing or accommodating their leopards. That no amount of submission to the orange idol that will do. That they are either in the boat with the lunatics or out here on the shore with the cucks.​


What a shitshow
Crenshaw may be a globalist shill.
Reagan embarrassed.jpg
... This afternoon [McCarthy] was rewarded instead with the type of humiliation we have not seen on the House floor in a century: Being forced to smirk through repeated public beatings at the hands of his own members.​
Kevin is a man with many flaws, but on this day his fatal one was not heeding the lesson of the leopard-eating-faces allegory.​
Those of us outside the party—whose faces were long ago masticated—had the distance to see this dynamic clearly. The days where “principled conservatives” huff and puff about CUTGO for a while and then surrender to an old guard master are long gone. ...​
Because they were never going to put their trust in him. They would never give up one retruth, one Newsmax hit, or one scampac fundraising email for the betterment of the party. (Forget about the country.)​
On Fox News on Tuesday morning, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Tx.) expressed dismay over his Republican colleagues’ opposition to McCarthy, calling their actions “petty” and “childish,” and venting about how they are more concerned about notoriety than governing. ...
McCarthy and Crenshaw and their ilk convinced themselves that they could throw in with the world’s biggest grifter, tell lie after lie (after lie) to their own voters, campaign for a boat of shithouse rats so crazy that they make yesterday’s crazies blush—and at the end be rewarded with their loyal support.
Absurd. ...
These 19 anarchists don’t have any tangible policy objections to a McCarthy speakership and neither do they have a realistic alternative. Their goal—their only goal—was to fight for the sake of fighting and show their constituents they are just as mad at the “elites” as they are. Their only alternative, Jim Jordan, is the man who oversaw the committee that expressed its vision for the party as “Kanye. Elon. Trump.”
In other words: exactly the type of members that this party has cultivated for the past eight years.​
Responsible Republicans who want to run a governing party will eventually have to come to terms with the fact that there is no appeasing or accommodating their leopards. That no amount of submission to the orange idol that will do. That they are either in the boat with the lunatics or out here on the shore with the cucks.​


What a shitshow
Weakened Establishment RINOs is the goal.

And it's working.
MAGA has lost the last three elections.
Tell me about President Mitt Romney, President John McCain and President Bob Dole....their accomplishments as President, the Supreme Court nominations they secured, the policies they enacted...

What? They don't exist? Weird.
"McCarthy, who remained stoic on the floor during the long voting process even as it became obvious he would lose, remains adamant he will eventually win the gavel."

Reminds me of 2012, during the "anyone but Romney" nomination battle.
no one has answered my question

Is there any chance in hell hakeem will get it?

I am not familiar w/ the process
no one has answered my question

Is there any chance in hell hakeem will get it?

I am not familiar w/ the process
No. That was a Establishment Democrat lie to derail Force the Vote. They falsely claimed not voting for Pelosi would allow McCarthy to become Speaker of the House. It was 100% fear mongering, manipulative, gaslighting BS.

The MSM (legacy media) regurgitated that lie to deceive Democrats...and have likely dredged up again to frighten Republicans into calling for capitulation. Cuz they are lying sacks of shit.

The ONLY way Hakeem could become Speaker is for SIX Republicans to vote for him.

There are only 212 Democrats and the threshold vite count for a successful Speaker is 218.
There’s a leader of each conference. Each is elected by their respective conference, dope.
By 218 vote...yes. And each Representative gets to vote for the person they believe will best serve the platform and principles that are supported by their constituents.

If that's not McCarthy...then they don't have to vote for him.

You getting this democracy thing yet?

If they are forced to vote for someone because everyone else is...that's called AUTHORITARIANISM...and there is really no point in voting, is there.

Have I lost you? Because you don't seem to have a firm grip of the core concepts here.
By 218 vote...yes. And each Representative gets to vote for the person they believe will best serve the platform and principles that are supported by their constituents.

If that's not McCarthy...then they don't have to vote for him.

You getting this democracy thing yet?

If they are forced to vote for someone because everyone else is...that's called AUTHORITARIANISM...and there is really no point in voting, is there.

Have I lost you? Because you don't seem to have a firm grip of the core concepts here.
Dem snowflakes are just mad because they don't have the stones to challenge their RIGGED leadership votes.
I recall telling ukraine war supporters that sometimes it is a good idea to turn around to check out who's on your side or whose side YOU are on. And when you have left media attacking a repunks opposition meaning other More conservative congressman...it might be a damn good time to re-evaluate the situation.

Let's don't be Played AGAIN.

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